Are you neglecting breakfast for precious minutes of sleep? Or do you think that a cup of coffee can provide you with the necessary energy boost, and by noon you feel tired? Learn to take care of yourself and your health – and you will be able to look at your life in a new way!
Perhaps the best example of a healthy tomorrow is the sensible English. The experience of many generations of the inhabitants of the British Isles has proved that oatmeal is not only a classic of the genre from the novels about Sherlock Holmes, but also a unique product, 70% of which is so-called complex carbohydrates.
It is these substances that give a long-lasting feeling of satiety without unnecessary calories and fat, supply the body with glucose, but at the same time do not increase the glycemic index. In addition, oatmeal contains important vitamins and minerals necessary for well-being throughout the day. For example, the B vitamin present in oatmeal contributes to the production of the “joy hormone” serotonin, which means that oatmeal for breakfast is also a positive charge for the whole day.
Many nutritionists advocate the use of oatmeal also because its dietary fiber is an excellent “scrub” for the intestines, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of toxins no worse than innovative detox therapy.
The world famous oatmeal continues to inspire scientists. Nutritionists and nutritionists have figured out how to enrich this already healthy product. The last word in the evolution of oatmeal was its enrichment with plant substances with prebiotics, which contribute to the strengthening and growth of its own beneficial intestinal microflora. And now, thanks to the BYSTROV® trademark, all those who seriously think about healthy digestion and well-being can eat especially healthy oatmeal for breakfast.
The indisputable advantage of oatmeal is that it is so easy to adjust to your taste. With fresh fruits, nuts, apples and honey; cooked in water, milk or even according to an old English recipe – with hot broth and cheese, this porridge will always meet your desires.
In addition, oatmeal prepares very quickly. Delicately steamed oats in BYSTROV® porridges are converted by pressing, while preserving all natural vitamins and minerals, into thin flakes, which you just need to pour boiling water over and leave for a few minutes!
So, remaining the same healthy morning oatmeal, this porridge has become available even for very busy women who value their time highly, but do not forget that the quality of their life largely depends on where they start their day!