The main difference between ancient cereals (amaranth, quinoa, teff) from modern cereal crops (rice, wheat, corn) is in particular the grain itself. The ancient grasses did not undergo hybridization and genetic experiments, but we got it in its original form, which is still preserved. These ancient cereals can be counted and oats.
The quantity, quality and specificity of nutrients in intact cereals is much higher.
Compare: 100 grams of oatmeal contains 17 grams of protein and 11 grams of dietary fiber, while white rice has 2,7 grams and 0,4 grams, respectively.
Properly selected oats supports energy exchange, fills the body with essential nutrients and vitamins.
General characteristics
Oats belong to the annual herbaceous plants of the grass family. On an industrial scale it is used as a food and feed plant.
The culture gives oblong inflorescences, which consist of several lowered spikelets. The spikelets develop no more than 3 flowers, which are compressed on the sides and “chained” into large scales. The fruit of the oats is called weevil.
A total of 22 species of oats have been bred. The predominant territorial distribution is America, the countries of the Old World. The most important variety of oats is the sowing one. Acceptable names are sowing or fodder oats. Only this variety is eaten, the rest are considered malicious weeds that are eradicated by farmers.
Features of eating oats
Whole grain oatmeal is a traditional breakfast of several million people from different parts of the world. But what is the reason for this choice and is it right to place the carbohydrate cereal at the very beginning of the day?
Why you should eat oatmeal for breakfast
Our well-being and mood for work during the day depend on the first meal. That is why nutritionists categorically forbid skipping breakfast or replacing it with a cup of tea and a sandwich with doctor’s sausage on top.
Oats will be a real salvation for those who cannot imagine their day without sugar in any form (cakes, bars, juices). It dulls cravings for sweets and promotes long-term satiety so that the body does not have time to wish for a harmful snack.
Whole oat grains have a low glycemic index.
Reference. Glycemic index (GI) – the degree to which foods affect blood glucose levels.
Oats will just keep your sugar levels from getting too high, but will dull your hunger for a few hours. What if the sugar level has risen to the limit? Glucose chains us to bed, gives us a minimal amount of energy and supplies us with an indomitable desire for anyone, even if not the most delicious chocolate. Because sweets are the easiest way to quickly saturate the body with carbohydrates. We receive a rapid charge of energy, which also rapidly falls. 30 minutes of activity are replaced by even greater fatigue, exhaustion, and so on in a circle. With a healthy breakfast of oats, this trick will not work.
Only whole oat grains have low GI. Packaged fast oatmeal is supplied with the same fast carbohydrates as the chocolate bar in palm oil. Such a meal will cause a sharp jump in blood glucose and will again turn into hunger. Buy only whole oatmeal or unrefined oats, the cooking time (and not steaming) of which starts from 20 minutes.
In 1999, scientists at Boston Children’s Hospital decided to conduct an experiment. They replaced instant oatmeal with whole grain (regular) oats. During the day, the children began to snack 35% less than before the experiment. The participants noted that they felt full in the first half of the day, and the cravings for sweets were completely gone.
Can Morning Oatmeal Be Harmful?
Whole grain cereals are quite high in starch. Nutritionists recommend limiting the amount of starchy vegetables in your diet (but not completely). The optimal daily portion of oats for men is 150 grams, for women – 100 grams. If your daily caloric intake reaches 1800-2000 kcal (for example, if you are a marathon runner with increased intensity), then the amount of oats can be increased.
What is dangerous starch homebody and office workers who do not attend the hall? Starch – extra sugar, which provokes a jump in insulin. In addition to increasing body weight, this product can cause an inflammatory process in the body.
We must not forget that in ancient cereals there are much more calories than in cultivated ones. Carefully calculate the nutritional value of the product and correctly enter oats into the daily norm of BJU.
Chemical composition
Caloric value | 316 kCal |
Proteins | 10 g |
Fats | 6,2 g |
Carbohydrates | 55,1 g |
Alimentary fiber | 12 g |
Water | 13,5 g |
Retinol (A) | 0,003 |
Beta Carotene (A) | 0,002 |
Thiamine (V1) | 0,47 |
Riboflavin (V2) | 0,12 |
Choline (B4) | 110 |
Pantothenic Acid (B5) | 1 |
Pyridoxine (V6) | 0,26 |
Folic acid (B9) | 0,027 |
Tocopherol (E) | 1,4 |
Biotin (N) | 0,015 |
Nicotinic acid (PP) | 4 |
Macronutrients | |
Potassium (K) | 421 |
Calcium (Ca) | 117 |
Silicon (Si) | 1000 |
Magnesium (Mg) | 135 |
Sodium (Na) | 37 |
Sulfur (S) | 96 |
Phosphorus (Ph) | 361 |
Chlorine (Cl) | 119 |
Trace Elements | |
Aluminum (Al) | 1970 |
Boron (B) | 274 |
Vanadium (V) | 200 |
Iron (Fe) | 5500 |
Iodine (I) | 7,5 |
Cobalt (Co) | 8 |
Manganese (Mn) | 5250 |
Copper (Cu) | 600 |
Molybdenum (Mo) | 39 |
Nickel (Ni) | 80,3 |
Tin (Sn) | 32,6 |
Selenium (Se) | 23,8 |
Strontium (Sr) | 121 |
Titanium (Ti) | 172 |
Fluorine (F) | 117 |
Chrome (Cr) | 12,8 |
Zinc (Zn) | 3610 |
Zirconium (Zr) | 61,4 |
Useful properties of the ingredient
- Control of vital processes inside the body. Oat protein starts tissue regeneration, provides the body with energy through carbohydrates and fat. The product “restarts” metabolic processes, fills cell membranes with useful nutrients so that a person can think, move and feel good.
