The popular expression “inner beauty” is not just a metaphor. The effect of creams and masks can be enhanced by taking special capsules and powders inside. No, these are not drugs. This is nutricosmetics.
The word “nutricosmetics” is of French origin and means biologically active food supplements that improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. They are distinguished from drugs by a lower concentration of active ingredients and a much lower risk of side effects. And from cosmetic products – a method of application.
Natural communities
Nutricosmetics, as a rule, contain whole complexes of useful substances. Natural antioxidants (wheat germ oil, vitamin E) slow down the aging process of the body. Nutrients (fish oil contained in salmon or cod liver; angelica oils, pollen and wheat germ) restore the skin’s moisture balance and its protective properties, cleanse the blood, have a tonic effect on the body and promote tissue regeneration. Flower pollen, avocado seed oil, propolis, lecithin eliminate inflammation, have an antimicrobial effect, and normalize fat metabolism. Brewer’s yeast and horsetail extract contain a mineral-vitamin complex for strong nails and hair and even stimulate their growth.
You can choose a complex in tablets or try the now popular fortified milk drinks, yoghurts and antioxidant the drinks. But what if it is difficult to choose the right product?
Discovered a shortage
To determine which vitamins and trace elements you lack, examine the condition of your skin.
Dry brittle hair is a sign of poor absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), and oily hair indicates digestive disorders.
Milky pallor of the skin may indicate anemia, which, in turn, is due to a lack of iron.
“Marble” skin tone (pale with bluish streaks) speaks of the fragility of blood vessels and a lack of vitamins C and E in the body.
Dry skin on the elbows is a sign of poor absorption of vitamins A and B.
Dry lips with “sticking” in the corners of the mouth indicate a lack of vitamins A and E or a violation of the intestinal microflora.
Translucent tooth enamel with microcracks indicates poor absorption of calcium, as well as vitamin D.
Brittle, dull, rough nails that appear every now and then burrs also suggest a lack of vitamins and minerals (in particular, silicon).
Nutritional safety engineering
Almost all beauty pills are approved for use from the age of 18. But nevertheless, you should be careful.
Dietary supplements with ginseng or phytoestrogens should not be taken by young girls. Such drugs are recommended after 30 years.
Vitamin A or beta-carotene supplements are best drunk in winter if your skin is prone to hyperpigmentation. In summer, they increase their sensitivity to UV rays.
Do not try to enhance the effect of nutricosmetics with other vitamin complexes. Overdose is highly probable. If you want to solve several problems with your appearance at the same time, trust your doctor, ideally a nutritional consultant.
Food supplements should not be consumed all year round. They are usually recommended in strictly defined courses.
Certain nutricosmetics can cause individual intolerance. In this case, simply stop taking.
Artichoke extract supplements should only be taken if there are no gallstones. This substance has a choleretic effect and can provoke a blockage of the bile ducts.
Nutricosmetics, like any vitamin complexes, should be taken only during or immediately after a meal. The hungry stomach they will not be able to fully assimilate. If you forget to take a pill, you should not take two the next morning, because they contain a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. If you interrupted the course – for example, forgot to take pills on a business trip – you can and should complete the course immediately after returning.
Pay attention!
Before you start using a nutricosmetic:
consult your doctor. In a number of diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis) and special physiological conditions (for example, pregnancy), the intake of nutricosmetics is contraindicated or should be limited, but in any case – under the supervision of a doctor.
Carefully study the annotation, paying attention to the method of application and the duration of the course of the drug. When using nutricosmetics, do not give up traditional beauty products. The skin needs to be kept in good condition not only from the inside out. Buy nutricosmetics only in pharmacies!