Nutrition for goiter

General description of the disease


Goiter is a group of diseases that are associated with focal neoplasms on the thyroid gland or its enlargement.


  • morphological forms of goiter: nodular colloid goiter, malignant tumor of the thyroid gland, follicular adenomas;
  • a group of diseases that are classified depending on the location: annular, ordinary, retrosternal, dystopic goiter;
  • depending on the functionality of the thyroid gland: goiter with eufunction (euthyroid goiter), goiter with hypofunction (endemic goiter, Hashimoto’s goiter), goiter with hyperfunction (diffuse toxic goiter – Basedow’s disease).

Causes of the disease

lack of iodine in the body, genetic predisposition, diseases of internal organs, energy deficiency, unfavorable environment, stress, etc. (see foods rich in iodine).

Symptoms of the disease

sore throat, feeling of “fullness” of the throat, difficulty breathing and swallowing, rapid heart rate and pulse, weight loss, excessive sweating, fatigue, depression, nervousness.

Useful foods for goiter

With a thyroid disease such as goiter, you should adhere to a diet that includes foods with a high content of iodine in organic form. For example, with diffuse toxic goiter, a diet is used that contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and B vitamins, a small content of table salt (up to 12 g), and an abundant amount of liquid (at least 1,5 liters). Food should be stewed or boiled, taken at least 5 times a day.


Useful products include:

  • sea ​​fish (herring, cod, flounder, halibut, tuna, sea bass, salmon);
  • animal fats (milk, egg yolks, butter, boiled or chopped beef);
  • sea ​​kale;
  • vegetables (carrots, potatoes, garlic, beets, radishes, onions, tomatoes);
  • fruits and berries (bananas, grapes, melons, pineapples, strawberries, persimmons, apples, wild strawberries, citrus fruits);
  • boiled cereals and pasta;
  • rosehip decoction, vegetable and fruit juices, yeast drink, wheat bran decoction;
  • jam, honey;
  • vegetable oil.

One-day menu for diffuse toxic goiter

Breakfast: cottage cheese with milk, soft-boiled egg, boiled buckwheat.

Late breakfast: apple, vegetable salad.

Dinner: vegetable rice soup, boiled meat, apple compote.

Afternoon snack: crackers and rosehip infusion.

Dinner: stewed carrots, fish meatballs, boiled semolina in milk.

At night: kefir.

Traditional medicine for diffuse toxic goiter (Basedow’s disease):

  • decoction of xantium and cocklebur (15 grams of collection per 200 ml of boiling water), take three times a day, one glass with the addition of st. spoons of honey;
  • infusion of flowers of lily of the valley in May (pour 2/3 of a bottle of dried flowers to the top with alcohol or vodka, insist for 8 days in a warm place, shaking occasionally) take 15 drops twice a day;
  • herbal decoction of creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya grass and thyme (15 grams of collection per 200 ml of boiling water) take three times a day.

Traditional medicine for goiter with a lack of iodine in the body

  • grate the fruits of chokeberry with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, take a teaspoon three times a day;
  • infusion-decoction of leaves and bark of walnut roots (pour the mixture with half a liter of cold water, leave for half an hour, boil for 10 minutes, filter) use in the form of warm baths before going to bed for 18 days.

Read also Thyroid Nutrition

Dangerous and harmful foods for goiter

Should be excluded from the diet: sugar, baked goods made from white flour, fried, spicy and meat fatty foods, spices, preservatives, alcohol, coffee, strong fish and meat broths, strong tea, cocoa, sauces, smoking.


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