Mathematical operation, which is the opposite of multiplication, is called division. Division is indicated by a slash or a “:” sign. A number that is divisible is called a “divisible”. The dividend is always in the numerator of the fraction – above the fractional line. The number that is divided by is called the divisor. The divisor is always in the denominator of the fraction – under the fractional line. The result of division is called “quotient”.
The quotient is always positive if positive numbers are divisible. If one of the two numbers, the dividend or the divisor, is negative, the result is negative – plus times a minus gives a minus, minus times a plus gives a minus. When you divide a negative number by a negative, you get a positive number – minus by minus gives plus. From the results of the division, a division table is obtained. It can be represented by proper or decimal fractions.
Division table in the form of a picture
To print, copy the picture to any editor. Usually children pass the division table in mathematics in the third grade.
Use this number division table for quick calculations, as well as a blank form to test your knowledge. Both versions are printable.

Empty division table to fill