Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

The obabok mushroom is very widespread on the territory of Our Country, and every mushroom picker regularly meets it on his forest trips. However, the name of the fungus is not very common, so mushroom pickers, putting the fruit bodies in a basket, often do not even know that they have found butterflies.

What is obabok

Obabkom is not called one specific mushroom, but a whole genus of mushrooms belonging to the Boletov family. In particular, mushrooms such as boletus, boletus are combined under the name of boletus, and several other species are included in this category.

Obabok and boletus – is it the same thing or not

According to the classification, boletus boletus are indeed butterflies, they are included in the genus with that name. But at the same time, not every obabok is an ordinary boletus, because other types of mushrooms are also called this word.

In particular, bugs include:

  • boletus – gray, or hornbeam, harsh, marsh, black, turning pink and multi-colored;
  • aspen mushrooms – black-scaly, red, white, yellow-brown;
  • redheads – spruce, pine and oak;
  • Far Eastern and blackening butterflies.

All these mushrooms belong to the edible or conditionally edible categories, have similar structural features, but can vary greatly in color.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

Where do butterflies grow

The boletus and aspen mushrooms, belonging to the genus of bobbins, choose mainly deciduous forests or mixed plantings for their growth. Everywhere they are found in regions with a temperate climate, they also come across in subtropical and northern regions.

A distinctive feature of the genus is the desire to form a symbiosis with the roots of deciduous trees. Boletus and aspen mushrooms are not found in open spaces, they settle directly under the trunks of aspens, birches, oaks, beeches, hornbeams and other trees.

What does an obabok look like

The photo of the obabkas shows that, depending on the specific variety, they may differ in appearance. However, this genus of fungi can be given a general description.

The caps of the obabkas are quite large, on average 10-15 cm in diameter, most often of a hemispherical convex shape, but sometimes prostrate. The surface of the caps can be felt, velvety or smooth, but they do not have a shine, usually their skin is matte.

Obaki belong to the category of tubular mushrooms, so the underside of their caps is porous and easily separated. The tubes themselves are yellowish, grayish or almost white in color, with small pores. In young mushrooms, the tubular layer is lighter, with age the shade becomes darker.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

The obabkas are characterized by a cylindrical high leg up to 10 cm and above. From below, a slight thickening is usually observed, the surface of the leg is fibrous or scaly, for example, as in boletus.

If you break or cut the obabok, then its flesh will turn out to be white, but from contact with air it will quickly change color to dark blue, black or reddish. After cooking and subsequent culinary processing, the obabki turn black, for these mushrooms this is completely normal.

Why is it called so

The unusual name of the genus is of interest – at first glance it seems completely incomprehensible. The word is deciphered quite simply – in some regions, for example, near Pskov, Novgorod and Arkhangelsk, stumps and fallen trees are called the dialect word “woman”.

If a “woman” is a stump, then, accordingly, “butterflies” are mushrooms growing near the stump, around it. It is curious that only boletus and boletus are called this word, although the location near trees is also characteristic of many other mushrooms, for example, honey agarics.

Is it possible to eat butterflies

Mushrooms from the genus obabki are completely suitable for use in food. Moreover, they belong to the delicacy category; collecting a full basket of boletus and boletus is considered a great success. Processing is minimal, fruiting bodies do not need to be soaked for a long time, and the taste of mushrooms is very pleasant and mild.

Obabki are suitable for any culinary processing. Most often they are boiled, pickled and fried, and delicacy mushrooms can also be dried. Dried boletus and boletus can be stored for a very long time, and they are most often used to add to soups and other hot dishes.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

Important! The greatest love of gourmets is enjoyed not by hats, but by the legs of fruiting bodies. Unlike hats, they retain their dense structure well after heat treatment and remain strong and pleasant.

False dough

The appearance of butterflies is quite expressive; these mushrooms are difficult to confuse with other edible or even more poisonous mushrooms. However, the possibility of error still exists, especially for inexperienced collectors who are just starting to study edible mushrooms.

gall fungus

Most of all, in appearance, it resembles mustard, it is also called gall fungus or false boletus. It is similar to edible mushrooms in size and structural features. In particular, the false twin has a large convex cap in the shape of a hemisphere, a brown or gray-brown skin color, and a tubular lower surface of the cap. The gall fungus also grows on a strong cylindrical leg of a light shade.

The main difference between the mustard, which makes it possible to distinguish it from the obabka, is the pattern on the leg, a bit reminiscent of blood vessels. In boletus and boletus, the leg is covered with scales and looks completely different.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

Another distinctive characteristic of the gall fungus is its sharp bitter taste, which cannot be confused with the taste of edible obabok. Moreover, after boiling and subsequent heat treatment, bitterness does not disappear, but even intensifies. But in order to check this difference, the bitter taste would have to be tasted, and this is not recommended, it is better to focus on external signs.

The gall fungus does not have toxic properties, and accidental ingestion does not bring significant harm to health. But the taste of the fungus is too caustic, so any dish that gets bitter will be hopelessly spoiled.

Advice! If the mushroom is old, then bitterness can also be recognized in it by the pulp untouched by insects, the cap and leg are so bitter that even worms and forest flies do not use them for food.

