Obesity in type 2 diabetes
Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of people are overweight, and approximately two billion people are living with a diagnosis of obesity. Many people develop diabetes when they are overweight. We will tell you what are the causes of obesity in diabetes mellitus, about treatment and prevention at home

The hormone insulin causes the accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, while it also limits its decay. Healthy people who are overweight have an increased concentration of insulin in the blood. In this case, we are talking about the low sensitivity of cells to insulin action. In order for such a person to lose weight, he must achieve normalization of insulin levels.

Causes of obesity in type 2 diabetes

Comments Aisylu Latypova, endocrinologist, dietitian, nutritionist:

“The causes of obesity in type 2 diabetes are:

  • hereditary predisposition to insulin resistance;
  • excess calories in the diet;
  • excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, juices, sweets, sweet pastries, honey, sweet alcoholic drinks, including beer);
  • passive lifestyle”.

Treatment of obesity in type 2 diabetes

It is necessary to treat diabetes mellitus in a complex:

  • Pick food.
  • Add physical activity.
  • Prescribe drug therapy.

Food, as a component of a proper lifestyle, in type 2 diabetes, of course, must be organized in accordance with the existing metabolic disorders. Nutrition should be complete, contain all macro- and micronutrients. A weekly menu for a patient with type 2 diabetes is best compiled with a nutritionist. Also, nutritionists will teach you how to count calories, which is also very important when losing weight.

Concerning physical activity The human body cannot exist without movement. One of the most intense stresses that a person can experience is complete immobility. Nowadays people move very little in everyday life. This is very harmful especially for people with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Such patients are recommended daily dosed physical activity of the same type: walking in the fresh air, swimming, cycling.

The type of physical activity, its intensity, duration and frequency should be individually selected by the attending physician for each patient, taking into account age, initial physical activity, the general condition of the patient, the presence of complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus and concomitant diseases.

Exercise recommendations for patients with type 2 diabetes:

  • do not play sports on an empty stomach – you should start exercising after eating, after one and a half to two hours;
  • Before classes, you need to check the level of glycemia:

    – if it is below 5,0 mmol / l, then you need to measure it again after 1 hour, and if the blood sugar level has not changed, then classes should be postponed;

    – if the level of glycemia is from 5,0 to 10,0 mmol / l, then it is better to eat complex carbohydrates before starting the lesson;

    – if it is> 10,0 mmol / l, then you should not snack;

    – if it is> 13,0 mmol / l, then sports on this day should be postponed.

The next step towards treating obesity in type 2 diabetes is drug therapy.

Most patients with overweight and obesity due to diabetes find it difficult to follow the recommendations for rational nutrition and increased physical activity in everyday life, so pharmacological preparations for weight loss come to the rescue.

There is also a surgical method of treatment (bariatric surgery), which can change with:

  • BMI > 40 kg/m2 (regardless of the presence of concomitant diseases);
  • BMI > 35 kg/m2 in the presence of severe diseases, the course of which can be influenced by weight loss.


The diagnosis of obesity is based on the ratio of height and weight, which is defined as body mass index (BMI). It is obtained by dividing the patient’s body weight in kilograms by their squared height in meters. Normal body weight corresponds to a body mass index of 18,5-24,5, and 25-29,9 indicates excess body weight. A BMI of more than 30 in a person speaks of obesity.

Diagnosis of obesity:

  • obesity of the 30.0st degree is set with a BMI of 34.9 – XNUMX;
  • obesity of the II degree – with a BMI of 35.0 – 39.9;
  • obesity of the III degree (or morbid) – with a BMI of more than 40.

Prevention of obesity in type 2 diabetes at home

Prevention of diabetes mellitus is a rather difficult task, since the disease is a hereditary disease. But if a person is at risk, then he should be especially attentive to his health. It is desirable for him to change his lifestyle and nutrition even before he has to fight to reduce blood sugar and excess weight.

To prevent diabetes and obesity, you can use various massage techniques, include gymnastics and sports in your schedule. The sooner a person begins to take care of their health, the lower the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Popular questions and answers

What causes obesity in diabetes?

– Just as obesity with a hereditary predisposition leads to diabetes, diabetes itself also leads to weight gain. It’s a vicious circle.

Obesity is a violation of both carbohydrate and fat metabolism, therefore, in diabetes mellitus, it leads to the rapid progression of vascular complications of diabetes:

● arterial hypertension;

● damage to the vessels of the lower extremities;

● damage to the joints of the lower extremities arthrosis and arthritis due to weight load, subsequently, patients cannot fully move and reduce weight by physical activity due to pain in the joints;

● shortness of breath, apnea, hypoxia;

● violation of sexual function, both in women and men due to a decrease in hormones;

● vascular atherosclerosis due to increased cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, – says Aisylu Latypova, endocrinologist, nutritionist, nutritionist.

Is Diet Therapy Enough For Obesity?

– The main principle of the treatment of obesity is, of course, diet therapy. But just changing your diet is not enough. It is imperative to connect physical activity so that sarcopenia does not develop over time – muscle wasting.

Also, as a dietitian, I recommend a mandatory consultation with a psychologist and going through healthy eating schools, because very often the causes of obesity are psychological problems in the family, at work, and simply ignorance of the principles of healthy eating.

Also, with a BMI above 35 and existing complications, when diet therapy, psychotherapy do not help, surgical methods of treatment are recommended, the doctor says.

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