Not only pain in the sternum area. Can you recognize the symptoms of a heart attack? [QUIZ]
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Every year, at least tens of thousands of Poles suffer a heart attack. If it does happen, the key is to react immediately, which is to help as quickly as possible. This increases the chances that the heart muscle or brain tissue will not be damaged beyond repair. In order for this to be possible, it is necessary to diagnose the infarction as soon as possible. How will you handle this situation? Our quiz will show it, and we really ask about the most important things.

Please note, our quiz cannot be used as a diagnosis. It points to the key issues in myocardial infarction.

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1. A heart attack – according to the medical definition – is:

Necrosis Next question
A heart attack is the death of part of the heart muscle following ischemia, usually due to acute obstruction of the coronary artery.

2. The most common symptoms of a heart attack are … Indicate the fullest answer.

Pain behind the breastbone
Pain in the jaw, neck, back, hand or shoulder
Abdominal pain with nausea or vomiting
Cold sweat and dizziness
Fear of impending death
Fainting, loss of consciousness
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All answers are correct Next question
We should remember that in elderly people or people with diabetes, pain during a heart attack may be less characteristic or even not occur at all, which, however, is rare. The symptoms of a heart attack may also vary by gender.

3. What kind of pain is most common with a heart attack?

Spot, felt in a specific place
Diffuse, no specific pain site can be identified
Diffuse, no specific pain site can be identified Next question
As noted by Dr. Grzegorz Kopeć, the pain reported by the patient is diffuse, not punctual. A patient with a heart attack usually indicates the place of pain by placing his entire fist against the sternum (source:,zawal-serca)

4. A heart attack is always associated with pain?

No Next question
A heart attack doesn’t always have to hurt. Sometimes it signals a feeling of pressure or breathlessness. If your chest discomfort lasts longer than usual and the pain or prickling continues even when you are resting, it could be a symptom of a heart attack.

5. Complete the sentence. A heart attack should be suspected whenever it occurs …

A burning sensation in the chest which radiates to the left arm
Sudden breathlessness
A burning sensation in the chest which radiates to the left arm Next question
A heart attack should always be suspected when there is a burning, choking pain in the chest that is not relieved by nitroglycerin, it radiates to the throat, neck, left arm.

6. Does myocardial infarction manifest itself in the same way?

No Next question
In women, typical symptoms of a heart attack occur much less frequently, and there are symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, and sudden weakness.

7. What symptoms may indicate a heart attack in women? Indicate the fullest answer.

Intense sweating
Hot flushes
Sudden weakness
Feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​the chest, jaw, arm and neck
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All answers are correct Next question
Women may develop typical symptoms of a heart attack, but also non-specific symptoms that can be confused with, for example, menopausal symptoms.

8. Indigestion, heartburn, vomiting as signs of a heart attack are more common:

In women
In men
There is no gender distinction
In women Next question
These symptoms appear much more often in women than in men. Of course, these symptoms can be the result of digestive problems, but you should know that they can also happen during a heart attack.

9. What symptoms of a heart attack may occur more often in men than in women? Indicate the fullest answer.

Pain in the right or left arm
Neck pain
Back pain
All answers are correct
All answers are correct Next question
Men experience a typical heart attack more often, which facilitates early diagnosis and prompt treatment. In women, a heart attack may cause non-specific symptoms, such as palpitations or hot flushes.

10. The infarction affects only the heart. True or false?

Falsehood Next question
A heart attack can develop in several organs of the body. We can talk, for example, about an infarction of the lung, kidney, liver, brain (stroke), even the testes.

11. When does the risk of a heart attack increase in women? Indicate the fullest answer.

With gestational diabetes
After menopause
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
Women have more risk factors for a heart attack than men. They include, among others postmenopausal period, pregnancy complications – e.g. gestational diabetes, removal of the uterus.

12. “Silent heart attacks” are more common in people with diabetes. True or false?

Truth Next question
In diabetes, an infarction can proceed without any pain – this is the so-called “Silent heart attacks”. This is because diabetes damages the nerves that carry pain.

13. The symptoms of “silent heart attack” are … Give the fullest answer.

Feeling tired, weak
Loss of consciousness
All of the above answers
All of the above answers Next question
“Silent heart attacks” may constitute the so-called even 40 percent all myocardial incidents.

14. What to do when symptoms of a heart attack appear?

Go to the hospital
Call your GP
Call an ambulance
Call an ambulance Next question
If your chest pain persists for more than five minutes and does not go away with rest or taking nitroglycerin (for patients who have been prescribed this medicine by your doctor), call 999 or 112 as soon as possible and lie down. It is also worth asking a loved one for care. We should also remember that the only safe means of transport in this case is an ambulance – treatment can begin on the way to the hospital.

15. If we are not sure whether the symptoms indicate a heart attack, do we call the emergency services?

Roof Next question
Even if we are not entirely sure if the symptoms indicate a heart attack, we should call the emergency room. We alert medical services in every case of suspected heart attack.

16. How long is the “golden hour” in a heart attack?

Up to 60 minutes
For 60 minutes
Up to 60 minutes Next question
60 minutes from the onset of coronary pain until blood flow is restored is the gold standard in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes. Remember, the longer the ischemia of the heart lasts, the more extensive the necrosis and the worse the prognosis. Therefore, do not hesitate to call for help, the sooner treatment is started, the more heart muscle can be saved.
Your score: It’s not good
You would have a hard time recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack. The effects of this can be serious. Therefore, we encourage you to deepen your knowledge on this topic. You and your loved ones will be safer.
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Your score: It’s good
You wouldn’t have much difficulty recognizing a heart attack. However, we recommend that you expand your knowledge on this subject – for your own safety and that of others.
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Your score: Very good
You did an excellent job with our quiz. This means that if you suspect a heart attack, you will react quickly. This is what it is all about.
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