With the birth of a child, changes occur not only in the life of the family, but also in the woman’s body. All mothers are different, with different physical conditions and characteristics, so everyone experiences this period in different ways. Nine months of pregnancy was a difficult test for the body, which now needs time to recover. For a faster recovery, it is important to eat properly during this period.
Nutrition after childbirth: weight loss menu
Well-being of a woman after childbirth
Immediately after childbirth, a woman develops spotting, which is called lochia. They are observed both after natural childbirth and after a cesarean course. Gradually, the red lochia become more brown, then turn pale and acquire a yellow tint. They continue abundantly for ten days, and later are observed in small quantities for up to six weeks. In order for the discharge to be less, you need to rest more and not expose yourself to stress.
After childbirth, the uterus begins to gradually regain its former size and occupy its former position in the abdominal cavity. When the uterus contracts, abdominal pains that resemble small contractions may appear. Often these contractions occur during breastfeeding due to the production of the hormone oxytocin.
In the first time after childbirth, pain in the perineal region may be observed, but they quickly disappear, and cervical ruptures heal just as quickly. If you had an episiotomy, it will take longer to recover – stitches can cause pain or discomfort for several weeks.
In the first days after childbirth, the breast produces colostrum – thick milk with a lot of nutrients that protect the baby from infections. After a few years, the milk will become thinner, the breasts may be swollen, some women note soreness when touching the breasts and tender nipples.
The first time feeding the baby will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but this will quickly pass
The abdomen after childbirth is often saggy, even in those women who have gained little weight during pregnancy. The fact is that the body in this position stores fat mainly in the waist area. But it is impossible to start drastic weight loss, go on strict diets and engage in complex exercises in the first months after childbirth. You need to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet and move in moderation. The abdomen will gradually begin to decrease, and otherwise, after six months, you can start playing sports.
In the first few days after childbirth, the woman’s body dramatically loses weight: excess fluid that was collected in the last trimester of pregnancy comes out, blood volume decreases and the uterus contracts. Then the weight loss stops or goes on at a slow pace, but you should not adjust your body, since it has experienced a great load, and it is not always possible to quickly restore its previous shape. Despite dietary restrictions, belly fat can persist for a long time while breastfeeding lasts.
Eating well after pregnancy is essential not only to get in shape, but also to maintain good milk quality. Breast milk contains a large amount of nutrients, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins, but for this it is necessary that a woman’s diet includes all these substances in sufficient quantities.
Therefore, it is important to make the menu after childbirth varied and complete, it should include:
- meat
- milk
- eggs
- wholemeal bread
- cereals
- pasta
- vegetable oils
- vegetables
- fruit
- small quantities of confectionery
It is very important to include more cottage cheese and cheese in the diet to increase the amount of protein, lean steamed fish, dairy products, and foods high in fiber. It is advisable not to eat exotic fruits, and to eat sweets in limited quantities. Avoid food allergens such as chocolate, crabs, peanuts, tomatoes. It is not necessary to consume large amounts of milk, it causes gas formation, and its connection with the production of breast milk has not been proven.
It is important to give up unhealthy foods, eat less salt, do not eat sausage, sugary soda, chips
Strict diets are contraindicated after childbirth, but adhere to the common rule of “eating for two” is also not worth it. Firstly, in order to breastfeed, you do not need to consume all the substances in double the amount, the variety and benefits of foods are important. Secondly, this not only slows down weight loss after childbirth, but also contributes to weight gain, which negatively affects the health of the mother.
It is very important to drink enough water after childbirth. During and after breastfeeding, many women feel thirsty – this is how the body signals a lack of water. Only the first two to three days after childbirth, when lactation is just establishing, you do not need to drink a lot so that the breast does not swell, and then you can consume two to three liters of fluid a day. This applies not only to water, but also to other drinks – green tea, freshly squeezed juices (preferably diluted with water and not to make juices from oranges and other exotic fruits), compotes, fruit drinks. Completely exclude coffee, strong black tea and, of course, alcoholic beverages.
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