Not only the coronavirus. It’s flu season, seven people have died in a week

Although the coronavirus is the main epidemic threat today, seasonal flu is also still dangerous. According to the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, only in the second week of March about 158 ​​thousand people were registered in Poland. illness and suspicion of influenza. During that time, seven patients died from the flu.

Flu in Poland – early March

The period from February to April is considered to be the peak of influenza incidence in Poland. This year’s data confirm that the flu virus stays on even in the face of the spreading coronavirus. In the period from March 8 to 15, 2020, it was recorded in Poland 158 677 cases and suspected cases of influenzaincluding seven deaths. Statistics published by the NIPH-NIH indicate that the average incidence of influenza at that time was 51,7 cases per 100. people.

Among the people that died of flu in the past week, there were four patients over 65 years of age. The other three cases are in the 15–64 age group.

In the first week of March (between March 1 and March 7), over 211 people were detected. illness and suspicion of influenza. Also during this period, the disease led to the death of seven people, which means that in March there were already 14 deaths of influenza in Poland. It is also worth paying attention to the data from last month – in Poland in February there were recorded 600. flu cases. Fifteen people died then.

Flu and Coronavirus – Two Different Risks

Due to the state of the epidemic threat of coronavirus in Poland, there is a problem of the correct diagnosis of respiratory diseases bothering patients. Hi flu symptoms and COVID-2 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-19 virus overlap. For this reason, people who have noticed symptoms of the disease (especially fever, cough, shortness of breath and fatigue) are advised to call the National Health Fund (800 190 590) or contact a health care physician by phone.


It is also advisable to contact the local sanitary and epidemiological station in the event of returning from coronavirus outbreaks or contact with an infected person.

In order to reduce the risk of infection with dangerous viruses, first of all, follow the hygiene recommendations. In the case of flu, there is also an additional preventive measure, i.e. flu vaccination, which is recommended to be repeated every year due to the constant mutations of the virus. There is still no vaccine or effective drug developed for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Allergy, Flu or Coronavirus? Symptoms can be confusing
  2. Sanepid guidelines in connection with the occurrence of coronavirus in Poland
  3. GPs switch to telepaths. How will they work now?

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