Oatmeal with milk: how to cook? Video

Oatmeal with milk: how to cook? Video

Oats are one of the most ancient grain crops, the healing properties of which have been known for a long time. Even Hippocrates recommended drinking a decoction of oat grains to strengthen and cleanse a weakened body.

Oatmeal is considered the most healthy dish that can be prepared from cereals. This cereal is high in vegetable fats and proteins. Thanks to avenin, avenaline and some essential amino acids, oatmeal is very well absorbed, and the starch contained in it makes it very nutritious and valuable from an energy point of view.

There are about 40 types of oats, most of these plants are bred on the territory of Eurasia. It is the main grain crop in Russia, Poland, Canada.

Oatmeal is recommended to be consumed daily for those suffering from atherosclerosis, liver disease or diabetes. It is also good for the intestines and stomach (especially for peptic ulcer disease) and facilitates digestion. If you eat oatmeal for breakfast daily, you can avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. boiling oatmeal in milk can be used to prevent heart disease and to recover from serious illnesses.

How to cook delicious oatmeal in milk

The first step is to thoroughly rinse the oat grains (or oatmeal). You can cook oatmeal in milk or water, depending on your preference. For baby food, it is recommended to cook oatmeal in milk; ladies who watch their figure can cook porridge in the water. But oatmeal itself is not high in calories, so oatmeal can be consumed every day without fear of gaining weight. In addition, it is absorbed gradually, so you will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger during the day.

Oatmeal with milk. Ingredients: – two glasses of milk; – four tablespoons of oatmeal (or grains); – butter, salt, sugar (to taste).

Pour milk into a saucepan, heat over low heat. Add salt and sugar to milk, heat until sugar dissolves. After boiling, add the oatmeal, reduce heat, and simmer for about seven more minutes, stirring occasionally. The more you add when cooking cereals and grains, the thicker the porridge will be. Remove from heat, add butter and set aside for another five minutes.

Delicious and healthy additives for porridge

Do not forget that raisins, dried apricots and fruits are ideal for oatmeal (you can add them to ready-made porridge or at the last stage of cooking). Oatmeal goes especially well with bananas, oranges, peaches and apples.

The most useful additive to oatmeal with milk are nuts. They have a high nutritional value, therefore they provide energy for the whole day. Make a nut mixture (use cashews, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, etc.) and pour it into the prepared porridge, and pour honey on top. Honey can also be added when boiling.

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