General description of the disease
Under rheumatism means a disease of an infectious and allergic nature, affecting mainly connective tissues, such as the heart, muscles, joints, internal organs.
Most often women, children and adolescents suffer from rheumatism. The causative agent of the disease is hemolytic streptococcus.
Read our dedicated articles Muscle Nutrition and Joint Nutrition.
Causes of the disease
It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, since scientists are still debating about the occurrence of the disease. However, all of them are inclined to believe that the appearance of rheumatism is closely related to angina, dental caries, inflammation of the respiratory tract, otitis media, general hypothermia, etc. All these factors contribute to the development of the disease. Moreover, people who have had the disease are at risk of contracting streptococcus again. This is the manifestation of the allergic nature of the disease.
Symptoms of rheumatism
Symptoms of rheumatism appear a couple of weeks after a complete recovery from sore throat, otitis media, pharyngitis, etc.
- weakness;
- joint pain (occurs mainly in the feet and wrists);
- elevated temperature;
- heart problems – pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, increased sweating, changes in heart rate;
- spontaneous muscle movements, such as grimaces or changes in handwriting;
- kidney problems – hematuria (appearance of blood in the urine);
Types of rheumatism
Depending on the course of the disease:
- 1 Active phase;
- 2 Inactive phase.
Depending on the area of the lesion:
- 1 Carditis (heart);
- 2 Arthritis (joints);
- 3 Chorea (muscles);
- 4 Hematuria (kidney).
Useful products for rheumatism
A person suffering from rheumatism needs a proper and balanced diet with a high protein content and a minimum of carbohydrates. You should eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.
Particular attention should be paid to:
- The use of fermented milk products. Having calcium salts in their composition, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Eating vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamin P, which is responsible for cleansing and normalizing capillaries. In addition, the presence of other vitamins excludes the occurrence of vitamin deficiency, which is one of the causes of rheumatism. Potassium and magnesium salts regulate metabolism.
- Avocados, olive oil and nuts enrich the body with vitamin E, which is responsible for the mobility of the affected joints.
- Chicken eggs, fish oil, brewer’s yeast contain selenium, which relieves pain. Also, eggs contain sulfur, which contributes to the integrity of cell membranes.
- Fish is good, preferably mackerel, sardine or salmon, as it contains omega-3 acid, which relieves inflammation.
- The use of meat products should be coordinated with a specialist, since its effect on the body directly depends on the type of disease.
- Liquid (about a liter per day, no more) – water, juices, green tea. Since in people with such a disease, the processes of removing water, and, accordingly, sodium, from the body are impaired.
- It is also recommended to take ascorbic acid for general strengthening of the body.
- Lemon and rhubarb are beneficial because they contain vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
- Walnuts, several of them a day, as they contain fatty acids.
- Rosehip broth, black currant, greens to provide the body with nutrients and trace elements.
- Liver products – tongue, liver, kidneys, heart, as well as fish, cheese, mushrooms and legumes, as they enrich the body with zinc, which prevents the development of the disease, relieves inflammation and pain in the joints.
- It is important to eat seafood (shrimp, octopus), peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, pasta, buckwheat, oatmeal, as they contain copper, which relieves joints from pain and inflammation.
- Celery salad is useful, as it contains vitamins B, E, K, which are responsible for the regulation of liver activity.
- It is better to give preference to boiled meat and fish, as they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Folk remedies for the treatment of rheumatism
- 1 For people suffering from rheumatism, it is useful to take a decoction of onions in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime (boil 3 onions in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes.
- 2 A compress of fresh onion gruel, applied to the area with sore joints, at least 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes, helps.
- 3 Also a compress from raw potato gruel. The mixture is laid out on a cloth, which is wrapped around the place of pain. It is done at night, the patient should be warm, under a blanket.
- 4 A mixture of aspen tar (5 drops) and 50% vodka (50 ml). Take daily at night for 6 weeks. It is good if potato gruel compresses are applied at the same time (point 3).
- 5 Pure potato juice helps, 1 tbsp. spoon before each meal. It provides effective body cleansing. In general, you need to drink 100 ml of such juice per day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. Repeat if necessary after a 7 day break.
- 6 Ingestion of a broth from a potato peel helps, as well as the application of compresses from such broth to a sore spot.
- 7 Decoction of celery root (4 tablespoons per 250 ml of water). Cook until 200 ml of broth remains, and, after straining, drink in a day.
- 8 It is useful to take a tincture of lingonberry leaves (1 tbsp. L per 200 ml of boiling water, let stand for half an hour) 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
- 9 Decoctions, tinctures, jelly from blueberries are useful (2 tablespoons per 1 tablespoon of boiling water).
- 10 Compresses from tincture of white lilac flowers and vodka (1 tbsp per 500 ml).
Dangerous and harmful products for rheumatism
- Alcohol, as it negatively affects the body, poisoning it with toxins.
- Spicy, salty and pickled. Such foods slow down the elimination of fluid from the body.
- Baked goods, including white yeast bread, are harmful due to their high carbohydrate content.
- Smoked meats, fatty foods, mushroom broths should not be consumed, as they overload the digestive system and are poorly absorbed by the body.
- Coffee drinks and strong teas should be avoided due to the high content of caffeine, which disrupts metabolic processes in the body.
- Sweets, sweets and hot chocolate are not recommended for people suffering from rheumatism due to their high carbohydrate content.
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