Occlusion – what is it? Occlusion in cosmetology, dentistry, symptoms, treatment

Occlusion is a disease that relates to dental problems or is related to the subject of cosmetics. In dentistry and cosmetology, it touches on two different elements, which is why we have two different definitions. Occlusion in cosmetology focuses on the skin, while in dentistry it determines the relationship between the upper and lower teeth. Unfortunately, the symptoms of occlusion are often underestimated, but it should be remembered that this disease requires treatment. Without it, occlusion can cause tooth loss. There is also a chemistry-related definition of an occlusion. Occlusion, or rather its phenomenon, consists in the fact that the ions or their molecules are “locked” in the crystals of the sediment. The term occlusion is also used to describe the process of absorbing certain gases by metals.

Occlusion in cosmetics

Occlusion it seems to be a common occurrence in cosmetology, it affects human skin. Occlusionin short, it appears after prior application of a cosmetic, for example a face mask. There is a kind of coating on the surface of our body (the so-called film), which is aimed at faster penetration of active ingredients into our skin. Layer produced in the process occlusion it also prevents water loss from our epidermis. Occlusion in cosmetics, it produces two types of process:

  1. Continuous occlusion – the film formed by applying the cosmetic remains on the skin for more than a dozen minutes.
  2. Discontinuous occlusion – this type of occlusion is formed on the skin through the hydrolipid coat, and the film turns out to be semi-permeable, allowing water to drain away from our skin.

Occlusion in cosmetology, it is caused by many substances that can repel water molecules from each other, in other words – they are hydrophobic substances. If we really want to get the phenomenon occlusion after the application of a given cosmetic, we should trace it composition. If it contains petroleum jelly, paraffin, mineral oil, paraffin wax, we must prepare for occlusion continuous. If we want to occlusion appeared in a discontinuous form, we should obtain products rich in natural waxes (e.g. lanolin) and synthetic waxes (e.g. isopropyl). Fatty acids, fatty alcohols and silicones are also important.

Occlusion in dentistry

Occlusion in dentistry, it is primarily the relationship between the lower and upper teeth, but also the correct positioning of the temporomandibular joint, it also affects the problem of muscles. Occlusion is a disease that relates to inappropriate tooth contact. Seems to be the underlying cause occlusion there is stress in dentistry, but all malocclusions also affect the disease. These defects may be associated with the incorrect appearance of wisdom teeth, with poor filling, and even nail biting. Occlusion in dentistry, it is associated with typical symptoms, such as abrasion of the teeth and wedge (i.e. gingival) cavities. Occlusion it can also cause a recession, i.e. the exposure of the roots caused by the removal of the gums from the teeth. There may be jaw pains and even a persistent headache.

Symptoms of occlusion

Occlusion It is easiest to recognize when the patient complains of complaints such as teeth grinding, a feeling of the jaw jumping, audible cracks in the temporomandibular joints, constant muscle tension in the face or visible deflection of the teeth in an abnormal way (towards the front).

Treatment of the occlusion

Occlusion can be cured using many method. One of the most frequently used methods of getting rid of this ailment is to align the bite, that is, to bring the lower teeth to the correct alignment with the upper teeth. It will also calibrate the temporomandibular joint, which will reduce the feeling of grinding and “jumping” of the jaw. So how can you get rid of occlusionand? For example, undergo tooth reconstruction, bite alignment with orthodontic appliances or other, more complex surgical procedures.

There are also treatments that heal occlusionone of the core is equilibration. It concerns the delicate grinding of teeth in order to obtain their even arrangement and the elimination of premature contacts. However, this is not always the case occlusion must be treated at a dentist’s office. There are many treatments recommended by dentists. They rely on exercises mandible and muscles. Exercises these are performed regularly, several times a day, for a dozen or so repetitions. Thanks to systematic treatment, the treatment can bring relief to the patient in a relatively short time until the diagnosis of the disease.

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