Anabolism It is a term of Greek origin formed by the words ‘ana’, which means upwards, and ‘ballein’, which is to throw. That is to say, launching upwards, since it is about the generation of complex compounds from simpler ones, going from the basic to the more complicated. It’s about the phase of metabolism in which the chemical energy of the organism is invested to compose complex biomolecules from simple ones.
Anabolism occurs inside cells and it is driven by the action of enzymes. It is a complementary process to catabolism. While catabolism breaks down macromolecules into simpler forms and releases chemical energy, anabolism consumes that energy to form new bonds and complex molecules with one releasing the energy that the other releases.
Therefore, anabolism is the constructive metabolism that consists of manufacturing and storing, contributing to the growth of new cells and the maintenance of tissues. In addition, it stores energy and transforms small molecules into carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is precisely proteins that receive the most attention in the sports world. Those who want to increase their muscle mass start by consuming protein shakes after each workout.
Indeed, a regular athlete has a higher daily protein requirement than someone sedentary since between five and ten percent of the fuel used in training comes from protein. The Spanish Olympic Committee leaves the recommendations for athletes between 1,2 and 1,6 grams of protein per kilo of weight per day and according to studies, a sedentary adult weighing 80 kilos in Spain has an average protein consumption of 1,12 , XNUMX gr / kg per day.
Therefore, for the Increased muscle mass, the main thing is a good planning of the training sessions with the help of professionals who analyze the athlete’s eating habits and help organize the distribution of macronutrients throughout the day based on the training sessions.
For the proper functioning of the body of its anabolic and catabolic function, adequate training is as important as rest, which must be at least seven hours a day. Sleeping well and maintaining an adequate diet promote muscle anabolism.
Anabolics are substances that promote muscle growth in a search for shortcuts to achieve results. Steroids are the best known. However, the artificial search for muscles has consequences for the body such as histrusism, changes in voice tone, tendency to alopecia, increased cholesterol, alteration in the sensitivity of the capillaries, hypertrophy of the heart, increase in the number of blood cells red, dehydration or risk of liver damage.