Nutrition for lung cancer

In anti-cancer therapy, the nutrition of lung cancer patients is significantly different from the nutrition of a healthy person.

Any body – male or female, young or “not very”, healthy or sick, should receive a balanced, high-calorie diet.

Naturally, with any disease, the body needs as much energy and strength as possible in order to defeat the disease. This statement is especially true for oncological diseases, because a sharp loss of body weight is a critical moment.

When the lungs are affected by a cancerous tumor, the patient’s metabolism is disturbed – carbohydrate, protein, lipid, and even there are problems with the immune system.

What should a patient with lung cancer eat?

Nutrition for lung cancer

Every person with cancer should know what nutrition should be, which foods are useful and which are contraindicated. Modern various methods can be used to fight a tumor, but they are not perfect, and the diet plays an important role in the recovery of the patient. Useful substances obtained from food will help keep the body in good shape.

Cancer patients have never had excellent appetite, and one of the symptoms of cancer is characterized by its absence. To find the right diet and food for lung cancer, you need to consult an experienced nutritionist.

The patient must have easily digestible dietary meat. The use of fruits and vegetables – in unlimited quantities. Only purified water is suitable for drinking.

Valuable elements and antioxidants enter the body with chicken eggs, unrefined vegetable oils, fresh herbs.

Other recommended products:

  • Various kinds of nuts, pumpkin seeds;

  • Seaweed;

  • Pasta and cereals;

  • Turmeric;

  • Soya

  • Dairy products;

  • Low-fat sea fish;

  • Green tea, herbal preparations.

Lung cancer patients should know which foods can harm the body. First of all, it must be said that such products as:

  • Any canned food;

  • Sdoba;

  • Salo, butter;

  • Confectionery;

  • Coffee;

  • Alcohol;

  • Fried and fatty foods are highly undesirable during the treatment period.

Nutrition for lung cancer chemotherapy

Chemotherapy, as well as surgery, radiation therapy are very aggressive methods. The treatment is aimed at the destruction of tumor cells, and has a bad effect on the amount of proteins. Doctors who treat the disease with chemotherapy advise patients to replenish their protein supply through products – meat (dietary), poultry, fish.

Nutrition after chemotherapy for lung cancer

For some patients, it becomes a problem to eat some of the recommended foods. This can be explained by vomiting.

In this case, nutritionists advise eating alternative foods that contain fewer calories and are easier to digest:

  • Milk and sour milk products;

  • Eggs of chicken and quail;

  • Soy, beans, peas, vegetable oil;

  • Spices with a pleasant smell and taste.

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