General description of the disease
Myositis is an inflammatory muscle disease.
Varieties of myositis:
1. Depends on the origin of the disease: purulent myositis, infectious non-purulent myositis, infectious-allergic (polymyositis) and non-infectious myositis (myositis ossifying polyfibromyositis, neuromyositis).
2. Depending on the characteristics of the flow diseases: acute, subacute and chronic.
Signs of myositis
increased body temperature, difficulty in movement and increasing weakness, pain in the muscles of the neck, limbs and back, sudden muscle spasms (cramps), pain when pressing on the muscles, limited joint mobility, redness or swelling of the skin at the site of local pain; with inflammation of the muscles of the pharynx, larynx or esophagus – difficulty swallowing, coughing and shortness of breath.
Myositis causes
hypothermia, prolonged exposure to a draft, deficiency of calcium, zinc and magnesium in the body, atypical physical activity, complications of colds (sore throat or flu) and infectious diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism and lupus erythematosus, climate and weather changes, parasites in the body, toxic damage to the body with gout and diabetes mellitus, systemic tension of the same muscle group, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
Useful foods for myositis
With myositis, there is no special diet, but it is recommended to adhere to some nutritional principles. For example, you need to eat foods with a high content of vitamins, easily digestible proteins, and drink plenty of fluids.
Among the useful products for myositis are:
- foods with a high content of vitamins E, A and C (tomatoes, bell peppers, green lettuce, kiwi, plums, oranges, lemons, sour and green apples, tangerines, vegetable oil) – help to neutralize harmful substances that are formed during inflammatory muscle processes;
- easily digestible proteins (soy, ground beef, chicken, oysters, almonds);
- products with salicylates (carrots, potatoes, beets, herbal teas from raspberry leaves, meadowsweet, marsh cinquefoil, peony and maria root) – have an anti-inflammatory effect, since their chemical structure contains substances similar in action to aspirin;
- fish stewed, boiled or steamed – contains fats that also reduce muscle inflammation;
- special drinking regime: weak and freshly brewed green tea (up to 800 ml), rosehip decoction (up to 800 ml), sour fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries; peach and pomegranate juice with lemon, dried apple compote based on rosehip decoction (at least 400 ml);
- foods with a high calcium content (cabbage, sour milk and dairy products, garlic, parsley, celery, gooseberries, currants, cherries, strawberries);
- foods with a high magnesium content (cereals, cereals, legumes, leafy vegetables, nuts, blackberries, raspberries);
- foods with a high zinc content (liver, cheese, egg yolks, pumpkin).
Traditional medicine for myositis
- a compress from the leaves of fresh white cabbage (sprinkle two soapy cabbage leaves with baking soda) to apply to the sore spot, additionally insulating the compress with a warm scarf or scarf;
- horsetail ointment compress (1 part dried horsetail powder to 4 parts unsalted butter or lard);
- vinegar-honey mixture (1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water) take 3 glasses a day; the course of treatment is a month, a break of 10 days, a second course within a month;
- vinegar rubbing (apple cider vinegar is used);
- pork fat ointment (a tablespoon of salt per hundred grams of fat) to rub the sore spot, cover with a cotton cloth and oilcloth; the course of treatment is a month, a break of 10 days, a second course within a month.
Dangerous and harmful foods with myositis
Alcoholic, spicy, salty and fatty foods, fatty meats.
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