We often think that the problem of lack of suitable items in the wardrobe should be immediately solved by buying new ones, but in most cases this is not the case. To begin with, you need to ask yourself a direct question: why do we think that there is nothing to wear if every hanger and shelf in the closet is occupied? Let’s go over the points.
So let’s be honest with ourselves. There are several reasons that can explain the inability to choose the right thing from our wardrobe:
- We simply don’t like all the things in the closet: they are outdated, tired, or maybe they were never used at all, because we bought them without weighing all the pros and cons.
- All clothes are monotonous, so it is impossible to choose something for a specific non-standard occasion, because if the shelves are occupied with jeans and sweaters, then it will be almost impossible to assemble an image for an anniversary or an important meeting.
- Every thing has flaws. For example, a sweater that is more than five years old looks unpresentable, a skirt is slightly small, and a once-stylish jacket resembles a XNUMXth-century frock coat.
“It is important to understand that “life in clothes” is divided into two worlds: the world of shopping is fantastic, imaginary, sometimes unreal due to the inability to wear something that is too large or too expensive, and the real world is home, entangled in everyday life and everyday life. – notes psychologist Igor Brailovsky. “And sometimes you really want to connect these worlds so that what we bought in the beautiful world is worn in the real one.
But what are we doing? We either buy something that has nowhere to wear, or something that is so banal that we don’t want to wear it later. It turns out that the clothes are hanging, and we look at them and think: “There is nothing to wear!” However, you just need to tell yourself that a fairy tale can be in the closet.
The situation would clearly be simpler if the problem with the “lack” of clothes did not affect other aspects of our lives. We are all participants in social relations, and therefore we try to look good not only for ourselves, but also for those with whom we interact.
Clothes are not just pieces of fabric that we cover ourselves with to go out into the street.
Clothing is the story of our personality and our life. With its help, we broadcast our mood to others and give identification signals, so we should not belittle the value and importance of a properly composed wardrobe.
“Warrobe insecurity certainly carries over to other aspects of life. We begin to say to ourselves: “If you can’t even deal with clothes, then what can we say about goals in life and work? If you can’t pick up the top and bottom, then how can you recruit a team for the project?”
Our wardrobe is also a means of communication with others. If we can’t pick it up correctly, then in life we behave quietly, we don’t stand out, and the world around us, meanwhile, “grays” and becomes boring, ”says Brailovsky.
Closely related to the “nothing to wear” problem is our self-confidence. Imagine: you entered the office in an outdated dress and ankle boots that visually shortened your legs, and immediately ran into colleagues who seemed to have just left a fashion store.
You may not notice. Or maybe you will begin to think that now you will become the object of discussion or light ridicule. You will immediately want to hide from this thought and situation, and the next day you will most likely come in gray inconspicuous things so as not to attract any attention and try to erase from the memory of your colleagues your yesterday’s elegant, as you thought, exit.
“We check ourselves all the time through feedback from society. If we talk about the wardrobe, then the admiration of everyone raises our self-esteem, and the feedback lowers it, even if we are 100% sure of our appearance, ”Igori Brailovsky notes.
At the same time, embarrassment often comes to us not after a single case, but accumulates throughout life, and in order to track its causes, it will take a lot of time and effort to work with specialists.
But how do you start the fight for self-confidence on your own?
As a first step, I would suggest sorting out your current wardrobe. Take a day off, open the closet and start freeing it from unnecessary and inappropriate things without regrets.
Leave only what suits you, fits the size, and what you have already worn. Believe me: what has been lying for several years and “waiting in the wings” will never be worn.
The next step is choosing the right capsule. Make a list of the basic things you need and follow it, without being distracted by the momentary desire to buy a trendy T-shirt that will be out of date in two weeks.
If you understand that it’s impossible to make a capsule on your own, feel free to contact special services that will select things in accordance with your inner world and psychotype.
Knowing your psychotype before going shopping is extremely important, because you choose clothes primarily for yourself, which means that you should be comfortable in them.
Do not be afraid to experiment, because the experiment is a kind of search for the real you.
About the authors:
Peter Kovalenko — co-founder of the Offprice outlet network, an expert in the field of fashion mindfulness.
Igor Brailovsky — social psychologist.