General description of the disease
Myoma is a gynecological disease that is a benign tumor and develops in the muscular layer of the uterus. Also called fibroids and leiomyomas.
read also our special articles Nutrition for the uterus and food for the ovaries.
Types of fibroids
1. By the number of nodes:
- single;
- numerous.
2. By location:
- submucosal (submucous) – quite rare cases of this type of fibroids, sometimes it can descend into the vagina due to the thin leg from which the node is “born”;
- intramural (interstitial, intermuscular) – the most common, the tumor is located on the uterus and its bottom;
- subserous (subperitoneal) – otherwise called a node on the leg, due to the fact that the size of the node is smaller than its very base;
- intraligamentary (interconnective) – the tumor is located between the layers of the broad ligament, which holds the uterus;
- cervical (atypical) – the node is located in the lower segment of the uterus (cervix), can grow in different directions, for example, towards the large intestine.
The causes of the onset of the disease:
- 1 genetic predisposition;
- 2 disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
- 3 obesity;
- 4 diabetes;
- 5 hormonal failures;
- 6 a large number of abortions performed;
- 7 constant stress (this reason was identified by scientists quite recently, in women who were constantly exposed and were in stressful situations, fibroids were identified).
Fibroid symptoms
If a woman has a single tumor and is small in size, then basically no signs and symptoms are observed. It can be found at an appointment with a gynecologist or during a diagnostic examination (by ultrasound). To detect this disease in the early stages, you need to undergo a mandatory medical examination on time (every six months). If the diagnosis of fibroids has already been made, the sick patient should be examined more often – once a quarter to be sure that the tumor is not growing.
Here are the typical signs of fibroids:
- long, strong discharge during menstruation, or, conversely, scanty;
- menstrual bleeding;
- pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
- painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
- hurts, pulls back and lower back;
- infertility;
- disruptions of pregnancy;
- frequent urination to urinate.
Useful foods for fibroids
In order to get rid of this disease, you need to eat foods that will help cleanse the body of toxins, will maintain hormonal balance and provide a large amount of useful minerals, vitamins and trace elements.
For the treatment of uterine fibroids you need:
- 1 Fiber – lowers estrogen, which helps in the growth of cancerous tumors. Its greatest amount is concentrated in whole grains (legumes, wheat grains, brown rice). You need to buy or cook cookies or crackers, bread, tortillas by adding bran.
- 2 Monounsaturated fat combined with fiber – nuts. It is necessary to eat a few handfuls a week.
- 3 Vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids found in fruits and vegetables are involved in the fight against cancer cells. Any cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage) is very useful.
- 4 Lycopene. It is present in tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit.
- 5 Beta-carotene, which contains spinach, pumpkin, carrots.
- 6 Healthy raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blueberries.
- 7 Citrus fruits should be eaten in large quantities, especially grapefruits and oranges, tangerines.
- 8 Saponins, protease inhibitors, isoflavonoids that are endowed with anti-carcinogenic properties. Soy is the ideal representative of this group.
- 9 Dairy products, but only low-fat.
- 10 Fish (fatty, seafood): white tuna, salmon, sardine, mackerel, herring (contains Omega-3).
- 11 Eat spices, garlic, spices. They help fight tumors.
- 12 Flax seeds contain large amounts of antiestrogens.
- 13 Epigallocatechin, which has anti-cancer properties. It is found in green tea. You need to drink it 4-6 glasses a day.
It is necessary to replace animal fats with vegetable fats (for example, olive, sunflower, corn, soy, nut).
Traditional medicine for fibroids
One of the most effective and popular remedies in the fight against fibroids is a cocktail, which was developed by nutritionist Diana Grant Daer. With his help, she defeated uterine fibroids, mastopathy and endometriosis.
To prepare it you will need:
- soy or bean curd (70 gr);
- carrots (6 pieces);
- fresh or frozen fruits (150 gr);
- wheat bran (20 gr);
- germinated wheat (20 g);
- flax seeds (ground, 20 gr);
- soy milk (150 ml).
Mix all components in a blender or mixer. Divide into 3 servings.
Decoctions and preparations from such herbs have antitumor properties:
- buckthorn;
- motherwort;
- calendula;
- sage;
- chamomile;
- burdock root;
- marin root;
- hemp seeds;
- nettle;
- yarrow;
- anise;
- adonis (spring);
- hawthorn;
- rose hips;
- tops of carrots;
- celandine.
Also, propolis helps in the treatment of fibroids.
Dangerous and harmful foods for fibroids
- muffin;
- fatty meats;
- excess butter;
- margarine;
- sausages;
- sausage.
These foods contain carcinogens that stimulate the growth of cancer cells.
Don’t overeat. This threatens obesity, in which fatty layers are formed under the skin, on the liver, in the muscles of the heart. Because of this, the water, carbohydrate, oxygen and fat balance in the body is disturbed.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!
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