This example will teach you how to apply numeric and text filters so that only records that match certain criteria are displayed.
- Click on any cell in the dataset.
- On the Advanced tab Data (Data) click the button Filter (Filter). Arrows appear in the column headings.
Numeric filter
To apply a numeric filter, do the following:
- Click on the arrow in the column Sales.
- Выберите Numeric filters (Number Filters). This option is available because the column in question contains numeric data. In the list that opens, click on the item Больше (Greater Than).
- Enter “10000” and click OK.
Result: Excel only displays records with sales greater than $10000.
Note: You can also display only data that is equal to some value, less than a certain value, between two values, the first n numbers from the list, values above the average, etc.
Text filter
To apply a text filter, follow these steps:
- Click on the arrow in the column Last Name.
- Выберите Text filters (Text Filters). This option is available because the column in question contains text data. In the dropdown list, click on the item Equally (Equals).
- Enter “?m*” and press OK.
Note: The question mark (?) matches exactly one of any character. An asterisk (*) matches multiple characters (zero or more).
Result: Excel only displays data where the second character is “m”.
Note: You can also display data that starts with a specific character, ends with a specific character, contains or does not contain a specific character, and so on.