Notes for Good Friday
Three days before Bright Sunday comes Good Friday, in 2023 it falls on April 14th. We talk about folk signs, as well as what you can and cannot do on this day.

Good Friday is a day of mourning and quiet sorrow for all believers. It was on Friday that Christ was executed on Golgotha. “Whoever laughs on Good Friday will cry all year later,” says a popular saying. Christians believe that on the eve of Easter, fun is inappropriate, and this day should be devoted to prayers and reflections on the sacrifice of Christ.

The history of folk signs on Good Friday

Most of the signs on Good Friday are associated with prohibitions – on the most bitter day for a believer, many things should be abstained from. From the depths of centuries, the observations of ancestors and their tips on what can and cannot be done on Good Friday have come down to us. Let’s talk about the main signs that you should listen to on this day.

Do’s and Don’ts on Good Friday

Things, which can not do on this day:

  • wash, clean, do laundry and do housework. All matters related to cleanliness must be completed on the past Pure Thursday. They believed that if you wash clothes on this day, traces of blood will appear on it during drying;
  • work in the garden. It is believed that planting plants on this day is a great sin. If a tree is planted on Friday, it will certainly die, and nothing will grow in its place for many more years;
  • break Lent. Only three days remain until its completion, and it is on Good Friday that the most strict diet should be maintained. Our ancestors on this day often ate nothing but bread and water, thereby honoring the great sacrifice that Christ brought. There is an eerie belief that if on the Friday before Easter you completely abstain from water and food, then three days before your death you will find out its exact time and cause;
  • celebrate and drink alcohol. It is better to spend this day at home, alone with yourself and your family. Even if your birthday or other important holiday falls on Good Friday, it is better to celebrate it at another time;
  • proximity on this day – even between spouses – is undesirable and sinful. It was believed that a child conceived on Good Friday would either be born sick or, when grown up, become a criminal.

Good Friday welcome:

  • household chores – worldly, you don’t need to think about them on this day. There is only one exception – the preparation of the Easter table. It was on Good Friday that housewives baked Easter cakes and dyed eggs. It was believed that the pastries prepared on this day would not deteriorate or become moldy. If bread and Easter turn out ruddy and beautiful, this is for happiness and well-being. If burnt – beware of imminent trouble;
  • Good Friday should be dedicated prayers, humility and help to loved ones. It is advisable to attend a service in the temple on this day.

signs of the weather

According to the weather that stood on Good Friday, our ancestors judged the harvest for the next year.

  • The day turned out to be sunny – the bread will be born.
  • The Friday before Easter is warm and clear – by the same spring.
  • Cloudy – in the gardens all year long, expect a lot of weeds.
  • The rain has begun – spring will also be damp and rainy.

Signs for the future

There were signs that made it possible to predict not only the weather, but also your personal future. To do this, waking up, immediately ran to the window. What you see first is what you will see next year.

  • Bird – to pleasant acquaintances and good news.
  • A cat – to prosperity.
  • The dog is sad.
  • Young man – to health.
  • A young woman – to well-being.
  • The whole family – to mutual understanding with relatives.
  • An elderly person – to illness.

Popular questions and answers

What are the health signs on Good Friday?

It is believed that on this day you can not cut your hair, braid and dye your hair, otherwise you can lose your health.

Our ancestors attributed special power to the ashes that were raked out of the stove at this time. It was believed that she helped in the treatment of alcoholism, the evil eye and despondency.

So that health does not fail all year round, a piece of Easter cake baked on Good Friday had to be kept behind the icons in the red corner until the next Great Week.

What are the signs of prosperity on Good Friday?

There is a belief that 12 candles brought from the church on this day will attract material well-being to the house. They need to be placed around the dwelling and allowed to burn out completely. Help to those in need is also welcome – a good deed done from a pure heart will definitely respond in the future.

What are the signs of the evil eye on Good Friday?

They believed that it was possible to determine whether there was damage and the evil eye in the house on that day. To do this, they went to the morning service. It was necessary to defend it from beginning to end, holding a candle in hand. Then the cinder of this candle was brought home and lit again, going around all the rooms with it. If next to some thing the candle began to crackle and emit black smoke, then this thing is “spoiled”.

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