Nourishing face mask: homemade or ready-made products

What to nourish the skin? Exactly – not products from our table. Or is it a good option? Let’s figure it out with the experts.

The benefits and effectiveness of nourishing face masks

It is clear that the purpose of moisturizing masks is to increase the level of moisture in the skin. But for the full functioning of the skin this is not enough, nutrition is necessary. When we talk about skin nutrients, we mean the same proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that the body as a whole needs – but in slightly different proportions.
  • Lipitor needed by the skin because they form its protective mantle. The polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, -6 and -9 are especially important. These are invaluable sources of biologically active substances.

  • Amino acids – the components of proteins, which form the basis of all tissues of the body, help to restore cells.

  • Carbohydrates – the study of their role resulted in the development of the whole science of glycobiology. Sugars (polysaccharides, glycans) have taken pride of place in cosmetics. Many plants containing these substances use them as an energy boost. However, in this they are similar to people, because our main “fuel” is glucose.

  • Vitamins and minerals participate in the process of skin restoration, maintaining its functions. And some vitamins are also antioxidants.

Categories of nourishing masks

No one is surprised by the different approach to nutrition in winter, spring or summer. In some periods, we feel the need for foods saturated with fats, in some – in the lightest, vitamin ones. The same applies to the skin. Her needs may vary depending on the time of year and the state of our health. And if hydration is necessary always and under any circumstances, then nutrition must be approached taking into account different circumstances.
  • Spring Nourishing masks relevant for spring are primarily saturated with vitamins and amino acids. And, of course, oils.

  • Winter In the cold season, the most relevant protection of the skin from frost and temperature changes, when we get from minus 15 on the street to plus 20 at home. The first line of defense is lipids, oils. They strengthen the hydrolipid mantle of the skin and form a kind of barrier. Special comfort gives a warming effect, characteristic, for example, of honey. It is also rich in amino acids, which are also welcome in winter nourishing face masks.

  • Anti-stress Stress we often eat carbohydrates, although we know that this is not the right tactic. For skin in a stressful situation, in addition to reliable hydration, antioxidants are important that can fight free radicals.

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Mechanism of action on the skin

Nourishing masks are primarily needed by dry and dry skin, which lacks its own lipids. Such masks provide the skin with additional lipid protection, while allowing it to breathe. What is the result?
  • Supported by Hydrobalance, a protective film on the surface of the skin prevents moisture from evaporating.

  • Thanks to the strengthening of the hydrolipidic layer, protective properties skin. It becomes more dense and elastic.

  • Frost, wind, polluted air do not get directly to the skin. Thanks to protection from external influences her level of irritability decreases.

  • Proper balance of moisture and lipids prevents the appearance wrinkles.

  • replenishment vitamin and mineral resource кожи способствует эффективному сопротивлению негативным внешним воздействиям.

Nourishing masks for oily skin require active nourishment of it not so much with fats as with vitamins and antioxidants.

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Homemade mask or purchased: expert opinion

In what situations might homemade masks be appropriate? Listen to the experts.

Compare ready-made and homemade masks




In business usually there are products which are stored at home in the refrigerator.

Kitchen stocks do not compare with the choice that cosmetics manufacturers have. Formulas often contain up to a dozen different oils, not to mention other useful and innovative ingredients.

Elena Eliseeva

“A nourishing mask should include not only nourishing oils, but also moisturizing additives such as hyaluronic acid. To replenish the hydrobalance and prevent moisture loss.


For a nourishing emergency mask, even simple vegetable oil is enough. But the effect of homemade masks was and remains extremely short-lived.

Formulas include oils, taking into account the ratio of fatty acids necessary for the skin, as well as components that have a complex effect on the skin.

Marina Kamanina

“Homemade masks can be used if the skin urgently needs restoration, and there is no time to purchase a ready-made product. However, it must be understood that the choice of components for such masks is limited by improvised means. Ready-made masks can have the most diverse composition and, most importantly, contain components that are difficult to obtain, have high efficiency, and give a full-fledged result.”


The need to wash off the homemade nourishing mask with water is the risk of reducing its effect to zero. After all, tap water dries out the skin.

Thoughtful consistency, as a rule, makes the use of the mask very comfortable. And recently, indelible night masks have appeared for optimal skin nutrition.

