- What does the psychologist say?
- However, it is not worth crossing out such a person right away, because perhaps he does enormous knowledge and necessary competences, and her problem with body weight is related to something else, e.g. diseases, medications, problems psychological, etc. Similar dilemmas may arise from a doctor who smokes or is abusing alcohol. It is our decision whether to trust him. – adds Kawka id=»h21″ id=»h22″ id=»h23″> id=»h21″ id=»h22″ id=»h23″>
- Objective assessment
Imagine that you are going to a dietitian and an obese lady is sitting behind the desk. Will you trust her? How will you react? There will be a moment of hesitation. After all, if we went to an orthodontist with crooked teeth, we would also have the right to reflect on the effectiveness of his methods. Obesity is not that simple, however. Of course, there is a high probability that our dietitian makes nutritional mistakes, for example due to weak will. However, it is not stated that he does not know and cannot convey the principles of healthy eating and slimming.
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What does the psychologist say?
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How will this attitude affect our thinking and motivations, I asked psychologist Patrycja Kawka:
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Objective assessment
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It is no wonder that we expect a specialist to deal with the problem he or she specializes in, first and foremost, by himself. His appearance and behavior partly become a showcase of competence. Sometimes, however, not everything depends on ourselves. Doctors or nutritionists, just like any other person, can struggle with ailments independent of taking care of themselves. Although experts agree that the obesity epidemic is primarily the result of dietary mistakes and lack of exercise, we can also find other causes:
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1. Hormonal»h21″ id=»h22″ id=»h23″>
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Hormones determine the proper functioning of many internal organs. Slowing down the metabolism and significant problems with weight loss may have people with hypothyroidism (TSH, T3, T4), polycystic ovary syndrome, insulin resistance (insulin), Cushing’s syndrome (cortisol).
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2. Medications»h21″ id=»h22″ id=»h23″>
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Taking certain medications, e.g. anti-diabetic, anti-allergic, antidepressant, hypertensive-regulating drugs, and even older generation contraceptives that are not properly selected for the person, may result in a lack of weight loss effects.
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3. Psychological»h21″ id=»h22″ id=»h23″>
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Contrary to appearances, these are complicated and difficult to solve problems. It can be, for example, a form of defense or distraction from problems. Often, despite sincere intentions, without the help of a psychologist, it is difficult to get rid of such ailments, and thus reduce body weight. Psychological causes of obesity id = »h21 ″ id =» h22 ″ id = »h23 ″> wrote psychologist Anna Bodnar, psychologist Patrycja Kawka, while she meticulously presented obesity through the eyes of psychologaid =» h21 ″ id = »h22 ″ id =» h23 ″>.
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We have the right to wonder how we will be treated by a doctor who does not care about his health, a dietitian who eats in fast food, or a lisping speech therapist. Fortunately, we have a choice and we can change the specialist. However, before sticking the unfair “patch”, remember that there are causes of these situations completely independent of us.
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What is your opinion on this subject? Would you trust an obese dietitian?
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