Not only ticks. Famous Polish insects that spread diseases. Be careful!

Which insects are disease carriers? Ticks are the first things that usually come to mind. Along with them appears the specter of Lyme disease, babesiosis and tick-borne encephalitis. We all know that mosquitoes are also dangerous, although we usually associate them with the tropics. However, there are more insects that carry dangerous diseases. Some live in Poland, and we come across them even every day. An example is the housefly – a real bomb with bacteria.

  1. There are several diseases spread by Polish mosquitoes. They are dangerous mainly to animals, one can also be infected by humans. It’s heartworm disease
  2. Flies are potential carriers of dysentery, gastric flu, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, as well as intestinal parasites and their eggs
  3. A risk is also posed by a bite of a nap and a horse’s fly
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Polish mosquito and the risk of heartworm disease

Let’s start with the mosquitoes. It is well known that they spread many serious diseases. One of the best known is malaria. But it’s also viral diseases like yellow fever, dengue fever, meningitis, Rift valley fever, Japanese encephalitis. The tiger mosquito, which comes from Asia, is particularly notorious.

It turns out, however, that Polish mosquitoes are also disease spreaders. – Fortunately, not fatal – emphasized in one of the interviews with Medonet Dr. Jarosław Pacoń from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. There are several diseases spread by Polish mosquitoes and they are dangerous mainly to our animals, including dogs. However, we can also become infected with one of them.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

This is heartworm disease, an infectious disease caused by a parasite called a tissue nematode from the genus Dirofilaria. First of all, it occurs in dogs – it is located under the skin and in internal organs. Human heartworm can also be infected. – A dozen or so years ago he was not with us in Poland. This parasite was brought from southern Europe, explained Dr. Pacoń.

Housefly – a bomb with bacteria

House flies are said to be bombs with bacteria (it is estimated that the average fly carries about 200 types of bacteria). These insects can be a vector of dysentery, gastric flu, typhoid fever, cholera or tuberculosis. Moreover, house flies can also transmit intestinal parasites or their eggs (e.g. pinworms).

According to experts, whenever we notice a fly on food, we should give up eating at least the part of the food on which the insect was sitting. Let’s cut this part out and throw it away. It will be the safest.

Fluff and their toxic saliva

Even 20 years ago, no one in Poland talked about naps, today it is often difficult to walk through the park without touching them. Although our hairs do not transmit diseases, they emit highly toxic saliva.

Entomologist prof. Marek Kozłowski explains: – People in an alcoholic coma or infants are exposed to a disease called harara, i.e. dangerous poisoning of the body with substances released in the saliva of the nap. In extreme cases, pulmonary edema may occur. In this case, treatment in a hospital is necessary – says the specialist.

To protect against fluff attack, avoid open areas where they hatch. If you have to stay in a fluff-infested area, you should wear a long-sleeved T-shirt and long pants. It is necessary to use repellants. On their label you will find information whether they are effective on nap.

If you want to avoid bites and mosquitoes, reach for Mosquito remedies available at Medonet Market, e.g. in the form of patches (Mosquito repellent and Mustico fluff repellent), bands (Mustico mosquito repellent band) or spray (Mosquito repellent spray, ticks) and Mustico naps).

At the same time, it is worth remembering that fluff plays a very useful role in the environment. By feeding on the dead remains of plants, animals and their excrements, they cleanse rivers.

Horse fly (geese), parasites, bacteria and viruses

Horse flies can be expected especially where there is water and moisture. Troublesome for animals and people, they bite painfully, and the injection site becomes inflamed and swollen. Although a bite bite is very dangerous for people who are allergic to their saliva (anaphylactic shock may occur), it is not their only risk.

It should be remembered that horse flies can carry the larvae of parasites, as well as bacteria of anthrax, Lyme disease and polio virus. Therefore, after a bite, it is worth observing your body for some time. If joint pain, fever, chills, arrhythmias or other disturbing symptoms appear, do not delay the medical consultation.

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