Occupational diseases that can ruin your beauty

We do not advise you to quit your job and stay at home, change your habits, and then you can say goodbye to these diseases.

It turns out that for many centuries, research has been conducted on diseases that a person may have in the course of work in a certain area. There is even a doctor who detects occupational diseases. Probably not worth saying that almost every second employee from any field suffers from scoliosis and constant depression. But what doctors, bankers and actors can get sick with, we learned from Oksana Vladimirova, a doctor at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology.

If it seems to you that doctors do not get sick, then you are deeply mistaken. Sometimes it is they who ignore the first signs of the disease and do not turn to specialists. Most often, they develop skin lesions due to working with alcohol and iodine. And surgeons suffer from the respiratory system, as they have to breathe frequently with chemicals.

A sedentary lifestyle has never been good. This is why many managers suffer from visual impairment due to the constant work with the computer. They often have osteochondrosis (a disorder in the articular cartilage), arthrosis (a disease of the joints), as well as varicose veins. You can find a list of all diseases here.

In principle, a journalist’s illnesses are very similar to those of office workers, since he leads a sedentary lifestyle most of the time. However, due to constant work with people, a journalist may develop psychological illnesses, as well as insomnia. It is not uncommon for a representative of this profession to experience hormonal disruptions, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Playing musical instruments is hard work, which is accompanied by constant illness. Problems with joints, spine, varicose veins are just the beginning. True professionals often have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which appear due to an unbalanced diet.

A beautiful profession brings with it many diseases. Constant rehearsals and physical activity cause problems with ligaments, varicose veins – since most of the load goes to the legs. It should be noted and problems with digestion – gastritis and stomach ulcers are their eternal companions.

During training and sports, they can already have dislocations and fractures. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that they have joint problems and cardiovascular diseases. And all this is due to physical activity, although they should strengthen the heart, but in the case of overtraining, the heart simply cannot stand it.

Constant stress and disruptions of biorhythms can cause serious illnesses in people of this profession. Most often, doctors find cardiovascular diseases and hormonal disruptions in them.

Representatives of these professions spend a lot of time on their feet. That is why they develop back pain, scoliosis, and in some cases a hernia too early. They are also prone to allergies. And hairdressers often have lung diseases due to the evaporation of products with chemical ingredients.

It turns out that a person who is in the kitchen for too long can get asthma. The persistent odors of disinfectants that contain too many chemicals, as well as the evaporation of not quite fresh oil and persistent aromas, clog the chef’s airways.


What do you think, what diseases did you get at work?

  • Heart disease

  • Vascular disease

  • Phlebeurysm

  • Cardiovascular dystonia

  • osteochondrosis

  • Scoliosis

  • Gastritis

  • Ulcer

  • Hormonal disruptions

  • Together

  • Other write in the comments

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