General description of the disease
Impotence or erectile dysfunction – sexual impotence of a man and his inability to carry out a full sexual intercourse.
Types of impotence
1. Psychological (psychogenic) – occurs with disorders of the nervous system resulting from fear, stress, lack of confidence in oneself and in one’s capabilities, dissatisfaction with oneself.
2. Organic – This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection, which is not associated with psychological factors of influence. The main reason is vascular pathology.
The causes of impotence:
- Mental: a state of depression, experienced stressful situations, conflicts with a loved one.
- Nervous: various kinds of injuries, damage to the intervertebral discs, excessive alcohol consumption, previous operations on the bladder, pelvic organs, the presence of multiple sclerosis.
- Arterial: This includes hypertension, smoking and diabetes mellitus.
- Venous: violation of the mechanism of blood outflow from the penis.
- Medical: the use of luteinizing hormone, drugs to lower blood pressure, antidepressants, some sports supplements.
- there is no normal erection with adequate arousal (the absence of a spontaneous morning or night erection should also be alerted);
- the presence of a weak erection (a decrease in the number of erections during the day, the penis has become not as elastic as before during intimacy):
- ejaculation occurs ahead of time (before the introduction of the penis into the vagina).
Useful foods for impotence
With sexual impotence, it is imperative for men to eat foods that contain:
- proteins (cottage cheese, meat and boiled fish, eggs);
- zinc (you should eat herring, oysters, mackerel, beef liver, shrimp, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, legumes, mushrooms, oatmeal and buckwheat, celery, parsnip, parsley, drink green tea);
- selenium (garlic, celery, parsnips, olive oil, olives, seafood, the most optimal amount of selenium contains the preparation “Selenium-active”);
- phosphorus (wheat bread, cod fish, beef);
- polyunsaturated fatty acids (unrefined vegetable oils, which are best used unfried, that is, as a salad dressing. The most useful oils are: linseed, walnut, olive, soy.);
- vitamin C (kiwi, black currant, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, herbs (spinach, dill and parsley), garlic, green walnuts, hot and sweet peppers, viburnum, broccoli, red cabbage);
- Lycopene (tomatoes, red grapefruit: these foods should be paired with fatty vegetables such as avocado or spinach for greater effect);
- agrinin (pistachio).
Folk remedies to combat impotence
Recipe number 1 “Pollen treatment”
To combat erectile dysfunction, you must consume pollen.
How to use: drink 10 grams (one teaspoon) of pollen 10-15 minutes before meals. Be sure to drink it with water. Can be mixed with honey in a 1: 1 or ½ ratio.
Number of receptions per day: three times.
Recipe number 2 “Mumiyo”
To increase erection, it is necessary to take pure mummy in the morning before meals and at night, after dissolving 0,2 grams in a tablespoon of not very hot water. The course of treatment lasts 2-4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease.
Shilajit can also be combined with carrot, blueberry or sea buckthorn juices. The procedure is the same, only the water should be replaced with a tablespoon of the juice of your choice. At the same time, improvements are noticeable on the 7th day of admission.
1. In no case, during the entire course of treatment with the help of the mummy, you can not drink anything alcohol.
2. A single dose should not be more than 0,35 grams.
Recipe number 3 “Decoction of medicinal asparagus”
Take 10 grams of berries and pour 0 liters of hot water, leave for 4-6 hours. Consume 8-3 rubles. per day for the 4st tbsp. l. such an infusion.
Recipe number 4 “Infusion of young leaves of Norway maple”
To prepare the broth, you need a tablespoon of chopped and dried leaves, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour to infuse. Take 50 grams of broth 3-4 p. for the day.
Recipe number 5 “Green walnut syrup”
Cut the green walnuts into quarters and cover with sugar, keeping a ½ ratio. Take one tablespoon daily for two weeks (then a month off). Store this syrup in the refrigerator.
Contraindications: thyroid disorders, bleeding tendency, poor blood clotting.
Dangerous and harmful foods for impotence
- fast foods and fast food (such as “Mivina”, “Fast Soup”, etc.);
- semi-finished products;
- sausages, sausages (only homemade sausages are allowed, which are really made from meat, and not from soy, flavors, dyes and it is not clear what);
- soda;
- energy.
Also, you should not overuse pasta, potatoes and rice.
It is not recommended to eat white bread made from refined flour. These are all fast and unnecessary carbohydrates.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!