Numbness of the hands – neurological and orthopedic causes. Does hand numbness always mean a stroke?

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Numbness in the hands most often causes an unpleasant feeling that passes quickly. However, if it recurs frequently or if the tingling sensation persists for a long time, consult your doctor as it may be an unusual symptom of a serious medical condition. What does the numbness of the hands at night show? Could tingling hands be a harbinger of a stroke? We answer the most important questions about numbness in both the left and right hand, and see if it can appear during pregnancy.

Numbness of the hands – how to characterize them?

Numbness in the hands, characterized by tingling of both the fingers and the surface of the hand, is a colloquial term for parasthesia because it is felt through the sense of touch and sensation. It arises due to the restriction of the flow of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the hand.

  1. How is the spinal cord built?

There are two factors that cause hand numbness: mechanical and thermal-chemical. Paresthesia is most often the result of poor body positioning. For if we sleep on our hands or rest the weight of the body on our hands, a characteristic tingling may appear after relieving it. On this basis, it is possible to distinguish numbness of the hands at night and numbness of the hands during the day.

  1. The most common injuries of the hand bones

In the case of an increase in the frequency of tingling in the hand, we should, however, decide to see a family doctor who, after a follow-up interview, will refer us to a specialist, because numbness may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Numbness of the hands – the root causes

While numbness is unpleasant, it is painless. The main cause of hand numbness is damage to the central or peripheral nervous system. It can also be the result of neck or back damage. The most common causes are carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, and excess stress.

Hand numbness is also one symptom that, in combination with other symptoms, may indicate an impending stroke. Tingling in the limbs, especially in the hands, also appears in pregnancy. Most often, however, it is the result of the carpal tunnel syndrome mentioned above.

In order to reduce the problems with numbness and tingling of the hands, it is worth massaging them systematically, e.g. using the Longitudinal hand and nail brush made of DR2S BRISTA natural bristles. At Medonet Market you can also find an Oval Agave Hand and Nail Brush or a rectangular brush. Check the offers and choose the one that suits you best.

Numbness of the hands and carpal tunnel syndrome

Tingling of the hands, especially the numbness of the hands at night, is a common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. The area of ​​numbness most often includes the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. Initially, tingling appears at night. In this situation, rubbing against the numbing hand is helpful.

  1. What is de Quervain’s syndrome?

Neglecting the disease, however, it will appear more and more often, during the day or during intense work at the computer. Eventually, if left untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to thumb muscle atrophy and overall hand weakness.

The disease is often diagnosed not only in people working at the computer, but also in patients with thyroid disorders (e.g. hypothyroidism) and pregnant women.

Hand numbness and ischemic stroke

The main cause of ischemic stroke is blockage of the blood supply to the brain, which leads to changes in the brain. The type of symptoms depends largely on the extent of the lesions and their location.

Most often, one side of the patient’s body becomes numb, but there are a number of non-obvious symptoms. One of them may be hand tingling that lasts for a long time (about 24 hours).

  1. How do you recognize the symptoms of a stroke?

In the case of ischemic stroke, the most important thing is to provide immediate assistance to the patient so that irreversible changes do not occur.

Numbness of the hands and a brain tumor

A malignant brain tumor, incorrectly called brain cancer, is most often diagnosed in children and seniors. The symptoms of the disease are associated not only with an increase in intracranial pressure, but also with the location of the tumor.

The focal symptoms of a malignant brain tumor include not only headaches and epilepsy, but also numbness and trembling of the hands, which are non-specific symptoms. May be left or right hand.

Numbness in the hands and shoulder pain

In shoulder pain, the pain radiates from the neck to the fingers, making them tingle. It is worsened when the head is tilted or turned towards the side where discomfort is felt. Shoulder girth causes damage to the nerve root in the area of ​​the cervical spine.

The tingling and numbness of the fingers mainly affect the thumb and the index or middle finger. In severe pain, you should limit neck movements and contact a specialist as soon as possible. The treatment of shoulder cyst is mainly based on the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and advanced physiotherapy.

Numbness of the hands and damage to the ulnar nerve

In addition to carpal tunnel syndrome, damage to the ulnar nerve is one of the most commonly diagnosed mononeuropathy, accompanied by tingling and impaired sensation of the little finger and half of the ring finger.

  1. Find out about the causes of peripheral neuropathy

The discomfort increases at night and also during intensive work at the computer. In this case, you need to relieve the middle part of the elbow so that the unpleasant feeling subsides, and at the same time does not lead to weakening of the muscle strength and atrophy of the glomerulus muscles.

Hand numbness and polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy means numbness not only of the hands, but also of the feet, accompanied by severe pain in the whole body, reminiscent of an electric shock. The most common causes of polyneuropathy are diabetes, Lyme disease, chemotherapy, vitamin deficiency or autoimmune diseases.

Worth knowing

Untreated polyneuropathy can lead to muscle wasting, so you should decide to see a specialist who will make the correct diagnosis and propose a treatment that will minimize the symptoms.

Hand numbness and stress

Strong stress or a panic attack can also lead to numbness in the hands and paralysis of the entire body. Other symptoms that appear simultaneously are dizziness, cramps in the arms and legs, numbness in the face, difficulty catching breath, and rapid heartbeat.

Tingling or numbness in the hands is most often caused by rapid inhalations and exhalations of air, leading to respiratory alkalosis – the pH of the plasma increases while the concentration of carbon dioxide decreases.

In case of numb hands, the OMRON E3 Intense Electrostimulator can be helpful, which you can buy at Medonet Market at a favorable price.

