Nutritional mistakes that weaken immunity. What to avoid in times of coronavirus?
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A well-balanced diet has a great impact on the overall functioning of the body, including the immune system. Dietary errors can therefore reduce the effectiveness of the immune response in fighting infections, including coronavirus infections. What elements of the diet should be paid attention to in the first place during the coronavirus epidemic?

Drinking alcohol does not help fight the coronavirus

Although alcohol-based disinfectants are extremely popular due to the coronavirus outbreak, their effectiveness is limited to surface action. Consuming alcohol in larger amounts, even for a short time, it can negatively affect our immune system. This is not good news for people who spend more time in isolation, willingly reaching for wine, beer or other alcohol.

In the journal Alcohol Research, researchers point out that there is a link between excessive alcohol consumption and immunodeficiency. The negative effects of frequent use of alcohol include greater susceptibility to pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which are one of the more serious risks associated with COVID-19 disease. Other consequences of frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages include a higher risk of developing sepsis or postoperative complications in the patient, as well as worse wound healing and slower healing in case of infection.

The American Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recognizes as excessive alcohol consumption:

  1. drinking a minimum of 8 portions of alcohol a week for women or 15 portions a week for men (slightly more than one standard portion of alcohol already contains a small, 5% beer);
  2. drinking more alcohol on one occasion – 4 or more for women, 5 or more for men.

In order to minimize the negative effects of alcohol on the immune system, it is recommended that you limit it as much as possible. For starters, a reasonable limitation is to consume no more than one dose of alcohol per day (women) or up to two doses (men).

The acceptable dose of alcohol is 10 to 20 g per day. In practice, it is 1-2 glasses of wine, one drink (alcohol content up to 40%) or 0,3 to 0,5 liters of beer.

However, keep in mind that there is no safe dose of alcohol. Eating it in any amount, especially regularly, can cause diseases such as liver diseases (including cirrhosis of the liver, heart and pancreas.

Instead of alcohol, we can reach for the Natjun winter tea to strengthen immunity with a raspberry-ginger flavor or tea for the immunity of Immune Support Bio Yogi Tea. They are available on Medonet Market at attractive prices.

The rest of the article under the video.

Excess salt and immunity

Research presented by Bonn University Hospital proves that excess salt in the diet may induce immunodeficiency. Salt is a source of sodium, and the kidneys are responsible for getting rid of its excess, which play an important role in the body’s water and electrolyte balance. When forced to work hard, there is a domino effect that reduces the body’s ability to fight bacterial infections. COVID-19 is obviously a viral disease, but it can also promote secondary bacterial infections.

We get the most salt in the body with highly processed foods, so it’s a good idea to limit finished products, such as frozen pizza. Seasoning fresh dishes is also important – a quarter of a teaspoon of salt is even 0,575 g of sodium. According to the American guidelines, the daily requirement for sodium is 2,3 g, while the WHO considers that a high sodium intake is higher than a dose of 2 g per day. A way to reduce salt in your diet may be to season your food with a little salt, herbs and other spices.

To strengthen immunity, it is worth supplementing with nutrients that have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. The Hanoju brand offers a dietary supplement with maca – a plant that has a positive effect on immunity and strengthens the vitality of the body. You can buy Bio Maca 500mg at a bargain price on See also the offer of other dietary supplements supporting immunity.

The negative effects of sugar on health

Excessive consumption of sugar affects the mental well-being as well as the functioning of the immune system. The research presented in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that the consumption of 100 g of fasting sugar resulted in a decrease in the efficiency of the immune system in the subjects – a decrease in the ability of immune cells to absorb bacteria was noticed. This effect lasted up to five hours.

In terms of immunity, the biggest problem is therefore a sudden and short-term excess blood glucose in the bloodstream. It is particularly easy to achieve by reaching for sweets. For this reason, it is best to choose sugar-free snacks during self-isolation or quarantine due to coronavirus.

It is also worth reaching for juices that do not have added sugar. Try Chokeberry Juice Herbal Monasterium, which strengthens immunity.

Too much caffeine can weaken your immune system

Coffee and tea are drinks rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Nevertheless, reaching for coffee or tea too often is associated with the supply of large doses of caffeine to the body. The substance in large amounts may make it difficult to fall asleep or lead to waking up at night. Sleep deprivation negatively affects immunity and may contribute to the development of inflammation.

The best way to reduce the daily amount of caffeine in your blood is to avoid sources such as sugary drinks and caffeinated energy drinks (including those containing sweeteners). In the case of coffee or tea, it is worth remembering not to drink them later than six hours before going to bed.

Dietary supplements, such as those available on Medonet Market, can support immunity. You will find in them, among others Borelyma preparation for immunity Herbal Monasterium, which contains as many as 6 natural active ingredients supporting the immune system.

Fiber – an important part of the diet during the coronavirus epidemic

Eating foods rich in fiber improves the digestive system and promotes the development of intestinal bacteria, which have a positive effect on immunity and mood. Higher consumption of fiber and prebiotics increases protection against viral infections and also benefits sleep quality. The primary sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

A beneficial change in the menu is the replacement of sweet flakes with porridge with the addition of fruit and nuts, as well as white rice for brown or wild rice. Instead of meat, you can choose beans or lentils, and replace traditional pastas with legumes. When it comes to vegetables, it is worth paying special attention to kale, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. These green vegetables provide vitamins C and A, important for immunity, as well as folate (salts of folic acid).

BIO wheatgrass in powder, which you can buy at Medonet Market at a favorable price, has a positive effect on immunity and the functioning of the whole organism.

To support the immune system, we also recommend BOLLERIOCAPS for immunity – the Herbapol dietary supplement in Krakow. It is also worth reaching for preparations based on substances of bee origin. Try Life Energy – Propolia BeeYes, a strengthening dietary supplement with royal jelly.

Read also:

  1. Coronavirus and food. How to prevent pollution?
  2. Coronavirus: A Diet to Boost Your Immunity
  3. What foods can you eat after the expiration date? Quarantine guide

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