Death cap

In the absence of experience, it is possible to confuse an edible obabok with the most poisonous and dangerous mushroom in Our Country – a pale toadstool. Her leg can also be cylindrical and rather dense, grebe and obabok are similar in size and shape of the cap. The skin of the toadstool is often yellowish-brown, almost the same as that of boletus and boletus. In addition, this poisonous mushroom grows very often under aspens, beeches and birches, exactly where mushroom pickers expect to find an edible bug.

But the differences between the species are very noticeable. For pale grebe are characteristic:

  • plates on the lower surface of the cap, while the bobs are tubular mushrooms;
  • the absence of characteristic scales on the leg – the leg of the toadstool is smooth and even, sometimes a moire pattern is expressed on it;
  • a peculiar thickening at the base of the stem, it looks like a separate part of the fruiting body, not at all like a thickening in boletus and boletus.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

But the famous ring on the leg of a pale toadstool can not always be found. The ring is a fragment of the covering of the fruiting body and is usually present in young mushrooms, but most often disappears with age. Therefore, it is worth focusing on those signs and differences that persist throughout the entire life cycle.

Taste qualities of mushrooms

Boletus and boletus fall into the category of noble or delicacy mushrooms. According to gourmet reviews, their taste is second only to porcini mushrooms. Obabki can be a good addition to almost any dish.

At the same time, opinions about the taste of hats and legs of butterflies differ sharply. Mushroom pickers prefer to eat exactly strong, hard and elastic legs of fruiting bodies. But hats are much less popular, because they boil too much and acquire an unpleasant, overly soft texture.

Benefits and harm to the body

In cooking, obabki are valued not only for their pleasant taste. Mushrooms of this genus have a beneficial effect on the body, since they contain many useful compounds. Mushroom pulp contains:

  • vitamins – B1 and B2, PP;
  • vitamins E and D;
  • ascorbic acid and thiamine;
  • potassium and iron;
  • magnesium and phosphorus;
  • manganese and calcium;
  • amino acids – arginine, glutamine and leucine;
  • cellulose;
  • a huge amount of vegetable protein.

The beneficial effect of butterflies on the body is expressed in the fact that boletus and boletus:

  • help improve blood composition and build muscle mass;
  • improve metabolism and help the body get rid of toxins;
  • balance blood sugar levels and remove toxins;
  • normalize the work of the liver and kidneys;
  • make up for the lack of vitamins and mineral salts;
  • stimulate the immune system and strengthen resistance to diseases.

However, with careless use, mushrooms can show their harmful qualities. First of all, they are not advised to use in the presence of individual intolerance, in which case even a small amount of mushroom pulp will lead to poisoning.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

It is also not recommended to eat butterflies:

  • with pancreatitis and ulcers in a state of exacerbation;
  • with frequent constipation and sluggish digestion.
Attention! It is best not to offer mushrooms to children under the age of 7, although the mushrooms are completely harmless, they contain too much protein, and it will be difficult for a sensitive stomach to digest them.

When to collect money

The butterflies start to grow quite early. The first boletus and birch appear in deciduous forests already at the beginning of summer, in the last days of May or in June. From now on, they can be harvested, it is advisable to choose a time after prolonged rains, when mushrooms grow especially quickly and massively.

Fruiting continues until mid-autumn. You can meet valuable edible mushrooms in the forest in September and even in October before the first frosts.


Since the taste of delicious fruiting bodies is second only to porcini mushrooms, obabkas are used truly everywhere in cooking. Boiled mushrooms are added to salads and snacks, birch and aspen mushrooms are fried and eaten with potatoes and meat, their legs and hats give an unusual and very pleasant taste to hot soups. Also, fruiting bodies are often dried and pickled for the winter – you can enjoy the taste of obabki even in the cold winter months.

Edible fruiting bodies do not require special processing before cooking. You don’t need to soak them, just clean the mushrooms of debris, remove the skin from the stem and cut off the tubular layer on the hat. After that, the raw materials are washed and immediately sent to boil in salted water for 30-40 minutes, and after the first 5 minutes of cooking, the water is drained and replaced with fresh water.

Obobok mushroom: photo and description, when and where it grows

In addition to cooking, birch and aspen trees are used for medical purposes. They are offered to use many folk health recipes. It is believed that infusions and tinctures on these mushrooms:

  • beneficial effect on kidney health;
  • help to get rid of inflammatory diseases;
  • have a good effect in diabetes;
  • have a calming and relaxing effect.

Low-calorie buttermilk can be found as part of diets for weight loss. Due to the high protein content, aspen and birch trees saturate well and help get rid of hunger. But it is impossible to gain weight on mushrooms under the condition of proper nutrition, so for weight loss the effect will only be positive.


The boletus mushroom unites under its name mainly boletus and boletus of various species, as well as some other mushrooms that grow in symbiosis with deciduous trees. Obabok is absolutely edible and has a good taste, and it can be prepared quickly and with almost no pre-treatment.

A unique meeting on the same table. A genus of butterflies. Various representatives of the genus Leccinum.

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