Knowledgeable people will say – do not expect anything good from a leap year, it always has catastrophes of various sizes: both personal and global. We have already figured out where these fears came from and why add an extra day to the calendar at all. Now we will analyze in more detail the superstitions and signs for a leap year.
What not to do in a leap year
The main belief of our ancestors is that in a leap year one should be quieter than water, lower than grass, then misfortunes will bypass. Until now, many believe that life changes should be postponed until a better time, otherwise all undertakings undertaken in a leap year will definitely come out sideways.
- You can’t change jobs, otherwise you won’t stay in a new place, and financial difficulties will begin to lie ahead.
- You should not start your own business – it can turn into a crash.
- You should not buy a new home, otherwise there will be no happiness in it. If you still bought it, you need to spend the night in the house on your first visit after the purchase, and be sure to let the cat inside in front of you – they believe that the animal will absorb possible negative energy.
- No need to make repairs, otherwise it will be short-lived.
- You can’t tell anyone, except relatives, about your plans for the coming leap year, otherwise they won’t come true.
- Do not get pets in a leap year – they may not take root.
- In some regions, it is customary to celebrate the holiday of the first tooth – the appearance of the first tooth in a baby. In a year in which there are 366 days, this is not recommended, otherwise the child will have bad teeth all his life.
- Older people have a habit of buying their funeral clothes ahead of time. This is not advised to do in a leap year, so that death does not come ahead of schedule.
- Leap year travel should also be postponed to protect yourself from trouble.
- Our ancestors were sure: we should try not to plan pregnancy and childbirth in a leap year, otherwise misfortunes will await the child all his life. However, this is just one opinion. According to other assumptions, children born in such a year will certainly have great achievements. It is difficult to judge whose opinion is correct, so we will simply list a few names of people born in leap years: Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Levitan, David Copperfield, Vladimir Putin, Pavel Durov, Mark Zuckerberg.
Why can’t you get married on a leap year?
Most likely, this is due to the ban on any undertakings. A wedding is a new stage in life, so superstitious people believe that you should not enter it on a leap year.
Another version of the origin of this superstition is an ancient tradition that was common in Our Country. In some regions, the leap year was called “the year of the bride”. For all 366 days, grooms could not send matchmakers to girls, but unmarried women could invite a man to enter into a legal marriage, and he had no right to refuse, even if he did not feel any feelings for her. Similar traditions also existed in other countries. In Ireland, for example, there is still a similar rule, however, only for February 29 – if a girl proposes to a man on that day, he cannot answer “no”.
The statistics of marriages in Our Country suggests that many people believe in this sign, there are fewer weddings in leap years in the 21st century than in ordinary years.
If you believe in signs, but the application to the registry office has already been submitted, there are several recommendations to protect yourself from possible problems.
- The wedding dress should be long, preferably with a train. The longer the dress, the longer the marriage will be.
- If your bridal look includes gloves, please remove them during check-in. An engagement ring worn over a glove promises trouble in married life.
- On their way to the registry office or the wedding venue, the bride and groom should not look back.
- If it rains or snows on the wedding day, this is to the wealth of the young family.
- Another sign of financial well-being is to hide a coin under the heel of the bride and groom.
What can you do in a leap year
It’s already easier here. There is no set set of guidelines for what to do in a year with an unconventional number of days. If you are not superstitious, this year will be no different for you from the previous one. If superstitious – do not follow the prohibitions thoughtlessly. Do not turn down a lucrative job offer or your plans for travel and large purchases just because of an unsubstantiated fear of “leap” dangers. Include common sense and do not forget that the leap year in the public mind is pretty demonized. The fears associated with it are exaggerated and rely only on the dense ideas of our ancestors. Modern realities – modern perception of popular beliefs.