Nursery psychologist: an essential role

The role of the baby psychologist

The shrink of babies has nothing to do with that of “adults”. “He is not a therapist, he intervenes in the normal and not in the pathological” explains the nursery psychologist Emilien Morel. With children, the work of the shrink therefore lies in their observation. During these sessions, he can detect psychomotor problems, in which case he will refer the parents to a specialist. Why does Paul systematically refuse his bottle? Why does Louise cry all the time? The shrink is looking for solutions. “Usually the problem resolves itself. It is simply necessary to respect the rhythm of adaptation of the child » reassures the psychologist.

There is also nothing to worry about when a child is aggressive, even biting his little friends! “This behavior comes up frequently in nurseries, it results in large part from the effects of separation, the general atmosphere of the group and the supervision given to the children”, observes psychologist Denis Mellier *. If the need arises, the specialist can question the parents about the child’s attitude at home. « They may fear being misjudged on the education of their child, specifies the shrink, it is preferable to meet them informally, when they bring or come to pick up their child ”.

The shrink can also suggest advice to parents who want it, like Volga who asked what attitude to adopt to “stop her daughter from repeating the same stupid thing over and over again”.

How to spot the difficulties?

“Live your emotions, communicate, have good relations with adults … The difficulties of life take root in young children, Emilien Morel warns. This is why it is very important to be attentive to the nursery, to make sure that he starts his life on a good basis.. Later, it’s more difficult to repair… ” From there to detect a future delinquent in the child of less than 3 years? ” It’s exaggerated “, considers the psychologist. “Talking about juvenile delinquency is dangerous because there is a risk of stigmatizing children and alarming parents. “

At the end of 2005, an Inserm expert opinion recommended very early detection of behavioral disorders in children, supposed to herald a path towards delinquency. During a conference in November 2006, the experts and the Minister of Health at the time, Xavier Bertrand, defeated this provision, judging that “it is the suffering of the child that is necessary. ‘attach to treat. “

Support and support for nursery professionals

The word “shrink” can worry parents. Do not panic ! To the nursery, the psychologist intervenes mainly to support the team. His presence, not compulsory, but recommended, makes it possible to address any educational difficulties encountered by the team.

Problems falling asleep, isolation, incessant crying, agitation, refusal to take a bottle… The concerns encountered by childcare assistants are often the same. Confused and helpless in the face of children who can defeat ritual practices, such as letting them cry or hugging, they seek a solution from the psychologist. ” The professionals are very close to the children, they forge very strong emotional bonds which can prevent them from taking a step back in the face of problematic situations, ”says Emilien Morel, nursery psychologist. Thanks to a work in retreat, the specialist carries a non-passionate gaze which makes it possible to shed light on the situation.

Circulate the word

The shrink also promotes dialogue within the team in order to dispel any points of contention. Psychologist Denis Mellier gives the example of the “darling”. When a nursery nurse’s preference for a child is reciprocal, she creates an exclusive relationship. He claims her when he sees her, cries when she leaves the room. This poses a concern to others who cannot take care of the child! For her part, the mother is satisfied: she has found someone to fill her absence for her son. The separation is less painful. However, there is a problem to be solved according to the specialist: “through the child, the nursery nurse partially fulfills a desire to be a mother, by reducing the professionally required distance” …

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