Obsession – symptoms, causes, treatment, prognosis

Obsession is by definition a psychopathological symptom, typical of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which consists of persistent thoughts or images returning against the patient’s will. It is important that patients feel the thoughts accompanying obsessions as their own, while realizing their irrationality, which distinguishes obsessions from hallucinations and delusions. Obsession can lead to increasing feelings of anxiety or guilt and compulsive activities in an attempt to reduce emotional tension. Hence the popular name of this type of disorder known as obsessive-compulsive disorder or under the English abbreviation OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), and formerly called obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is estimated that about 2,5% of the population suffer from this type of disorder, and the probability of the disease, if it has already occurred in the family, is even up to 10%.

The word “obsession” in everyday language is often used to describe an intense interest in a topic or person, for example saying that someone “he is obsessed with someone else«. In such a case, even if it is a seemingly inappropriate or excessive attraction to another person, object or subject, it is usually not a disturbance. obsessive-compulsive demanding treatment.

Obsession – symptoms

To the main ones symptoms obsession These include unpleasant thoughts and images and accompanying routine behaviors to reduce anxiety, a constant feeling of insecurity, difficulty making decisions, and a tendency to perfectionism. Obsessive thoughts most often concern: health and hygiene – e.g. fear of touching other people or objects, fear of infection and constant washing of hands or the whole body; aggression – e.g. the desire to harm someone, social interaction – e.g. persistent desires for behavior that is generally unacceptable or considered offensive, religion – e.g. thoughts of a blasphemous nature, sometimes related to sexual topics; uncertainty – eg recurrent feeling of uncertainty about closing the door, turning off the water, turning off the lights, etc. Outside obsessive many thoughts may occur symptoms physiological features such as dry mouth, excessive sweating, diarrhea, breathing problems, and heart failure. Caused by obsessed stress and nervousness can lead to a significant reduction in control over one’s emotions and the loss of the ability to fulfill basic social roles.

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Obsession – causes

One of the main causes increasing the likelihood of disorders obsessive there are genetic predispositions. The occurrence of a similar disease in the family increases the possibility of getting sick four times. In addition, the factors that can lead to obsession, there are long-term experiences of severe stress, frustration and other unpleasant emotions, as well as the influence of the psychosocial environment, especially in adolescence. Obsession it can also be the result of injuries or other anatomical changes to the brain, especially the frontal lobe.

Obsession – treatment

Treatment obsession primarily it is done through cognitive-behavioral therapy using inhibition exposure, thanks to which cry placed in a situation that causes anxiety and compulsive reaction, it is impossible to perform it. Thanks to this type of therapy, it is possible to make the patient insensitive to the triggers obsessed stimuli or reduce the anxiety they cause. Other mechanisms that may prove effective during psychotherapy include modeling, blocking, exaggeration, classical and causal conditioning. In addition, a psychiatrist may recommend pharmacological treatment with drugs from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which have anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. In extreme cases, they are not satisfactory effects existing ways treatment Psychosurgical measures may be necessary.

Read about the controversial psychosurgical method:

  1. Lobotomy (prefrontal leukotomy) – what is it, side effects

Obsession – prognosis

Regardless of the nature, duration and intensity obsession most patients can experience a significant improvement in their quality of life as a result of adequate treatment. It is estimated that a quarter sick stays completely curedand about 75% feel a positive effect treatment.

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