General description of the disease
Myocarditis – damage to the heart muscle of the myocardium after an inflammatory process.
Types and causes of myocarditis
1. Viral, bacterial and infectious.
The reason is the transfer of diseases such as influenza, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, sepsis, severe pneumonia (pneumonia), scarlet fever. The most dangerous is the Coxsackie virus – in half of the cases of myocarditis, it is he who is guilty (both in children and in adults).
2. Systemic (diffuse) – the cause of this type of myocarditis is burns, trauma, connective tissue diseases, ionizing radiation.
3. Rheumatoid… The reason is rheumatism, often accompanied by pericarditis or endocarditis.
4. Abramova-Filera (idiopathic myocarditis) – the causes of this type of myocarditis have not been reliably and accurately established by science until this time.
5. Allergic… From the name it is clear that the reason is an allergy, due to which breathing is disturbed, itching, swelling, and various rashes appear. An allergic reaction to certain medications, vaccines, serums can also cause inflammation of the myocardium.
General signs of myocarditis:
- pain in the heart and in its area;
- general fatigue, malaise;
- violation of the heart;
- labored breathing;
- dyspnea;
- slightly elevated temperature;
- enlarged heart in size;
- weak pulse, its failures;
- rarely – joints hurt, body aches.
Symptoms by type of myocarditis
1. With infectious myocarditis
Option 1
Symptoms of severe poisoning (intoxication) of the body appear.
Option 2
It is allergic and infectious. Myocarditis makes itself felt in the second or third week of the disease or its exacerbation.
2. Allergic myocarditis manifests itself after half a day and up to two after a person has taken some kind of medicine, a vaccine or serum has been injected.
3. With idiopathic myocarditis the symptoms are very painful and severe. In this case, heart failure is observed, severe pain in the heart, there are pains under the left shoulder blade, the heart increases in size, blood clots in the heart vessels, severe heart rhythm disturbances, weak and rare heartbeats.
4. With rheumatoid and systemic myocarditis some sharp and characteristic symptoms are absent, there may be any of the above symptom. In such cases, inflammation of the heart muscle is a secondary disease. Therefore, if you suffer from rheumatism or some other chronic disease, contact your cardiologist and undergo an examination.
Useful foods for myocarditis
Foods that need to be consumed with myocarditis should work in three directions:
- 1 have an anti-inflammatory effect;
- 2 remove allergic reactions;
- 3 to strengthen the heart muscles, for this you need to get enough energy and plastic material.
To fulfill these points, you need protein, vegetable fats, vitamins A, D, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The diet should include the following foods:
- dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, fresh milk, cheese (mild), yogurt and dishes from them: cheese cakes, dumplings, casseroles;
- meat: lean pork, veal, beef, rabbit, poultry;
- liver;
- eggs;
- a fish;
- fresh vegetables: beets, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage (cauliflower), eggplant, zucchini;
- greens: dill, parsley, celery, lettuce, spinach, green onions;
- fruits, berries;
- drinks: jelly, coffee substitute, weak tea, compotes, juices;
- cereals: barley, buckwheat, oatmeal (“Hercules”), pearl barley;
- bread (wheat);
- dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, rose hips, prunes;
- honey, jam, marshmallow, fruit caramel, marmalade.
Meat and fish should be boiled and sometimes fried on top (if not allergic myocarditis), eggs should be used only in those dishes in which they should be included or cook an omelette steamed.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Preferred salads from fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Only vegetarian soups should be cooked, sometimes using concentrated broth.
Traditional methods of treating myocarditis
Recipe No.1
Every day for fasting you need to eat one teaspoon of honey, drink a glass of water or warm tea.
Recipe No.2
Take 3 strawberry bushes (no root), wash, cut, dry and brew like tea. Drink with sugar for a month.
Recipe No.3
Every day there are 5 walnuts, 20 grams of raisins and a slice of hard cheese. Such food helps to strengthen the heart muscle.
Recipe No.4
Take 40 grams of rosehip flowers (preferably fresh), pour half liters of hot water, let it brew for about an hour (at least 30 minutes), filter. Drink for 30 days, 25 milliliters of infusion three times a day.
Recipe No.5
Take a 0,5 liter bottle filled with lily of the valley flowers, pour alcohol into it. Insist for 7 days. Filter. Drink 60 drops per day in three doses (that is, 20 drops per dose).
Recipe No.6
Take 100 grams of nettle, cut, put in a container, pour half a liter of water, boil for 7 minutes over low heat. Consume three to four times a day, 100 milliliters of broth and a teaspoon of honey.
Recipe No.7
Drink juice from hawthorn berries half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon. Juicing: take 500 grams of fresh hawthorn berries, crush, pour 200 milliliters of hot water, heat, but do not boil. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting gruel.
Recipe No.8
Boil a glass of water, add 30 grams of dried hawthorn berries, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Take 6 tablespoons of this infusion per day.
Recipe No.9
Take: 15 grams of peppermint, 45 grams of fennel fruit, 30 grams of valerian root. Mix. Take 200 milliliters of water, add 25 grams of collection to it, boil. Cool, leave to brew for 4,5 hours. Filter. Drink a glass a day (in three doses).
Recipe No.10
Put 50 grams of chopped needles in half a liter of water, boil, reduce heat and cook for another 10-12 minutes. Let stand for 6 hours, filter. Drink 2 glasses a day for 4 doses. You can not drink such a decoction with an exacerbation of kidney disease.
Dangerous and harmful foods for myocarditis
From the diet, you should exclude or at least limit the consumption of such products.
1. Salt (sodium):
- herring;
- caviar;
- milk;
- salted fish;
- marinades;
- pickled tomatoes and cucumbers;
- canned goods.
2. Which lead to bloating:
- grapes;
- White cabbage;
- onion);
- radish;
- milk is cold);
- peas;
- soda;
- beans;
- garlic;
- beans.
3. Which excite the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system:
- coffee;
- cocoa;
- strong tea;
- spices;
- rich broths (fish, meat, chicken).
It is better not to eat fatty foods, fried foods, semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, ham, mayonnaise, ketchup, pastry, pancakes and pancakes, pastries.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!