Obsession – causes, symptoms, types

Obsession is one of the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder. It is estimated that about two percent of the entire population suffers from this condition. Obsession can take the form of obsessive thoughts, obsessive anxiety (phobias), and more. This affliction significantly hampers the life of both the sick person and those around him. One of the main elements of obsession is panic fear of something, and sometimes depression as well.

What is obsession?

Obsession we can call the constantly recurring, insistent thought about something, haunting the sick. It is one of the symptoms of OCD. Symptoms obsession there are persistent persistent thoughts, no matter what time of day or night. The patient also feels a constant compulsion to perform some activity and panic fear.

It is not possible to say unequivocally what is the cause of the occurrence obsession. However, there are several factors that make the occurrence of this disease much more likely. One of them is genetic predisposition, i.e. the occurrence of cases obsession in the immediate or extended family. The second factor is mental factors, such as the patient’s presence of severe stress, lack of proper mental hygiene or traumatic experiences (illness of a loved one, loss of job, divorce, etc.). Another factor increasing the risk of obsession is the patient’s environment and its elements. such as a value system or an upbringing. In addition to the factors mentioned above obsession it may also have a neurological basis, relating to changes in the functioning and anatomy of the frontal lobes.

Obsession – symptoms

Obsession it causes unpleasant thoughts and fears, which are intensified when a person tries to overcome them. However, the symptoms obsession They are not just psychological. Often it has symptoms such as diarrhea, a fast heart beat or wet hands and a dry mouth. Psychiatric symptoms include, but are not limited to, the presence of bad thoughts or destructive anxiety. In order to overcome them and give himself a sense of imaginary safety, he is often sick repeats certain activities or rituals. In addition, in order to get rid of bad thoughts, the patient tries to perform each activity with excessive perfection and meticulousness, and also to check and correct the activities he has performed many times.

Obsession – types

Obsession it can be a disorder occurring on various planes, therefore we can distinguish many types of it. One of obsession may be obsession loveotherwise known as love sickness. It can lead to manic behavior, mood swings and over-self-esteem. Sick people suffering from this kind obsession feel the constant need to be close to the other person and to connect with them. Therefore, they often control her phone, computer, blackmail, follow or make jealous scenes. Obsession love it is caused by the fear of loneliness, leading to attacks of aggression or rage.

Another type obsession jest obsession cleaning, manifested in the patient with specific rituals related to cleaning rooms or cleaning clothes. The cause of this type obsession there is an enormous fear which the patient tries to combat by introducing order in the environment in which he or she is. The patient often struggles with obsessive thoughts about dirt, germs and dust, which leads to the need to maintain an unrealistic order and symmetry.

Another type obsession is so-called phytorex, that is, the patient’s obsessive desire to be “fit”. It was born recently and is related to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Cause phytorexiaapart from the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, there is, among other things, the pressure of the environment that believes that a slim and athletic figure is as important or more important than a career. Fitorexia it is most dangerous for people with low self-esteem, which may lead to not accepting their own body. Symptoms phytorexia there is a constant, obsessive desire to exercise, often exceeding strength, no restrictions in exercising, and an obsessive reduction in the portion of consumed meals.

Obsession – Don’t take it lightly

Obsession is a symptom of a serious disorder that can have tragic consequences. It is important to see if you are sick showing symptoms obsession underwent specialist treatment. Fears that are inseparable obsession, can lead to self-defeating behaviors such as self-harm or attempted self-destruction. Obsession should not be underestimated, and relatives who are around the person suffering from this disorder should provide them with care and support.

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