Nutrition for constipation

General description of the disease


Constipation is constant stool retention, sometimes every three to four days or less. Also, constipation means insufficient release of the intestines from the accumulated masses. For the average person, a forty-eight hour delay in emptying can already be considered constipation.


  • neurogenic constipation;
  • reflex constipation;
  • toxic constipation;
  • “Endocrine” constipation;
  • alimentary constipation;
  • hypokinetic constipation;
  • mechanical constipation.


  • frequent conscious suppression of the reflex to emptying when working with no toilet (sellers, drivers), diseases of the central nervous system;
  • proctogenic and other organic lesions of the digestive organs;
  • periodic poisoning with nicotine, morphine, lead, nitrobenzene, taking a large number of anticholinergics and antispasmodics;
  • decreased function of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries;
  • low fiber content in the food entering the body;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bowel disease, swelling, scarring and colon pathology.


the amount of feces is reduced, its condition is characterized by increased dryness and hardness, there is no feeling of complete emptying during bowel movements. Typical symptoms are abdominal pain, flatulence, and bloating. Belching, skin discoloration, decreased performance, and bad breath may occur.

Healthy foods for constipation

For this disease, diet number 3 is recommended, which includes groups of foods that activate the intestines, and which are consumed selectively, focusing on the cause of constipation. These include:

  • fruits, vegetables, seaweed, baked, boiled and raw berries, bread made from coarse flour, including rye, barvikha bread, doctor’s bread. Buckwheat, pearl barley and other friable cereals (contain a large amount of vegetable fiber);
  • meat with veins, skin of fish and poultry (rich in connective tissue, leaving a lot of undigested particles that mechanically stimulate the active movement of the alimentary canal);
  • beet and cane sugar, syrup, honey, dextrose, mannitol, fruit juices, jam (contain sugary substances, attract liquid to the intestines, which helps to thin the stool, provoke acidic fermentation with the stimulation of increased secretion and intestinal motility);
  • kefir, koumiss, yogurt, buttermilk, sour lemonade, kvass, whey (contain organic acids, also stimulate the activity of peristalsis and intestinal secretion);
  • water with salt, corned beef, herring, caviar (contain salt, which loosens stool and increases the flow of water into the intestines);
  • various oils: sunflower, olive, butter, corn. Cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, fish oil, lard, sardines in oil, sprats, fatty gravies and sauces (their use liquefies the stool, facilitates the movement of masses through the intestines, the stool becomes more slippery);
  • okroshka, ice cream, beetroot, water, all chilled. (provoke the work of thermoreceptors and the activity of the alimentary canal);
  • carbonated mineral water with a high content of magnesium, for example, “Mirgorodskaya” (contains carbon dioxide and magnesium, stimulating the active work of peristalsis by chemical irritation, and mechanically stretching the intestines with carbon dioxide).

Traditional medicine for constipation:

The following laxatives contain anthraglycosides to help normalize bowel function:

  • half a glass of broth of the fruits of the joster for the night;
  • rhubarb root extract, up to one gram at night;
  • 1 spoon of hay leaf tincture three times a day;
  • tincture of the following plants: flowers of meadowsweet, St. John’s wort, chamomile flowers, creeping thyme, cinquefoil – used for enemas;
  • a decoction of the rhizomes of star anise, elecampane, radiola, chicory roots, silver cinquefoil – used for an enema;
  • infusion of linden flowers, calendula, medicinal chamomile, common yarrow, oregano, peppermint, lemon balm, hops, carrot tops, fennel.

With constipation, physical education, with relaxing exercises, warm medicinal baths, diathermy will be useful.

Dangerous and harmful foods for constipation

black coffee, cocoa, strong tea, chocolate, lingonberry, pomegranate, dogwood, pear, blueberry, rice, semolina and other non-crumbly cereals, jelly, soft cheese, pasta, boiled potatoes, hot food and drinks, red wine (clog the intestines, inhibit advancement of food along the tract, make it difficult to empty).


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