(Not) tea joy

Cleansing, toning or relaxing herbal tea takes care of our health on a daily basis. How to use the power of herbs to your advantage, tell Elena Korsun, an employee of the Institute of Phytotherapy, and Michel Pierre, a specialist at l’Herboristerie du Palais-Royal in Paris.

Of course, technology has long allowed us to isolate the active components of plants and offer them to us in the form of capsules and extracts, but making your own herbal tea is much more pleasant. The special charm of herbal teas is that they have a wide spectrum of action: anti-stress, tonic, enveloping, able to prevent headaches and stomach problems. They purify the lymph and blood, restore mucous membranes, improve immunity and can save you from many chronic diseases that are typical for residents of a big city.

The drink is ready

Herbal teas are otherwise called the French word “tisanes” (tisanes). There are several world famous brands specializing in their production. Tizany Dr. Stuart’s are named for the herbalist Malcolm Stuart who formulated them. Their quality is guaranteed by the German pharmaceutical standard DAB 10 grade herbs, recognized in the world as the most stringent. Clipper’s tisanes are organic and made without the use of any chemicals. Herbal teas from l’Herboristerie d’Orgeval are created according to old recipes: their assortment includes, for example, the famous Tisane du Berger – a collection made up of lime and orange flowers, verbena and mint. Ready-made tisanes can be bought at Azbuka Vkusa and Globus Gourmet supermarkets.

It is advisable to have on hand several duty collections from your favorite plants, carefully prepared with your own hands or bought at a pharmacy. To choose the right herbs, you can use phytoencyclopedias or consult a herbalist. Despite the complexity of the “science of herbs”, there are general recommendations that allow you to use such a gift of nature as herbal tea.

Infusion or decoction

We prepare the infusion by pouring boiling water over fresh or dry plants (leaves, seeds, flowers, etc.), covering with a lid and leaving to infuse for several minutes. This method is especially suitable for delicate plants and flowers.

The decoction is made as follows: pour the plants with cold, warm or boiling water and boil for several minutes – the time depends on the properties of the plant. This method is used for tougher plants or their parts, such as bark, seeds, roots. It will be necessary to grind vegetable raw materials more carefully so that it better releases the useful substances contained in it.

Fee Announced

There are many myths and misconceptions around herbal medicine. For example, that herbs can be consumed whenever you want, as much as you like and in unlimited quantities. In fact, prolonged use of the same herb can lead to a kind of allergy, just like an “overdose” of, say, orange juice. You should not, for example, drink St. John’s wort too often – it stimulates the adrenal glands. And for women on critical days, it is better not to drink lemon balm – it increases bleeding.

Only rose, mint and thyme have a very mild, but invariably positive effect. For herbal tea, it is better to take not individual plants, but collections – their recipes are usually designed in such a way as to make the combined effect of all herbs soft, balanced and effective. Others are added to the main component, which enhance and compensate for its effect. The number of herbs in collections can reach up to 10.

Let’s say you have a sore throat: take a herb that suppresses the virus and removes phlegm, such as sage. To it we add an anise that softens mucous and thyme that thins sputum. It turns out a wonderful anti-cold collection.

In our mini guide to herbs, we have included the most affordable plants, tea from which will not only be useful, but also very pleasant. It also lists some companion herbs that enhance the properties of the tea.

Herbal teas should be an integral part of our diet, like vegetables and fruits, says Tatyana Krylova, an aromaphytotherapist and herbalist. My experience of studying the properties of herbs in the laboratory of cytochemistry allows us to say that the substances contained in them can have a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level. This natural gift is quite accessible to ordinary people – whether it be essential oils or herbal infusion. In order for all the energy and beneficial properties of the plant to manifest themselves in full, you need to follow some brewing rules:

Strength and strength

  • water for herbal teas should be from a natural source or filtered, otherwise all the power of the herb will go to fight chlorine;
  • the grass should not be heavily crushed;
  • usually a tablespoon of the collection is taken per 300 ml of water, the dosage may vary;
  • you can not brew herbs with boiling water – the optimum temperature is about 90 ° C;
  • insist herbal tea for 10-20 minutes;
  • many herbs, especially Crimean ones, allow secondary brewing – you can use the infusion for hours, but in no case warm it up;
  • another way is to brew in a thermos, in which case you can leave it to infuse overnight.


For heart

Parts Used: Berries.

Properties: strengthens the heart muscle.

Indications: excellent remedy for the fight against arrhythmia.

Taste: soft, pleasant.

If you add knotweed and horsetail to it, you get a collection that improves kidney function.

elderberry flowers

For joints

Parts Used: Flowers.

Properties: anti-inflammatory and tonic.

Indications: to relieve rheumatic pains and to prevent diseases of the joints.

Taste: herbal, quite pronounced. The combination with lilac and meadowsweet flowers, willow leaves enhances its properties.


For blood circulation

Parts Used: Flowers.

Properties: improves blood circulation.

Indications: in violation of cerebral circulation, memory impairment, progressive atherosclerosis.

Taste: bitter. Arnica facilitates the resorption of bruises and bruises.


With colds

Parts Used: Leaves.

Properties: stimulating and antiseptic.

Indications: Its antibacterial properties are used for colds.

Taste: fragrant, spicy.

In combination with sage, mint, lemon balm, it has an antiviral effect.


Against stress

Parts Used: Fruit, bark.

Properties: adaptogenic.

Indications: nervous overload, climate change, long flights.

Taste: sour, spicy.


Against edema

Parts Used: Leaves.

Properties: diuretic and decongestant.

Indications: in diseases of the joints and in the complex therapy of infectious diseases.

Taste: herbal.

Viola tricolor

Against allergies

Parts Used: Whole plant.

Properties: cleansing and decongestant.

Indications: to relieve irritation and itching, relieves eczema.

Taste: delicate, flowery.


To relieve irritation

Parts Used: Flowers.

Properties: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and sedative.

Indications: for migraines, digestive difficulties and increased nervousness.

Taste: thin, slightly bitter.

Badian (star anise)

For digestion

Parts Used: Fruits and seeds.

Properties: antispasmodic, stimulates digestion.

Indications: star anise helps with bloating, stimulates digestion.

Taste: pleasant, refined.


For a sound sleep

Parts Used: Knobs.

Properties: sedative, soothing.

Indications: insomnia associated with stress and nervous overload.

Taste: gentle, pleasant.

About it

  • Penelope Oudy “The Complete Medical Herbalist: A Practical Guide to Herbal Medicine”, Dorling Kindersley, 2001

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