Oak bark
Oak bark has been known to many since childhood, its medicinal properties are widely used in medicine. It is used in dermatology and cosmetology, gastroenterology and many other areas of medicine.

For all of us, oak is associated with longevity, strength of mind and health of the body. But this tree is revered not only for its power and beauty, but also for its healing properties, which were noticed in antiquity, and to this day it is used in herbal medicine, as an aid in the fight against various pathologies. In addition, in some cases, oak leaves and acorns are used. However, the most valuable thing this plant has is the bark, which is part of various medicinal preparations and helps in the treatment of various diseases of the skin and internal organs.

It is important to know that oak bark is officially included in the reference book of medicinal plants and is used in official medicine as an antiseptic and astringent. Often decoctions of oak bark are used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by diarrhea. However, the use of oak bark is not limited to this alone. This plant is actively used in gynecology for the treatment of various pathologies, dentistry, healing the body of men, in solving problems with the skin and digestion. And these are not all areas of application of oak bark in medicine.

Healing properties of oak bark

Oak bark has a multifaceted and varied effect on the body. Oak bark contains many unique biologically active compounds that have a positive effect on the human body. Plant materials contain:

  • tanning compounds – they have the property of binding proteins, which disrupts the vital activity of pathogenic microflora, due to which the activity of microbes and the process of their reproduction are suppressed;
  • catechins – these compounds give oak bark antimicrobial properties;
  • pentosans – they have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • pectins – help in the normalization of the digestive system.

Oak bark contains a lot of flavonoids, proteins, starch, which stimulates the process of regeneration of cells and tissues. They have a healing effect, stimulating the processes of restoration of mucous membranes and reducing irritation and inflammation.

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Oak bark contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties of oak bark, it is necessary to use various preparations with it carefully, first excluding all possible contraindications and consulting with your doctor or phytotherapeutist. It is forbidden to take infusions, decoctions and other forms of oak bark preparations in the presence of:

  • serious liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis, insufficiency);
  • severe pathologies from the kidneys (nephritis, chronic kidney disease in the terminal stage);
  • external or internal hemorrhoids;
  • chronic constipation, megacolon, stool problems of organic origin;
  • allergies to plant components, intolerance to components.

It is also forbidden to constantly take medicinal raw materials for more than 2 weeks or to independently increase the dose. With the abuse of this tool, the development of extremely serious side effects is possible – nausea with vomiting, loss of smell, disorders of the gallbladder and liver, as well as kidney damage.

Application of the bark of oak

Most often, oak bark in herbal medicine is recommended for external use. It is used as a mouth and throat rinse, for lotions or compresses. However, the medicinal effects of oak bark are not limited to topical preparations. It is possible to use it orally in the treatment of various diseases, but before starting to take various drugs with oak bark, consultation with your doctor or phytotherapeutist is required.

Today oak bark is used for:

  • fight against pathogenic bacteria and strengthen teeth, gums, reduce swelling of mucous membranes, eliminate bleeding gums;
  • elimination of nausea and vomiting, fixing the stool;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes in the intestines and on the skin, mucous membranes with wounds and burns;
  • reduce sweating of the feet;
  • strengthening the work of the kidneys (has a diuretic effect);
  • elimination of helminths;
  • stopping minor bleeding and treating wounds and abrasions;
  • getting rid of bad breath in case of problems with teeth and digestion;
  • strengthening the intestinal wall;
  • eliminate burning and itching from insect bites;
  • skin treatment for allergic rashes to prevent secondary infection;
  • reduction of infectious and inflammatory processes in the female genital area.

Official medicine considers the use of oak bark as an adjuvant or prophylactic drug, but only after consulting a doctor and after excluding contraindications.

What pathologies can oak bark treat?

This raw material is considered relatively safe for use at home, including in children. It is especially actively used in the treatment of dental and digestive problems. In addition, oak bark external agents are widely used in dermatology and cosmetology, often a decoction or oak bark extract is included in therapeutic masks or lotions, including for the face and hair. Among the indications for the use of oak bark in various forms of preparation are:

Pathologies of digestion

Infusions or decoctions are used orally as prescribed by a doctor in the complex therapy of diarrhea of ​​various origins, gastritis and peptic ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis, bleeding from the digestive system.

For the treatment of peptic ulcer


10 g of dry bark, which pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave to infuse for 3 hours, then strain through a sieve.

