Every person has small and big goals. The path to them resembles a race with an obstacle course. For some it’s a sprint, for others it’s a high-bar marathon. Why do many people leave the race before reaching the finish line, and how to learn to overcome these difficulties?
What should be guided by in order to reach the cherished goal and exit the race as a winner? To do this, there are eight rules, they all begin with the letter “C”:
1. Self-esteem. If you set a goal for yourself, it means that at an unconscious level you have the resources to achieve it. By questioning your success, strength, you devalue yourself and put up barriers. Finished work strengthens self-esteem and increases self-worth.
2. Self-control. By controlling yourself, you take responsibility for your own thoughts, actions, emotions, and behavior. Each person is responsible for their own achievements and failures.
3. Self-sabotage. Sabotaging the process, you go astray, turn aside. Unconscious behavior prevents you from reaching your goal: there are more important things to do, self-criticism undermines faith in a successful completion, you put everything off until later, interest disappears, and your well-being worsens.
Consider your fears, are they really that scary? Many will seem ridiculous or unreasonable
Self-sabotage is not a friend, but not an enemy, it indicates an internal conflict. Try to understand what is causing it. Look fears in the eye, they have a right to exist and respect. Get to know them better, talk. Ask yourself the question: “What bad, terrible, terrible thing will happen if I reach the intended goal?”
Do not think about the answer, the first thought is the most correct. Write down everything that comes to mind. Consider your fears, are they really that scary? Many will seem ridiculous or unreasonable. Having eliminated the internal conflict, you will make a breakthrough towards the finish line. We send self-sabotage on vacation.
4. Structured. When setting goals for yourself, you need to understand how to get from point “A” to point “B”. What is needed for this, what to pay special attention to, who will help, where to get information, how to replenish resources? Make an action plan, a route sheet indicating the due date, take small steps to the finish line every day.
5. Self-criticism. An objective assessment of one’s work is top notch. Do not forget that sometimes the inner critic is overly active, especially for those who are prone to perfectionism. It arises in the mind and criticizes literally everything, questioning the idea, expertise, efficiency, significance of the work done, the goal.
Mentally talk to the critic. Sit him on a chair in front of you, thank him for what he is, for his opinion. Ask not to interfere with you, insistently say that this time you can manage without him and if you need his help, you will definitely contact him.
6. Self-help. It is important to feel and your needs. Take care of yourself, praise for ideas, decisions, steps, even small ones. Do not overload yourself, do not allow emotional burnout, do not deny small joys, communication with nice people, walks in the fresh air and healthy sleep. Everything is good in moderation.
If important people believe in a person, it gives strength to move on. The environment affects consciousness, feelings and thoughts
7. Self-reflection. The path to the intended is difficult and thorny. When faced with obstacles, stop and analyze why they have arisen. Consider the situation from all sides, identify the “weak link”. Think about what and how you can change, who or what will help you with this. Draw your own conclusions and move on.
8. Companions. “One in the field is not a warrior,” you can not argue with that. Mentor, teacher, mentor – those to whom you can turn for help in moments of reflection and doubt. A coach, a psychologist will help to see the situation from different angles, determine the strategy of behavior in achieving the goal, overcoming obstacles, searching for answers.
Faith in yourself is important! But if important people believe in a person, it gives strength and energy to move on. The environment affects consciousness, feelings and thoughts. Surround yourself with the right people who believe in you and support you, and with their help move forward. Good, kind people and thoughts change life for the better.
About the Developer
Olga Mazurkevich — art therapist, perinatal, crisis psychologist. Her