After prolonged rest, the body is in a state of laxity and lack of tonicity. The warm-up is done before the physical work session or a competition in order to progressively increase work capacity. In addition, with the activation of the heating, the feeling of apathy and laziness typical of the state of rest also disappears. Thus, it can be said that warming up predisposes us for activity both physically and mentally.
The duration of the warm-up ranges from 15 to 30 minutes Although it will depend on the physical condition of the athlete and the work that is going to be done in the main part of the training. Although sometimes there are those who take the warm-up lightly, it is very important for the proper development of the session or the subsequent competition. In addition, they are also considered a mere procedure and however, there are different types of warm-up depending on the type of activity that is going to be carried out.
Heating type
Of training: It is a part of the session, which is used to carry out specific tasks such as increasing levels of flexibility or practicing a specific technique. In addition, they serve to prepare subsequent tasks.
Competition: It consists of carrying out both physical and psychological preparation for the competition.
Active or conventional heating: carried out through activities adapted or not to the subsequent activity or competition. This warm-up is part of every training program and is applied in every work session.
Passive heating: It emerged in 1957 in Czechoslovakia, from the studies of Carlessi and Forbes who applied hot showers and stimulating massages, although the positive results were minimal. Currently, this is an approach that is used more for recovery or as a complement to active warm-up.
General: It is a warm-up valid for any type of physical-sports activity based on general physical preparation exercises aimed at all the functional systems of the body and the most important muscle groups. To promote adherence, it is necessary to ensure that it is varied.
Specific: aimed at more specific muscle groups, exercises related to the sports activity of the main part, technical exercises can be used, which seek the tuning of the neuromuscular system and technical revision.
Warm-up goals
Prevent the appearance of injuries: Warming up and stretching the muscles increases elasticity and decreases the possibility of muscle pulls and tears.
Physically prepare the athlete: not only prepares the muscles, but also the cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular system
Psychologically prepare the athlete: before a competition helps control anxiety and serves as a stress reliever. In addition to improving the psychic disposition, sensory perception and attention.
- Increases the temperature of the muscles involved and the body in general.
- It increases the general blood flow and the muscles in particular.
- Increased heart rate and lung activity, improving its capacity and the use of oxygen.
- Increases the capacities of all the sense organs.
- Increases performance and speed of muscle contraction.
- Improves reflexes and activity in neural circuits.
- Increases the capacity for attention, concentration and information processing.
- Increases general organic, muscle and joint capacity.
- Facilitates joint and muscle sliding.
- Increases muscle elasticity and prevents sudden strains and tears.