Women are unstoppable in their pursuit of self-improvement. Those of them who have real or imaginary problems with being overweight admit that at least once they tried to limit themselves in food, using a special nutritional system for this – a diet. In a week or two, you can get rid of several kilograms with the help of a Herculean diet, which is based on oatmeal broths, cereals and jelly.
Oatmeal jelly recipe for weight loss
Useful properties of oats
Hercules is oatmeal, it does not contain any other additives, therefore, it owes all its properties to oat grains. The content of nutrients in this cereal is really high, however, about half of it is starch, but besides it there is another 5–8% fat and 10 to 18% vegetable protein. Oats contain essential amino acids that are not produced in the human body, but are needed for its full functioning: tryptophan and lysine, as well as a whole complex of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, carotene – vitamin A, vitamin K, nicotinic and pantogenic acids. Of the trace elements, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron can be mentioned. Oats also contain sulfur, chromium, manganese, zinc, nickel, fluorine, iodine and other substances necessary to ensure vital activity and normal functioning of internal organs. This cereal contains organic acids: oxalic, lactic, erucic, as well as essential oils, which are necessary for normal metabolism, on which the state of the nervous system, blood, hair and nails, cartilage and bones depends. In cosmetology, rolled oats and flour from it are the basis of many face masks that can be made at home.
Due to the high starch content, oats are absorbed in the body gradually, so after a meal there is no sharp increase in blood sugar levels. It is rich in soluble fiber, and if you regularly eat foods high in oats, your blood cholesterol levels are lowered, which has the most positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Milled oatmeal is not just food, it is a healing agent for the gastrointestinal tract, especially in acute inflammatory processes, it is the basis of dietary nutrition, which is recommended as a general tonic for those who have suffered serious illnesses and are in the process of recovery.
Hercules Diet
A low-calorie oatmeal diet can last 1-4 weeks, during which you can lose 3 to 5 kg. This effect is achieved due to the high content of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that removes toxins from the body, stimulates the digestion process and motility of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves the microflora of the large intestine. All this contributes not only to weight loss, but also to cleanse the intestines and the whole body.
Such jelly will prevent constipation and will contribute to normal intestinal motility.
This diet is easily tolerated, because even a small portion of oatmeal or jelly gives a long feeling of satiety, since the digestion process is slowed down by fiber. It creates a viscous mass in the stomach that prevents the rapid absorption of fats and carbohydrates. During the diet, oats are consumed in the form of porridge, jelly and drinks based on oat broth. One medium serving of porridge or jelly contains a quarter of the daily value of soluble fiber, which means that you should eat at least four times a day, in between drinking as much still water and green tea as possible.
You cannot add salt, sugar, or even honey to dishes made from oatmeal, so you need imagination in order to somehow diversify your food so that it does not seem bland and tasteless. So, for example, there are several recipes for oatmeal jelly that will make ordinary brewed oatmeal a delicious and mouth-watering dish.
If you are very determined and do not want the food to make you hungry, you can cook oatmeal jelly without any culinary delights, but in accordance with all the rules, using not only processed rolled oats for cooking, but also unpeeled oats, so there will be benefits from jelly much more. To do this, you will need: – 1 glass of unpeeled oatmeal; – ½ glass of rolled oats; – 30 g low-fat sour cream; – 150 ml of water.
Take a bowl, put all the ingredients in it, mix well and transfer to a small glass jar, tied with gauze around the throat – so that the mixture “breathes”. Insist the contents of the jar for three days, then squeeze it well through cheesecloth. Wipe what remains in the gauze through a fine metal sieve; only cake should remain in it. Mix the grated gruel with the resulting liquid, put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool the jelly, it should harden slightly and become like a jelly, now you can eat it. If you want, you can drink the jelly with a glass of low-fat milk.
Well, if you want to diversify this dish, cook it according to a different recipe. To do this, you will need: – 1 glass of unpeeled oats; – 5 glasses of water; – 100 g of prunes; – 100 g of dried apricots. Pour water over the oats and simmer for 5 hours. After three hours, add prunes and dried apricots to the broth. Then rub everything through a metal sieve and boil again, then cool.
The easiest way to quickly make oatmeal jelly is to grind the rolled oats into flour and pour boiling water over it overnight.
There are no special contraindications to taking jelly, but keep in mind that this is a medicine, so it should be taken in courses. After keeping on an oatmeal diet for a month, next time use it no earlier than six months later. Side effects include the appearance of pimples, but this is a sign that the body is cleansing and removing toxins, including through the pores.