Apply 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for no more than 10-14 days under the supervision of a specialist.

Skin pathologies

In dermatological practice, local forms are used – lotions, decoctions, infusions, ointments in the treatment of eczema and atopic dermatitis, prickly heat with erosions, acne, bedsores, infected acne.

For sweaty feet


100 g of oak bark pour 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes, strain through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting infusion into a basin, immerse your feet in it for 20 minutes. To eliminate sweating and smell, 10 sessions are needed, for the treatment of fungus – at least 20 sessions in a row. Then – a week break and a repetition of the course.

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Dental pathologies

In complex therapy, local forms are used – decoctions and infusions, extracts diluted in water for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis or gingivitis, including bleeding gums, in the treatment of periodontal disease.

For mouth rinses


3 art. spoons of dry oak bark pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 25 – 30 minutes, then strain the slightly cooled broth through a fine sieve, bring cold boiled water to a total volume of 300 ml.

Rinse the mouth and throat 3-4 times a day.

Store the finished broth in the refrigerator (up to 48 hours), before use, heat to 35 – 37 ° C.

Gynecological problems

Various forms of herbal remedies with oak bark are used for such women’s problems as colpitis and cervical erosion, vulvovaginitis, including those caused by thrush, bleeding and uterine prolapse.

To eliminate thrush and treat erosion


2 tbsp. spoons of bark pour a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool a little and filter, add boiled cool water to a full glass.

Apply for douching 3-4 times a day for up to 7-10 days.

Andrological problems

In andrology, various forms of herbal medicine with oak bark are used in the complex treatment of prostatitis and infectious lesions of the genitals, erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

To combat erectile dysfunction


3 teaspoons of oak bark, 4 teaspoons of chamomile flowers and 5 teaspoons of linseed, mix, pour 1 tablespoon of this mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, insist for 12 hours, then strain the infusion.

Take 1/2 cup before meals in a course, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

Vascular pathologies

Outwardly, a decoction of oak bark and baths with it are used for varicose veins, including with the formation of trophic ulcers.

For varicose veins and hemorrhoids


2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew under the lid for an hour, then filter.

It can be used for foot baths, treatment of the skin on the legs, where the veins are dilated. Or for sitz baths for hemorrhoids and as an infusion for enemas.

ENT lesions

In otorhinolaryngological practice, various local forms of oak bark are used – decoctions, infusions, tinctures for the treatment of acute and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, the treatment of laryngitis, the elimination of rhinitis and the prevention of sinusitis, as well as the treatment of pharyngitis.

From sinusitis and adenoids


1 st. pour a spoonful of oak bark with 500 ml of water, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for an hour, then put the pot with the broth in heat, cover with a warm scarf and leave for another 2 hours. Dilute the strained broth with cool boiled water by half.

Use for washing the nose and rinsing the throat.

Problems of the genitourinary system

In the complex treatment of problems of the urinary system, various types of medicines with oak bark are taken for cystitis (an inflammatory process in the bladder), lesions of the ureters and kidney infection.

For the treatment of prostatitis


1 teaspoon of oak bark pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 10 minutes, strain.

Take 1/3 cup before meals three times a day. Course up to 10 days.

Used in cosmetics

Oak bark in various forms is used to eliminate various hair problems – this is oily scalp, dandruff and seborrhea, baldness, weakness in hair growth and weakening of hair follicles.

For toning and strengthening hair


1 st. pour a spoonful of oak bark and a handful of onion peel with 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 1 hour.

Cool the broth, apply along the entire length of the hair, put a cap on the head and hold for 90 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

Reviews of doctors about oak bark

Elena Korsun, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Phytotherapy of the ICM RUDN University, Head of the Educational and Health Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

– Oak bark is very effective for any diarrhea, including with an admixture of blood. If long-term ingestion is necessary, a decoction of oak bark is mixed with a decoction of flax seeds, marshmallow rhizomes before use. Oak bark is also used as an aid in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, radiation proctitis.

Pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr Olga Zorina:

– Oak bark is an effective topical remedy for a variety of skin and mucous membrane problems. It has a tanning, drying, antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Important! Inside (for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) is used only after consulting a doctor, and the preparation of decoctions should be carried out with strict adherence to the dosage of dry raw materials. It is also not used in any form in children under 3 years of age (even baths).

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