Nursery assistant: how much does it cost?

Have your child looked after by a childminder

Early childhood professional, the childminder has an authorization, renewable every five years, which allows him to keep up to 4 children under 6 years old in their home or in a home of childminders. To “choose” it well, it is necessary that the feeling is there because it is in contact with this person that your little one will spend most of his day! Do not hesitate to inquire about the program : are manual or early learning activities planned? Outings to the park to get some fresh air? Will your child be in contact with other toddlers of the same age group? And if you don’t provide meals for the childminder, what are the dishes usually on the menu? Once the contact is established and the person selected, you will have to complete an employment contract with the childminder. You will thus legally become a private employer and the nursery assistant will be your employee.

The maternal assistant’s employment contract

The document that will establish the nature of your relationship with the childminder is generally a permanent employment contract (CDI). But it can also be a fixed-term employment contract (CDD), in the context of the replacement of an absent employee, for example. This document, to be completed and to be signed by both parties in duplicate, aims to set the terms of care for your little one.

The employment contract must mention :

– the contact details and Pajemploi number of the employing parent (obtained by requesting a Complément de free choice du mode de garde (CMG) from the CAF or MSA),

– the employee’s contact details and social security number

– the references of its approval

– his professional liability and transport insurance (if he has to transport your child)

– the duration of the trial period (3 months maximum for 1 to 3 days per week in CDI, 2 weeks maximum for a CDD of less than 6 months)

– the hours and the number of days of childcare

– the basic gross hourly wage

– the monthly salary and the date of payment of the maternal assistant’s salary

– the date of his paid vacation and the terms of payment in the context of an incomplete year

– the amount of maintenance allowances

– meal costs and mileage allowance, if necessary

During the trial period, if you wish terminate the contract you must notify the childminder in writing, provide him with a pay slip, a certificate and a Pole emploi certificate. For all the hiring formalities and the declaration of paid salaries, go to the Urssaf Pajemploi service website.

What is the salary of a childminder?

Salary of a licensed nanny

If your child is accommodated on a regular basis by his maternal assistant, the latter’s salary will necessarily be paid monthly. For occasional reception, it will be assessed and paid according to the number of hours of care.

– To calculate the basic monthly salary maternal assistant in full year, it will be necessary to establish it on the basis of 47 weeks + 5 weeks of paid leave.

Is : net hourly wage X number of hours worked per week X 52 weeks / 12

– To calculate the monthly salary in incomplete year : net hourly wage X number of reception hours per week X number of weeks on call / 12

When the reception is occasional or short-term, the salary will not be paid monthly. It will be paid on the basis of the following calculation: basic gross hourly wage X number of hours.

How much does a childminder cost?

The price of a nanny

Note that the gross hourly wage of the childminder cannot be less than 0,281 times the gross hourly minimum wage. As of January 1, 2021, the minimum hourly wage for a childminder is € 2,88 gross, i.e. € 2,25 net. And to benefit from the free choice of childcare arrangement (CMG) from Paje, you must ensure that the gross remuneration of your ass’mat ‘does not exceed the reference daily ceiling, i.e. 5 times the value of the hourly minimum wage. gross: € 51,25 gross, € 39,98 net / day.

The costs of the childminder

How to calculate the maintenance costs of the nanny?

Add to this price maintenance allowances fixed at, at least, 2,65 € / day, the amount of which varies according to the length of the reception of the child. This expenditure corresponds to the material costs (games, beds, activities) and the general costs (water, electricity, heating) of the childminder. If you do not wish to provide meals for your little one, fresh for lunch and afternoon tea will be defined freely with the maternal assistant. To this you will also need to add the mileage compensation costs if there are trips provided for in the contract.

Calculate the amount of maintenance allowances for the childminder

Maternal assistant remuneration: special cases

The basic monthly salary of your childminder may be revised upwards in the event of: overtime, increased hours, remuneration for paid vacation if it is a contract for an incomplete year.

Conversely, his salary will be reduced : in the event of unpaid absences of the maternal assistant (parental leave, without pay, maternity leave, sickness, etc.) or absences of the child, upon presentation of a medical certificate, within the limit of 10 days per child. year or illness or hospitalization for more than 14 days.

Note: in the event of marriage, death of a loved one or the absence of the child at the parents’ goodwill, his salary will be maintained.

Help and support for a childminder

Under certain conditions, in particular as regards income, you will be able to benefit from the free choice of childcare system (CMG) from Paje, which will help you finance the cost of this childcare system. This benefit is paid by the Urssaf service Pajemploi for the care of children under 6 years old. if you choose a licensed childminder. Thanks to this partial aid, a minimum of 15% of the total salary of the childminder can remain at your expense. If you are a beneficiary of the Paje CMG, your CAF or MSA can also cover the amount of contributions and social contributions.

How much for the CMG de la Paje?

To benefit from this assistance, you will need to submit your request to CAF or MSA during the month of hiring the childminder. Here are the maximum monthly support amounts according to your income (from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022):

  • from € 178,06 to € 470,69 for a child under 3 years old
  • from € 89,03 to € 235,34 for a child aged 3 to 6

REMINDER. To benefit from the CMG : your child must be under 6 years old, your childminder must be approved, and her remuneration must not exceed the daily rate of € 51,25 gross.

You benefit from a tax credit equal to 50% of expenses incurred within the year for the care of your child. You can deduct at most: € 1 per child.

The amount of termination indemnities

– If your childminder has at least 1 year of seniority and you are at the initiative of the termination of the contract, you must pay him a severance pay which is equivalent to: 1 / 120th of the total net wages received during the term of his contract. Please note: this amount must appear on the receipt for the balance of any account as well as on the employer’s certificate.

– Also think about paid vacation allowances due and that your childminder has not taken over the current year. These will also be mentioned on the receipt and the certificate.

– You do not want the childminder to give notice? You will have to pay her for this period normally worked.

How to declare your childminder?

All you have to do is go to the site, fill in your contact details under the heading “approved maternal assistant” and declare the salaries paid between the 25th of the month worked and the 5th of the following month.



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