General description of the disease
Yersiniosis is an acute intestinal disease accompanied by allergic and toxic reactions, which is spread by animals.
The cause of the disease is the bacterium Yersinia, the danger of which is that it survives freezing and has the ability to multiply in cold conditions. The microbe is sensitive to boiling and chemical disinfection. The microbe enters the human body through animal products, grain, and if hygiene measures are not followed.
There are several types of disease: gastrointestinal form, mixed form, generalized form, secondary focal form.
On severity yersiniosis is distinguished: mild, moderate and severe, as well as septic.
Symptoms of the disease:
- 1 Heat;
- 2 Chills;
- 3 Severe headaches;
- 4 Decreased appetite;
- 5 Aches in muscles, joints;
- 6 Disorder of the nervous system;
- 7 When the digestive tract is damaged, there are: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain;
- 8 The disease can be accompanied by a rash on the skin, burning and peeling.
Diagnostics: Yersiniosis can be determined only by contacting a specialist and passing tests to a laboratory.
- observance of personal hygiene;
- food control;
- destruction of rodents;
- control over drinking water.
Useful foods for yersiniosis
Considering the fact that during the disease the body becomes intoxicated, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a strict diet with plenty of drinking is necessary. Together with the liquid, poisonous toxins are released, and the water-salt balance is also replenished.
What is the best drink?
- The first two days it is best to drink warm weak tea, adding a little sugar. It is better to drink in small portions so that there is no vomiting.
- If there is a desire to eat something salty, then there is a lack of sodium and chlorine ions in the body. In this case, you need to drink slightly salted boiled water.
- The lack of potassium ions can be replenished with dried fruit compote. The fruit itself is not recommended to be consumed. You can make a weak vegetable broth: take two or three potatoes, one carrot. Salt the resulting broth to taste and drink in small portions.
- Green tea with the addition of a couple of mint leaves relieves nausea.
- Potato starch soothes the stomach and intestines. A small amount should be diluted with warm water (1 glass) and drunk on an empty stomach.
The following foods should be consumed throughout the treatment:
- boiled rice;
- liquid porridge on water;
- oatmeal;
- first grade croutons or unsalted crackers;
- dried fruits;
- you can steamed cutlets from lean meat.
The diet should be divided into small portions of 50 to 100 grams, every three hours.
With strong vomiting, it is better to give up food for a while, but at the same time there should be plenty of drink. As soon as the intoxication subsides, start introducing small portions of white bread croutons into the diet, washed down with warm tea or dried fruit compote. Why only dried fruits? Raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried apples or pears contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins that the body loses during intoxication.
If, when introducing crackers into the diet, you do not have unpleasant sensations in the stomach, then we introduce into the diet rice or oatmeal porridge, boiled in water, without adding salt. With a normal stomach reaction to such cereals, you can add a little salt and honey there in the future.
If you feel that your health is on the mend, then you can add low-fat meatballs or steamed cutlets to cereals.
In the future, you can diversify your diet with light vegetable soups with the addition of cereals. Gradually add foods you are used to in your diet.
Folk remedies for the treatment of yersiniosis
Since yersiniosis is an infectious disease, you can only cure it with antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs.
Alternative treatment is used in conjunction with drug treatment, as supportive therapy.
- 1 As a general tonic, such a tincture is suitable: 1/4 kg of May honey, 350 ml of Cahors and 150 ml of aloe juice. Mix everything well and insist in a cold place for seven days. The resulting tincture should be taken three times a day, 20 grams, shortly before meals.
- 2 Tincture with elecampane root is effective. It is necessary to pour 1 bottle of Cahors into the pan, add 20 grams of honey and the same amount of elecampane root. Bring it all to a boil and after cooling, take 50 g after meals, but no more than three times.
Dangerous and harmful foods with yersiniosis
During the period of illness and during the rehabilitation period, give up fats, complex carbohydrates, black bread, eggs. It is necessary to completely abandon all dairy products. Do not eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Exclude smoked meats, pickles, spicy and spicy dishes from the diet. Requires a “tough” diet.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!