- A large amount of oats contains a special prebiotic – soluble fiber. It normalizes the intestinal microflora, helps it recover from diseases, antibiotics, and abnormal dietary intake. Soluble fiber compensates for the lack of nutrients in non-seasonal vegetables and fruits, maintains the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.
The introduction of additional 14 grams of fiber leads to a decrease in daily calorie and, accordingly, the numbers on the scales.
- Oats keep insulin levels low. What does it give? The body burns fats more easily and converts them into energy, rather than annual deposits on the sides. As a result, the fat layer decreases, weight is reduced precisely due to fats, and not muscles or water, cholesterol is excreted. Low insulin levels serve as a specific prevention of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies.
- Increase overall efficiency ratio. The brain begins to work better, a large amount of produced energy enters the body, which may well turn into high-quality strength or cardio training.
Use of the ingredient in cooking
Oats – one of the most revered cereals in cooking. Oatmeal, cereal, beloved Hercules, flour, drinks, cereal bars and many healthy sweets are made from it. One product exists in the culinary world in a variety of roles, with which both cooks and consumers are insanely happy.
Nutriciologists recommend selecting the degree of grain processing depending on the age category. A child’s body will have difficulty digesting and assimilating unprocessed oats. Cereal can provoke bloating, indigestion, problems with the stool and other digestive disorders in the baby. Prepare porridge or cereal and never overfeed the child – his body itself will give the command to the brain as soon as it feels saturated. Adults can not limit themselves and eat any grain, based on personal taste preferences.
Recipe for milk from oats and oatmeal
Caloric value | 237 kCal |
Proteins | 8,6 g |
Fats | 4,6 g |
Carbohydrates | 47,6 g |
We need:
- oats – 250 g;
- oatmeal – 250 g;
- water – 1 l;
- sweetener / flavor to taste.
Prepare 2 containers of the same capacity. In one, soak oats for the night, in the other – oatmeal. Transfer the grains filled with liquid to a blender, grind to a state of liquid porridge. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine sieve to get rid of excess husk and particles that the blender could not capture. So the drink will become softer and more tender as traditional milk. Pour the mixture into a suitable container.
Try the finished drink. To enhance the taste, you can add honey, vanilla or any other sweetener / flavor to taste. Store milk in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days.
Use in cosmetology
Modern pharmaceutical and luxury brands use oats for the basic line of cosmetics for the care of the face, body, hair and even the nail plate. The product “saves” the skin from age-related changes, has an antibacterial effect, gives the dermis tone and brilliant healthy appearance.
In cosmetology, oat oil and specially separated enzymes are used. At home, you can prepare a quick mask / tonic water / scrub in one container. Rinse the oats thoroughly and boil them until tender. Divide the resulting porridge into three parts.
- Prepare a mask. The resulting boiled porridge suppress the fork to a dense consistency. Apply the mixture onto your face, hold 10-15 for minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask does not need enrichment. After several procedures, the skin will become velvety and soft, fine wrinkles and rashes will disappear.
- Prepare tonic water. Take boiled oats and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Vodichku obtained during the processing, place in a convenient bottle and daily wipe the face after waking up and before going to bed.
- Prepare a scrub. Choose a scrub particle suitable for your skin type – coffee, sugar, salt, honey, sea salt and mix with boiled oats. Use the 1-2 scrub once a week. Apply to clean, steamed skin with gentle massaging movements. No need to press on the skin and rub the scrub into all layers of the dermis at once. Go easy on the massage lines to avoid damaging the skin. If there are rashes, pimples or severe acne on the face, stop using scrub. It can aggravate inflammation, destroy existing rashes and provoke infection.
How to choose oatmeal
There are a lot of products from oats on the market, but the most popular of them is oatmeal. How to choose really useful porridge and not get lost in the range of network brands?
Rule 1: Never buy oatmeal cereal
Small, attractive packages contain huge amounts of sugar (not even a sweetener, but harmful white sugar), chemicals. Ready dry breakfast will not give saturation, vigor and energy. On the contrary, after 20-30 minutes after a meal, he takes this energy. “Rich” composition can result in a specific reaction of the body: rashes, impaired stool, problems with the digestive system.
Rule 2: Choose Whole Grains
The specifics of processing is always indicated on the packaging. Teach yourself to study the composition before buying, to lower money on really high-quality and healthy food. Several degrees of processing are not responsible for the quality. On the contrary, with each new purification the grain loses an enormous amount of nutrients. There is no point in feeding yourself with useless dust, so be careful.
Rule 3: the simpler the composition, the better the product
Choose the simplest food without flavors, chocolate and fillers. Buy “empty” oatmeal, separate dark chocolate, dried fruits, nuts, honey, maple syrup and just mix the ingredients yourself. This will save the budget, absolutely not affect the cooking time and will bring tangible benefits to the body.
Rule 4: pay attention to packaging
Oatmeal should be sold in a sealed package or container. This protects the fat from oxidation and the creation of specific bitterness.
If you do not want to suffer with the choice of oatmeal, then cook the cereal yourself. Get whole oats and grind to the desired consistency. Such a product will be the most useful and organic.
Contraindications to use
In oats and products prepared on its basis, there are no direct contraindications. The product should be excluded from the diet in case of individual intolerance or absolute rejection of the taste of cereal.
Do not forget to monitor the dosage of the culture in the daily diet. Overeating oats provokes a headache, general deterioration, malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D.