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Folk recipes vs professional remedies

If a person is seriously passionate about making cosmetics with his own hands, it is difficult to convince him. And Healthy-Food does not set itself such a task. Just compare the effect of homemade products and factory ones. The results will speak for themselves.

A nourishing & hydrating facial mask

Act: makes the skin smoother and more hydrated, suitable for normal and combination skin.
  1. ¼ avocado;

  2. 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (pure, no sugar)

  3. 1 tablespoon honey.

How to cook:

  1. mash the avocado with a fork, and preferably with a wooden (stone) crush into a smooth puree;

  2. mix honey and cocoa thoroughly so that there are no lumps;

  3. Add the avocado puree and stir again until smooth.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin of the face and wipe with tonic;

  2. apply an even layer of the mask, bypassing the area around the eyes;

  3. leave for 10-15 minutes;

  4. rinse with water at a comfortable temperature;

  5. wipe the face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Honey really benefits any skin type. Avocados and cocoa are also rich in healthy fats, minerals and antioxidants. Pleasant sensations and chocolate aroma mask will surely give. And yet we strongly advise you to try ready-made “chocolate” cosmetics for normal and combination skin.
Sugar Facial Scrub, L’Oréal Paris – this, of course, is not a mask, but just look at the ingredients: three types of sugar and grape oil. Thus, the scrub both cleanses and nourishes the skin. It, like a homemade mask, is washed off, after which they provide the skin with traditional moisturizing care.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Act: moisturizes, protects the skin, evens out tone.
  1. 1 tablespoon of fatty soft cottage cheese;

  2. 1 teaspoon olive (or any other) oil;

  3. 1 teaspoon sunflower (or any other) oil.

How to cook:

  1. stir the cottage cheese to a smooth consistency (if it seems too dry, you can add a little cream);

  2. mix cottage cheese with oils until smooth.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin of the face and wipe with tonic;

  2. apply an even layer of the mask, bypassing the area around the eyes;

  3. leave for 20 minutes;

  4. rinse with water at a comfortable temperature;

  5. Wipe the skin with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Calcium, proteins, lactic acid contained in cottage cheese are undoubtedly beneficial for the skin, but can they fully affect it as part of such a mask? And the variety of oils in ready-made products will be richer. Try more luxurious nourishment for dry skin.
Night transforming cream-mask “Luxury nutrition. Extraordinary Oil, L’Oréal Paris – its name speaks for itself. During the night, the cream-mask transforms the skin: it is smoothed, silky and soft. It is nourished by argan, rose, rosemary and lavender oils. The mask also contains royal jelly, vitamins B and E. The product can be used as a night mask or, if applied in a thinner layer, as a night cream.

Banana nourishing mask

Act: moisturizes, smoothes the skin.
  1. 1 egg yolk;

  2. 1 tablespoon of olive oil;

  3. half a banana.

How to cook:

  1. thoroughly mix the yolk with butter;

  2. mash the banana in a puree until smooth;

  3. combine banana puree with egg-butter mixture.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin of the face and wipe with tonic;

  2. apply a thick layer of the mask (using a brush);

  3. leave for 15-20 minutes;

  4. rinse with water at a comfortable temperature;

  5. Wipe the skin with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Rich in fats and proteins, the yolk, combined with olive oil, is perhaps able to have a beneficial effect on dry skin that is deficient in its own lipids. But, in our opinion, there are tools that are more convenient and rich in composition and set of properties. With such a mask, you definitely won’t go to bed, unlike many ready-made indelible masks that nourish the skin until the morning. Such products can be used both as a cream and as a mask.
Face mask “Age expert 55+”, L’Oréal Paris includes many oils: shea butter, macadamia, argan, meadowfoam, coriander, jojoba, apricot kernels, passionflower. The mask contains lactic acid, wax. As well as goji berry extract – a powerful antioxidant. All this makes it a hyper-nourishing “cocktail” for the skin.

The increased content of lipids is a distinctive feature of cosmetics for the age of 50+. When the skin needs additional nutrition, feel free to use such care, even if formally it will be a “growth” cream.

Revitalizing nourishing mask

Act: refreshes and moisturizes, makes the skin rested and smooth.
  1. 1 tablespoon heavy heavy cream (33%);

  2. 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed orange juice;

  3. 1 drop of lavender essential oil.

