Oatmeal with soft cottage cheese and apple

How to prepare a dish “Oatmeal with soft cottage cheese and apple»

1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with milk and egg, add salt and whisk. We get the dough for the oatmeal pancake.

2. Pour the dough into a dry or lightly greased frying pan and fry on both sides over medium heat. The pancake turns well.

3. Put the finished pancake on a large plate, put the filling of soft cottage cheese and chopped apple on one half of the oatmeal pancake, cover with the other half of the pancake and serve to the table.

Recipe ingredients “Oatmeal with soft cottage cheese and apple»:
  • Oatmeal flakes 40 grams
  • milk 2.5 % fat content 3 tablespoons
  • one chicken egg
  • soft cottage cheese 5% 100 g
  • apple 50 grams

Nutritional value of the dish “Oatmeal with soft cottage cheese and apple” (per 100 grams):

Calories: 94.2 kcal.

Squirrels: 4.5 gr.

Fats: 3.5 gr.

Carbohydrates: 11.7 gr.

Number of servings: 1Ingredients and calories of the recipe ” Oatmeal with soft cottage cheese and apple»

ProductMeasureWeight, grWhite, grFat, gAngle, grKal, kcal
oatmeal40 g404.762.8827.72146.4
milk 2.5%3 tbsp.601.681.52.8231.2
chicken egg1 piece556.9960.3986.35
soft cottage cheese 5%100 g1000000
apple50 g500.20.24.923.5
Total 30513.610.635.8287.5
1 serving 30513.610.635.8287.5
100 grams 1004.53.511.794.2

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