Nutrition with microsporia

General description of the disease

Microsporia is a disease in which a fungus affects the upper epidermis of the skin and scalp. The people are familiar with how “ringworm“(The name comes from a particular disease). Often children suffer from it, but it is common not only among people, but also among animals.

Read also our dedicated skin nutrition article.

Causative agent:

  • in animals – Microsporum canis (carried by puppies, kittens, rabbits);
  • in people – Microsporum ferrugineum, less often Microsporum audouinii, some cases – Microsporum gypseum (soil saprophyte).

Types and symptoms of microsporia:

  1. 1 Microsporia of the head (its scalp) – one or two foci, up to 5 centimeters in diameter with clearly defined boundaries. The shape is oval, regular. In the early days, peeling of the skin is observed in the affected area, then you can see the scales that surrounded the hair. Then the fungus infects the hair itself and they become brittle and brittle, break off, only 4-6 millimeters remain. Hair looks like cut, that’s why it is called “ringworm”. Mostly children under 12 years old are ill. This is explained by the absence of a special acid in the hair follicle, which begins to be produced from adolescence. Foci are formed mainly on the crown, temples, crown.
  2. 2 Microscopy of smooth skin – in the place affected by the fungus, a swelling appears in the form of a rounded spot, with a bright pink border, which consists of crusts, bubbles, various incomprehensible nodules. In the center there is a pink inflammation with peeling. The hearth looks like a ring. On average, there is not a large amount on the skin (up to three). They are found mainly on the face, neck, shoulders, and forearms. In patients with allergies, the fungus is often disguised as an allergic rash. Because of this, microsporia is not immediately recognized, which leads to further growth of the fungus.

Useful foods for microsporia

Often, children (adults less often) with a weakened body, low immunity and vitamin deficiency are exposed to illness. Also, people with damaged skin are most likely to get sick with microsporia.

For treatment, the body needs foods that are sources of vitamins of groups A, B, C, especially E, foods low in sugar and hypoallergenic foods:

  • lean meat (poultry, rabbit, lean pork and beef can be better – stewed or boiled);
  • fish (cod, sea bass);
  • low-fat milk, yogurt (no fillers);
  • tongue;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • replace bread with bread (rice, buckwheat, corn);
  • greens (dill, parsley, spinach, lettuce);
  • cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, semolina);
  • fruits (white wig (currants), gooseberries, white cherries, apples (preferably green varieties), pears);
  • vegetables (squash and zucchini, any cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, rutabagas);
  • dried fruits (pear, plum, apple);
  • healthy drinks (compotes from pears and apples, the listed dried fruits, rosehip decoctions, not cool tea, still mineral water);
  • oil (sunflower, olive, butter).

Nutrition rules that must be followed without fail:

  1. 1 under no circumstances should you eat foods that are even slightly damaged by mold;
  2. 2 prepare food only from fresh, high-quality products;
  3. 3 eat less raw food, it is better to stew or cook them (heat treatment is needed);
  4. 4 if there are raw vegetables or fruits, it is imperative to peel them (peel);
  5. 5 store food in the refrigerator for no more than a day if they are in sealed containers or plastic containers.

Traditional methods of treating microsporia

Recipe No.1 “Garlic and onion ointment”

Take equal amounts of garlic and onions, squeeze the juice through a juicer or garlic, spread the resulting gruel on the foci of ringworm three times a day until cured.

Recipe No.2 “Tincture of calendula”

Wipe the diseased areas with calendula tincture at least 4 times a day (but not more than 5).

Recipe No.3 “Tincture of birch buds”

If the period of the disease occurs in the spring, this infusion is an excellent treatment. To do this, you need to take birch buds and medical alcohol, prepare an infusion from the account, which requires 20 milliliters of alcohol for 300 grams of kidneys. Insist for 14 days. Lubricate the foci of microsporia three (four) times a day.

Recipe No.4 “Plantain / purslane / milkweed juice”

Take one of the listed herbs and break it. The juice that appears, lubricate the wounds three times a day until healed.

Recipe No.5 “Treatment of microsporia with grapes”

For treatment, you need grapes of the “kishmish” variety (seedless grapes) or raisins prepared from it. You need to cut the grape / raisin in half and rub the sore spots. Repeat the procedure 4 times a day.

Recipe No.6 “Ointment from vinegar and goat willow ash”

Take goat willow branches, burn, collect the resulting ash. Add vinegar to it so that a thick gruel is obtained. She lubricate the affected areas twice a day.

Recipe No.6 “Camomile tea”

Before washing your hair (for half an hour), you need to rub chamomile infusion into the scalp, which is prepared like this: add 15 grams of chamomile petals (medicinal, with a convex center) to 200 milliliters of boiled water, cover and insist for 20 minutes. That is, start all preparations 50 minutes before washing your hair.

Dangerous and harmful products with microsporia

Because microsporum is a fungus, then it is necessary to exclude products that may contain it, namely:

  • blue cheese;
  • spicy varieties of cheeses (cheddar, camembert, roquefort);
  • sour dairy products (sour cream, buttermilk, yogurt);
  • sweet carbonated drinks, champagne, liqueurs and sparkling wines, kvass, beer;
  • bread and flour products made from yeast dough;
  • pickled vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, blue);
  • mushrooms;
  • vinegar and various salad dressings that contain it (ketchup, mayonnaise, marinade);
  • sauce (soy);
  • sugar;
  • smoked (uncooked smoked, semi-smoked) and pickled meat and fish;
  • sweet dried fruits (raisins, dates, figs);
  • sausages, hot dogs;
  • products containing fructose, xylitol, sorbitol, acidic;
  • products that are fermented;
  • products containing the “E” code;
  • semi-finished products, instant food;
  • confectionery.


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