How to cook:

mix the ingredients thoroughly.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin of the face and wipe with tonic;

  2. apply the mask evenly with a brush;

  3. leave for 20 minutes;

  4. wash off the mask with water at a comfortable temperature or remove excess with a napkin;

  5. Wipe the face with tonic and apply moisturizing care.

Editorial opinion. The cream leaves the skin velvety. Orange juice gives a feeling of freshness. But a more intense, truly restorative effect, in our opinion, can only be given by ready-made cosmetics, with a strictly verified formula. In addition, a homemade mask is likely to spread faster than it absorbs into the skin.
Night mask for elasticity and smoothness of the skin of the face, Kiehl’s smoothes and firms the skin. The mask is rich in oils, including mango, shea, almond, lavender, cardamom, moringa. The antioxidant composition is more impressive than that of a spoonful of freshly squeezed orange juice: various forms of vitamin E, Baikal skullcap extract. And all this from evening to morning restores tired skin, makes it more elastic and fresh.

Nourishing mask with honey

Act: moisturizes and nourishes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, evens out complexion.
  1. 1 a tablespoon of honey;

  2. 1 tablespoon of thick sour cream.

How to cook:

Thoroughly mix sour cream and honey until smooth.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin of the face and wipe with tonic;

  2. apply a mask evenly (you can use a brush);

  3. leave for 15-20 minutes;

  4. rinse with water at a comfortable temperature;

  5. wipe the face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. The nutritional properties of the traditional components of homemade masks are beyond doubt. But why give up interesting, backed by years of scientific developments of cosmetic products that solve skin problems in a complex way.

Mask with rose petals to restore and nourish the skin Absolue Precious Cells, Lancôme and looks luxurious, and perfectly nourishes the skin. The presence of the petals makes the use of the mask a special ritual. The product is practically oil-free and saturates the skin with moisture due to hyaluronic acid. In addition, the formula contains rose extracts and rose water, rich in biologically active substances. The skin becomes soft, silky, easier to recover.

The need for nourishing masks is especially acute after aesthetic procedures. But here caution is needed. For example, after peeling or other skin damage, rich oily textures should not be used, they will hinder recovery. Requires intense hydration and protection. The texture of care products should be as light as possible.

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Rules and recommendations for use

  1. Masks of any type are applied only to cleansed skin. If the skin is very dry, it can be cleansed with micellar products, without water.

  2. After cleansing and before applying the mask, it is important to wipe the face with a tonic to restore the pH and more effective effect of the mask.

  3. When preparing homemade masks, it is easy to miscalculate with the texture: it often turns out to be too fluid, so you need to pick up “work clothes” for a home beauty salon in advance.

  4. You can apply the mask directly with clean fingers, but it is more convenient to do it with a brush – it turns out both cleaner and smoother.

  5. While the mask is working, it is best to lie down with your eyes closed. This will help the mask settle on your face and help you relax, which is very good for your skin.

  6. Unlike ready-made masks that stay on the skin for 5-10 minutes, homemade cosmetics take longer. But! It is not necessary to lie down for half an hour if there are unpleasant sensations like burning, tingling, swelling – all this may indicate an allergic reaction. If the mask on the face is dry, it must be washed off immediately.

  7. You need to wash off the homemade mask carefully, so by the way, you will have to use a sponge.

  8. After washing off the mask, be sure to wipe the skin again with tonic and apply moisturizing care.

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Safety measures

First of all, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components by testing the product on the back of your hand. Well, let us repeat that owners of oily skin should not get carried away with oils as part of homemade masks. This is especially true for comedogenic natural coconut oil.

How often can masks be done

If we are talking about nourishing masks for dry skin – at least every day. Enhanced nutrition will only benefit her. The manufacturer always writes recommendations for use on the packaging, stick to them. However, for oily skin, nourishing masks are not very relevant. It is better to use moisturizers and rich in antioxidants, without additional oils.

Is it possible to alternate different masks

Sure. As you know, a varied diet is the right way to beauty. The same applies to the skin. After all, different products have a different composition, which means they provide it with different nutrients. The main thing is to make sure that the mask meets the needs of the skin, its type.

Find out with the help of the test which mask you need right now.

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