Nutrition for acne

General description of the disease


Acne or acne (acne from the Greek άκμή) is a skin inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which occurs most often during puberty in girls and boys and disappears by the age of 25-30. More than 95% of the world’s population is exposed to this disease in one way or another.

Acne is most often localized in the locations of the large sebaceous glands: the upper areas of the chest and back and on the face (forehead, cheeks, chin). After the eel breaks through, cyanotic-pink scars are formed. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a dermatologist on the basis of blood, urine and feces tests, cultures for medications, liver samples and scrapings of the skin epithelium.

Related article – Nutrition for the skin.


  • black spots – blockage of enlarged skin pores;
  • white dots – blockage of enlarged skin pores with a small hole;
  • pustules – eels look like white-yellow tubercles, they are actively multiplying bacteria and there is an inflammatory process;
  • cyst – skin cavities filled with pus, after the abscess breaks through, deep scars remain, which practically do not dissolve over time.


  • seborrhea, which reduces the bactericidal effect of skin secretions and provokes the reproduction of coccal;
  • menstruation, genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance (testosterone, insulin-like growth factor 1, dehydroepiandrosterone);
  • weather and climatic factors (high humidity, heat, dust);
  • the use of cosmetics based on paraffin and lanolin;
  • taking medications that include chlorine, fluorine, iodine, bromine;
  • hypersecretion or hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, leading to the formation of sebaceous horny plugs;
  • psychological disorders, stress;
  • professional activities (work in a mine, at metallurgical plants, in workshops for the processing of petroleum products);
  • concomitant diseases (polycystic ovary disease, Cushing’s syndrome).


  • rashes on the skin occur constantly (some acne passes, others appear);
  • the skin has redness around the blackhead;
  • pain in the area of ​​inflammation.

Healthy foods for acne

General recommendations

The most important factor in the fight against acne is the reduction of oily skin, the narrowing of the sebaceous glands and normalization of nutrition. The latter should be rational, fractional and systematic. Indeed, the condition of the skin largely depends on the correct functioning of the digestive system. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts and root vegetables. All food should be easily digested and as little toxins as possible are formed during its processing.


In order for the skin to maintain its natural water balance and not dry out, it is necessary to drink 8-10 glasses of pure mineral water daily, excluding the liquids consumed with food.

It aggravates the skin condition and constant psychological stress, therefore, as a preventive measure for the disease, it is necessary to do psychological relaxation through breathing exercises, yoga or meditation.

Healthy foods

To increase the level of collagen in the blood, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its ability to regenerate, the diet should contain foods high in vitamin C. These are strawberries, currants, all citrus fruits, guava, melon, bell peppers, pineapple, broccoli, cauliflower , sauerkraut, potatoes.

Quite often, patients have a low level of vitamins E and A, which also improve the condition of the skin, ensure its elasticity and increase immunity. Therefore, to replenish these vitamins, various nuts (cashews, peanuts, pecans, almonds), sweet potatoes, leafy vegetables, carrots, melon, pumpkin, spinach and other fruits and vegetables of dark green and orange colors should be included in the diet.

In addition to vitamins, the balance of minerals plays an important role, especially zinc and selenium. It is they who are involved in the structure of cell membranes, contribute to the rapid recovery and healing of the skin. There is a lot of zinc in legumes, young wheat germ, nuts and pumpkin seeds. Selenium is abundant in Brazil nuts.

Because products from cow’s milk are not recommended for the treatment of acne, then products from goat’s milk, as well as soy, will help maintain normal levels of proteins and calcium in the body.

Folk remedies for acne

In traditional medicine, there are many recipes for acne treatment. We will suggest some of them.

1. Mix dry herbs ivan-da-marya, centaury (20 g each), smokehouse, bittersweet nightshade shoots, wild rosemary and clefthoof leaves (10 g each), take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting collection, pour boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew until it cools completely. Apply the decoction as a lotion to the skin.

2. Alcohol tincture of calendula should be wiped over the eel breakthrough – this will disinfect the open wound, and the substances of calendula will stop the reproduction of bacteria.

3. Aloe Vera Lotion can be used to treat acne. Fresh aloe leaves (1 large leaf or 2 small ones) need to be washed, peeled from rough and sharp edges and chopped in a blender. Pour the gruel with cold boiled water, let it brew for an hour, and then boil in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. The resulting mixture should be filtered through cheesecloth. The finished lotion is rubbed onto the skin 2-3 times a day.

Dangerous and harmful foods for acne

During the active treatment of acne, you should completely abandon alcohol and drinks containing caffeine.

If you have acne, you should refuse cow’s milk and products from it, because they may contain impurities of hormones that provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of red meat, because it takes a long time to digest and the toxins that provoke rashes are in the body longer.

Also dangerous foods include seafood (seaweed, fish, oysters, etc.), which contain a large amount of iodine, leading to increased symptoms.

Foods with a high level of carbohydrates, which increase the synthesis of fatty acids and the level of insulin in the blood, are contraindicated. These products include premium flour products, white rice, pasta and confectionery.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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