Nutrition for jade

General description of the disease


Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys, usually unilateral. With nephritis, the renal glomeruli, calyxes, tubules, and pelvis can be affected.

Read also our dedicated article on nutrition for the kidneys.

Types of jade

Depending on the location and causes of the disease, there are:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • ray;
  • hereditary.

Nephritis causes

one of the common causes of the disease is past infectious diseases, for example, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, rye. Also, there may be other inflammatory processes caused by bacteria or viruses.


Doctors consider general hypothermia of the body to be the most common factor.

Diagnosis of the disease

laboratory tests are carried out:

  • blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Analysis of urine.

Nephritis symptoms

  1. 1 After an infectious disease has been transferred, symptoms begin to appear after about two weeks.
  2. 2 The patient has general malaise and pain in the lumbar spine.
  3. 3 The body begins to swell, especially the upper eyelids.
  4. 4 The amount of urine excreted is greatly reduced.
  5. 5 The pressure rises.
  6. 6 There may even be severe chills, fever, severe headaches.

Healthy foods for jade

If the disease is chronic and kidney function is preserved, then it is recommended to maintain a diet close to normal diet. With this development of the disease, you do not need to resort to strict diets, limiting salt, protein and fluids. You just need not to overload the kidneys and maintain a gentle regime for them.

Meals should be high in calories and balanced. It is necessary that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are included in the patient’s diet in a balanced ratio. The amount of daily intake of fluid you drink should be in direct proportion to the amount of urine excreted. Diets that include fasting days are very useful. These can be watermelon, apple, berry, cucumber days.

In diets for nephritis, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • inclusion in the diet of high-calorie foods enriched with proteins, for example, mashed potatoes, mousses;
  • providing high calorie content due to the introduction of fats and carbohydrates into the diet;
  • fortified diet enriched with fruit, vegetable and berry juices;
  • equalization of the balance of salt and water.

The following products are allowed:

  1. 1 From flour products: bread with a minimum amount of salt, pancakes, pancakes without added salt.
  2. 2 From soups: vegetarian, fruit, dairy. These soups can be seasoned in limited quantities with sour cream, parsley, dill, onions, citric acid after boiling.
  3. 3 From the meat assortment, you can eat lean varieties. It can be lean beef, meat and edged pork, veal, rabbit, lamb, chicken. After the meat has cooked, it can be baked or fried, but not too much.
  4. 4 All types of lean fish can be consumed. It can also be boiled, fried, made as jellied or steamed.
  5. 5 From dairy products – milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks.
  6. 6 Eggs can be in any form, but not more than two pieces per day.
  7. 7 You can use any cereals, vegetables, snacks, but without the addition of pickles.
  8. 8 From sweet dishes, you can use a wide variety of berries and fruits, both raw and boiled. And, also, prepared from them compotes, jelly, jelly, jam. It is allowed to use honey and sweets.
  9. 9 From drinks – fruit tea, juices from fruits and vegetables, decoctions of lingonberries, wild strawberries, rose hips.

Traditional medicine for nephritis

To relieve inflammation of the kidneys, the people have long used herbal preparations.

Collection №1

Collection components:

  • birch leaves;
  • flax seeds;
  • nettle leaves (dioecious);
  • strawberry leaves.

Take all plants in equal proportions, grind, mix. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with 200 milliliters of hot water and insist a little. Drink two glasses shortly before meals.

Collection №2

For collection, you need the roots of medicinal asparagus and parsley, fragrant celery, fennel fruits. Mix the plants in equal proportions. For 40 grams of the mixture, take a glass of plain water. Let it brew cold for about 6 hours, and then bring to a boil. We distribute the resulting broth for the whole day.

Collection №3

With chronic nephritis, bearberry saves. Art. put a spoonful of bearberry in ¼ boiling water. Drink a tablespoon each time after meals.

Collection №4

It has long been known as a diuretic – horsetail tincture. Pour a tablespoon with boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew. We stretch the broth for the whole day.

Dangerous and harmful products with jade

Since the kidneys are inflamed with nephritis, the diet should be based on limiting salt intake, limiting vegetable protein and drinks that irritate the kidneys.

This includes alcohol, strong coffee, mineral water, tea, hot chocolate. Also, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all salinity, smoked meats, pickles, canned food, pickled vegetables.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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