Nutrition for coronavirus to restore the body
Although COVID-19 has been disrupting the lives of all countries of the world for the second year, much is still unknown about the emergence of the infection, its treatment and prevention. So, for example, there is very little data on how to eat when sick.

Although there is no separate “covid” diet, doctors recommend changing your habitual diet in certain ways, both as a preventive measure and in a situation if you have already encountered an infection. The most healthy, rational nutrition during coronavirus and the optimal drinking regimen will help support the body in the fight against infection and during recovery. Particular attention should be paid to the correction of nutrition for people with chronic pathologies, expectant mothers, the elderly and parents who have children of different ages.1.

Healthy food for adults with coronavirus

Although various products were suggested early in the pandemic to fight the virus, none of them have been proven effective in protecting against infection or speeding up the recovery process from the coronavirus. However, this does not mean that nutrition does not affect the course of the infection and recovery after it.

Regardless of whether a person fell ill recently or had a coronavirus infection a few weeks ago, the general principles of nutrition are the same. First of all, fractional meals in small volumes are useful – this is breakfast, a snack, then lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. It is worth sticking to approximately the same meal times. This improves the functioning of the digestive system.

It is important to maintain a balance in the main components: you should avoid fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, eat enough protein foods (protective antibodies are synthesized from protein components), get enough microelements and vitamins with food2.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids – in addition to food, you need to drink about two liters of ordinary drinking water per day.

If the risk of infection is high, the patient often comes into contact with people, it is worth adding foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals to the usual diet:

  • ascorbic acid,
  • vitamin A
  • calcium
  • zinc.

Useful in the diet will be any kind of citrus fruits, currants, kiwi, apples, cabbage (including sauerkraut), peppers, fresh herbs, beets, cranberries and lingonberries (or fruit drinks with them).

Doctors recommend diversifying the diet with dairy products – milk, yoghurts without additives, kefir, sour cream, whole cream, different types of cheese. Protein foods are useful – fatty fish, chicken, veal, offal. You need to eat cereal dishes, use vegetable oils, reduce foods with light carbohydrates in the diet (sweets, sweets, pastries).

Alkalinization of the internal environment of the body is useful due to the intake of mineral water, vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries.3.

Healthy Coronavirus Diet for the Elderly

With the development of signs of the disease, it is important that the diet is rich in vitamins, contains a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. Foods from all major groups are useful, but you need to eat at least 4-5 times a day, in small portions, according to your appetite. Optimal boiled dishes, stewed and steamed, fried foods, excess animal fat should be avoided4.

In the acute phase of the disease, it is important to maximize the diet with vegetable and fruit dishes, protein foods, complex carbohydrates (cereals, side dishes, soups). It is equally important to increase the volume of fluid to 3 or more liters per day.

It is worth reducing in the diet food rich in fats and raising cholesterol, spicy, hot seasonings, confectionery with excess sugar, canned food, coffee, cocoa, sausages. You should also avoid fast food.

It is better to exclude alcohol. It provokes dehydration, increases intoxication, worsens the general condition.

If during the period of illness the appetite is reduced, you should not eat through force, this will not benefit. You can prefer various liquids, eat food according to your appetite – tea with crackers, light soups, liquid cereals, puddings, dairy products. As the condition improves, within 7-10 days the appetite will begin to recover. After the symptoms are eliminated, it takes about 5-7 days for the appetite to return to normal.5.

Healthy food for children with coronavirus

Features of the nutrition of children with coronavirus depend on age. If these are infants, then full breastfeeding is vital for them. Therefore, breastfeeding should be continued if the mother or baby is sick, and at the same time the child may well suckle the breast on his own. If the baby has weakness, he cannot be applied to the breast, you need to feed him with expressed milk. In the absence of breast milk, it is important to select adapted milk formulas with probiotics, a complete composition of nutrients6.

If these are babies receiving complementary foods, their nutrition does not change, all products are introduced according to age, but adjusted for well-being. If the child’s appetite is reduced, you need to feed him more often, but in small portions (even 2-3 tablespoons) and give more fluids (drinking water, compotes, children’s tea).

