Note for moms: how to turn a crib into a luxurious palace in two hours

Sometimes fantasy allows people to create new creative things at no cost.

Anja Lindemann, 34, lives in Germany with her 55-year-old fiancé Brian Hobart and their common son Leo, who will turn two in September. The kid has already grown up, and recently a situation happened to him that forced Anya to make an important decision.

So, two-year-old Leo slept all the time in a crib with high sides. However, when the boy stretched out, nothing prevented him from throwing his leg over the edge to try to get out of there. Leo fell several times and received serious injuries. Verbal prohibitions didn’t work at all. Then Lindemann decided to go for a trick.

She wanted to transform her son’s old bed. In just two hours, together with her chosen one, her mother turned her into a wonderful play tent with doors, windows and flickering lights.

In this case, the structure was located on the floor. It was very comfortable and was not only meant for active games and sleep.

In her personal blog, Anya talked about how she and Brian did it. So, the couple removed the bottom of the crib and twisted it lower. They built a roof from the sides, attaching them to the top of the structure. Then Anya and Brian pulled a blanket over them so that the ceiling was opaque. The woman sewed the space tent with windows herself.

Anya shared the result with subscribers. In the hours after the post was published, she received thousands of likes and rave comments. Followers praised the mother for her creativity and for the fact that in a simple way she was able not only to save the family budget, but also to create an interesting play location for her son.

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