Nutria meat: how to cook? Video
Nutria is famous not only for its valuable fur, but also for its very tender meat. Dishes made from it will be appreciated by gourmets and supporters of dietary nutrition, because its meat has a specific taste and practically does not contain fat. Nutria is especially tasty when baked or fried.
Nutria meat: how to cook?
Nutria shashlik with Adyghe salt
Ingredients: – 1 carcass of nutria; – 1,5 liters of mineral water; – Adyghe salt to taste; – 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar; – 1 teaspoon of sugar; – a glass of water; – 2 large onions.
Wash and dry the nutria. Cut into small pieces, being careful to keep them the same size. Put them in a deep cup, sprinkle with Adyghe salt and fill with mineral water. Leave to marinate at room temperature for 3 hours. After the allotted time, string pieces of nutria on skewers and cook over the fire.
Please note that the Adyghe salt already contains pepper and other spices, so you do not need to add them. In addition, it is less salty than regular.
While the shish kebab is being prepared, peel and cut the onions into half rings. Pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes. Then discard in a colander, transfer to a deep plate, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar and a glass of water. Transfer the finished kebab to a cast-iron or ordinary bowl while it is still hot, put the pickled onion on top and cover with a lid. After 10 minutes, serve the nutria kebab to the table.
Nutria stewed in a spicy sauce with vegetables
Ingredients: – nutria carcass; – 2 heads of onions; – Bulgarian pepper; – vegetable oil; – carrot; – parsley; – 1/3 teaspoon of basil, curry, black pepper; – salt to taste.
Wash the nutria carcass, dry and cut into small pieces. Salt each well and rub with a mixture of spices. Fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Then transfer the Meat to a saucepan, add chopped and roasted vegetables to it. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Put the finished nutria on a dish, sprinkle with herbs and serve. Boiled potatoes are perfect as a side dish.
To get rid of the specific smell, nutria can be pre-soaked in water with lemon juice.
Roast nutria recipe with red wine and walnuts
Ingredients: – nutria carcass; – onion head; – 100 ml of dry red wine; – 1 tbsp. spoon of fat or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil; – 200 ml of water; – 2 cloves of garlic; – 50 g of walnuts; – 400 g of potatoes; – a bunch of parsley; – salt and black pepper to taste.
Wash the nutria carcass and cut into pieces. Fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Do the same with potatoes and onions. Salt all foods. Place the nutria in the goose maker, put a layer of potatoes and onions on top. Sprinkle everything with spices, minced garlic and chopped walnuts. Drizzle with wine and water. Cover the roast pan with a lid, place in the oven and cook the roast for 1–1,5 hours at 180 ° C. Then place on a large platter and sprinkle with parsley.