  1. What is hypercapnia?

Hand numbness and tetany

Tetany, or neuromuscular conduction disorders, is characterized by hypocalcemia (reduced levels of calcium), potassium and magnesium in the blood. The main symptom is paroxysmal numbness and muscle spasms, including tingling in the fingers and toes.

The causes of tetany can be different, from inadequate diet, through the use of drugs that flush minerals from the body, to various disease processes in the body.

Hand numbness and multiple sclerosis

Numbness in the arms and legs can be one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, as degenerative changes occur not only in the brain but also in the spinal cord.

Although the symptoms of disease progression may vary depending on the clinical picture, tingling in the fingers and toes remains one of the hallmark symptoms of MS.

In order to deal with the numbness of the hands and to properly stimulate the work of muscles and joints, it is worth using the Hedgehog rehabilitation ball, whose rhythmic clenching in the hand is a great rehabilitation exercise.

Numbness of the hands and thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland is a small gland that regulates the work of the entire body. If the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is impaired, symptoms appear depending on whether the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, or Hashimoto’s disease.

  1. When should a TSH test be performed?

Research confirms that thyroid disorders can exacerbate disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including neurogenic arthropathy. It is caused by the swelling of the tissues surrounding the peripheral system, leading to numbness in the limbs. In order to overcome not only this symptom, but also other symptoms, hormone treatment should be introduced.

Numbness of the hands and Raynaud’s phenomenon

Disorders of rheumatology, including Raynaud’s phenomenon, also cause hand numbness, which may be associated with blueness and pain. The vasoconstriction is primarily influenced by low temperature and severe stress. The etiology of this disorder has not been fully understood.

Numbness of the hands and Guillain-Barry syndrome

Guillan-Barry Syndrome is a condition caused by damage to the peripheral nerves of unknown etiology, which leads to muscle weakness.

The fingers and toes initially become numb as a result of the involvement of the sensory nerve fibers. The progressive weakening of the muscles causes difficulty in walking, followed by complete paralysis. In 80 percent patients it is possible to recover completely.

Numbness of the left and right hands – do they have the same causes?

Numbness of the left and right hands can have the same causes. This is the case with Guillain-Barré syndrome, vitamin deficiency, carpal tunnel syndrome or severe stress. However, justified anxiety is more likely to cause numbness of the fingers of the left hand due to their location in relation to the heart.

However, the discomfort may not be caused by an ischemic stroke, but by pressure on the spinal cord, which may also manifest itself as numbness in the right hand.

Numbness of hands at night – what could it mean?

The main causes of hand numbness at night are primarily neurological diseases, especially:

  1. Soft tissue conditions caused by overload or pressure on the peripheral system. These include carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfer’s wrist or Volkmann’s contracture; 
  2. Injuries to bones, muscles and joints, i.e. fractures, dislocations, sprains, bruises; 
  3. Disorders of the natural curvature of the spine, e.g. excessive lordosis, displacement of the intervertebral disc or osteoporotic changes; 
  4. Cardiovascular diseases – atherosclerosis, inflammation of blood vessels; 
  5. Rheumatic diseases, including diabetic and alcoholic neuropathy, poisoning with toxins or electrolyte deficiency. 

Before consulting your doctor, you may go through an initial medical interview.

Numbness of hands in pregnancy

Numbness of the hands in pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes and water retention in the body, causing carpal tunnel syndrome. The disease most often appears between the 26th and 29th week of pregnancy. Approximately 2-3 weeks after childbirth pass spontaneously.

Numbness of the hands – what is the diagnosis?

The diagnosis of hand numbness depends largely on the underlying condition. The first step is to conduct a medical interview. After reviewing the patient’s test results, the family doctor may issue a referral to a specialist (e.g. rheumatologist) who will order further tests.

The most frequently used are MRI of the cervical spine and EMG examination (in the case of suspicion of carpal tunnel syndrome or damage to the ulnar nerve).

Hand numbness – what is the treatment for hand tingling?

As well as diagnosis, the treatment of hand numbness also depends on the disease diagnosed. In patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, the most commonly used medications are to reduce swelling and inflammation. There is also a special splint that is worn at night.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are given for shoulder pain. If the disease is advanced, precise epidural injections may be indispensable. In turn, in the case of tetany, the correct electrolyte balance should be restored.

Basic exercises for hand numbness

If the hands become numb, tingling or tingling, we can stimulate the wrist muscles to minimize the unpleasant feeling. The most popular exercises include:

  1. Wrist stretching – the starting position is standing. You should stand in front of the table so that you can rest your hands on it. The fingers should be pinned together and facing each other. Lean back slowly; 
  2. Anterior chest muscles stretching – stand by the wall with your left hand resting on it, and then lunge your left leg forward. The elbow joint should be straightened. The exercise should be repeated with the other hand. 

Massaging and stretching the hand muscles can be combined with the application of Bioherba Banana, Broccoli and Cucumber Cream for dry hands, which will also improve the condition of the skin.


If the numbness of the hands continues for a long time and exercise and massage do not help, see your GP.

Home remedies for numb hands

Among the home remedies that help minimize hand numbness, herbal infusions, especially oak bark infusion and celery infusion, stand out. In addition, you can use apple cider vinegar, fenugreek or honey with cinnamon. It is best to prepare a compress for numb hands.

It is also important to take breaks while working on the computer to relax your hand muscles by unscrewing light bulbs or shaking your hands off. We should also avoid exposure of our fingers to thermal stimuli, especially cold.

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