General description of the disease
Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer that develops from pigment cells (melanocytes). Sometimes the disease affects not only the skin, but the retina, mucous membranes (vagina, oral cavity, rectum).
Prerequisites for the development of melanoma
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light of sensitive skin or radiation, the presence of a large number of freckles or moles, age over 50, nevus trauma, hormonal changes in the body, Dubreus melanosis, genetic predisposition, xeroderma pigmentosa, male sex.
Signs of melanoma are changes in the mole (nevus):
increased growth of a mole, a change in its surface, uneven compaction, weakening or increased color, the appearance of an erythematous border, hair loss in the area of the nevus, pinpoint pigmentation on the skin around the mole, bleeding of the nevus, burning, itching, soreness.
Varieties of melanoma:
- malignant lentig;
- superficial spreading melanoma;
- acral-lentiginous form of melanoma;
- nodular melanoma;
- melanoma with a phase of radial growth that is not classified.
Depending on the causes of the occurrence:
- melanoma, which arises from precancerous melanosis or Hutchinson’s melanotic spot;
- melanoma that arises from a blue nevus;
- melanoma that arises from a large pigmented nevus.
Healthy foods for melanoma
The diet for melanoma should be complete, with the required amount of protein, calories and a minimum amount of saturated fat. Try to cook food without fat (steam, in a special pot or in the oven), do not follow extreme diets and do not consume large doses of individual supplements, foods or vitamins. The diet should include:
- green tea;
- spices (kamun, turmeric, cumin, saffron and rosemary);
- fish rich in omega-3 acid (salmon, sardine, mackerel, tuna);
- foods with unsaturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats (sunflower, soy, corn oil, fish oil, olives and peanuts);
- boiled or raw vegetables;
- fruits and fresh fruit juices (apples, cherries, blueberries);
- low-fat and natural dairy products (milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese);
- complex hydrocarbons (bran bread, durum pasta, brown rice, porridge);
- simple, purified water in large quantities;
- Selenium-containing foods (baked chicken breast, turkey, low-fat homemade cheese, selenium-fortified bread, cheddar cheese, Brazil nuts, pork and lamb kidneys, lobster, squid, mussels, oysters, shrimps);
- cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts and cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, radish, turnip, horseradish and rutabaga);
- wasabi sauce;
- kelp (seaweed);
- lycopene (natural ketchup, tomato sauce, fresh tomatoes, tomato juice);
- leafy greens (parsley, dill, celery, spinach, green onions, rhubarb, watercress, parsnips, sorrel, wheat germ, edible seaweed);
- dietary fiber (components of plant cells, fiber).
Folk remedies for melanoma
- stone oil (five grams of stone oil per 0,5 liters of water, insist for three days, drain the resulting residue) to use for frequent lotions;
- kirkazon root (half a glass of crushed root, one teaspoon of sour cream, pour a glass of honey with 3 liters of water, insist warm for a week), take half a glass for two months before meals;
- Lycopodium pollen is used to dust the affected skin;
- decoction of lycopodium (boil one spoonful of pollen for fifteen minutes in a glass), take one glass a day;
- use juniper berries for compresses in gauze;
- use yeast (thick solution) for compresses, covering with a thin towel on top;
- marshmallow primark (in equal proportions, pour the flowers or root with water, boil for fifteen minutes, insist for two hours);
- freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice.
Dangerous and harmful foods for melanoma
Exclude the following products:
fatty foods and foods high in trans fats (lard and fatty meats, butter and ghee, mayonnaise, pizza, burgers, sandwiches, fast food, fatty pork and beef, milk chocolate, sweets, fried foods, baked goods , ice cream, coffee and milkshakes).
Limit the use of foods such as:
products containing omega-6 (eel fat, vegetable oils (rapeseed, linseed, cottonseed, sunflower, soybean, hemp, safflower), pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts (pine nuts, pistachios), eggs, offal, animal fats and butter) …
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