There are no special restrictions on nutrition during coronavirus for older children moving to a common table due to coronavirus infection – the principles of nutrition are followed as with any SARS.

Healthy eating after coronavirus

So far, no scientific evidence has been received that various diets or foods help to recover faster after suffering covid. The guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the rehabilitation of patients with post-COVID syndrome do not contain specific nutritional recommendations related specifically to this virus. Apply principles developed for patients who suffer from respiratory and systemic lesions of varying severity7.

In general, the recommendations are quite simple. The diet should contain a lot of whole grains, unprocessed foods – these are buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet and other cereals. Legumes are useful (provided they are well tolerated).

Every day you need to eat vegetables and fruits, greens, berries in a volume of about 400 g or more. These are not only vitamins and minerals, but also vegetable fiber, which is necessary for the normalization of bowel function.

Two to three times a week it is necessary to include fish (preferably sea, oily) or seafood in the diet. These are sources of iodine, protein and omega acids. Equally important are nuts, seeds, vegetable oils.

Dairy products of medium fat content are needed daily. Useful cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, cheese, yogurt.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about the problem of nutrition during coronavirus with gastroenterologist Marat Zinnatullin.

What foods are dangerous for coronavirus?

It is better to exclude fatty and spicy foods, fast food, hard-skinned fruits and vegetables, legumes, confectionery and sweets, canned foods. Alcohol should be avoided from drinks, as it leads to dehydration; coffee, cocoa, strong tea.

What foods will be useful in case of illness?

Wherever possible, nutrition should remain balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Products containing vitamins and minerals are recommended. Acceptable citrus fruits, apples, currants, kiwi, sweet peppers, sauerkraut, dill, parsley, green onions, beets, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products (milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt), hard cheeses, boiled fish, chicken, veal , cereals, nuts, honey.

Do I need to change my usual diet after suffering covid, with post-covid syndrome?

During the recovery period after an illness, you do not need to immediately return to the usual regimen and diet. Also, do not overload your body with heavy food. In the absence of appetite, do not force yourself to eat by force, it is better to increase the amount of fluid you drink to 3 liters.

What drinking regimen is optimal during illness and after it?

During the period of illness, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (up to 3 liters per day). Slightly carbonated mineral waters, mora, compotes, weak tea are suitable.

Are there any dietary restrictions when taking covid medicines (anticoagulants, antibiotics, hormones)?

There are no dietary restrictions while taking medications, but you need to remember that vitamin K weakens the effect of anticoagulants, so you should not eat a large amount of dark green leafy vegetables and herbs (spinach, parsley, green cabbage). A smaller amount of vitamin K is found in white cabbage, lettuce, legumes.

Do you need additional vitamins, biological compounds, minerals (in addition to nutrition) during covid and after recovery?

In order to support the body during the period of illness, as well as for prevention or during the recovery period, it is recommended to take multivitamins, maintain a high level of vitamins D, A, C, as well as zinc and calcium.


  1. Nutrition for COVID-19. Lecture for specialists. Sergeev Valery Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Department of Somatic Rehabilitation, Reproductive Health and Active Longevity of the National Medical Research Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
  2. Nutrition for COVID-19. Journal of the Attending Physician. 3.03.2021/2036/15437891.
  3. Karamnova N. S., Drapkina O. M. COVID-19 and nutrition: new accents, former priorities (review of recommendations) // KVTiP. 2020. №3.
  4. Grechko A.V., Evdokimov E.A., Kotenko O.N., et al. Nutritional support for patients with coronavirus infection COVID-19* // Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. – 2020. – Vol. 1. – No. 2. – C. 56-91. doi: 10.17816/clinutr42278.
  5. Nutrition for coronavirus, influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare

  6. COVID-19 and Breastfeeding Questions and Answers. Federal budgetary institution of health care “Center for hygienic education of the population”.
  7. Comprehensive wellness programs and nutrition in medical organizations and at home for patients who have undergone COVID-19. Guidelines. – edited by V.A. Tutelyan, M.V. Nikitin. – Moscow. -2021.-52 p.

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