Not only Lyme disease. Ticks also cause tick-borne encephalitis. The first symptoms of the disease can be easily mistaken for the flu

Instead of going to warm countries, Poles will set off for Poland this year. The stresses of the epidemic and the lockdown will be relieved by many of us by walking in the meadows and forests. All this means that ticks have a chance to break the “life record” this year – experts warn. A bite can lead to two serious diseases: Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. What is worth knowing about them?

  1. Experts warn: ticks are already active. Climate warming means that the number of tick-borne diseases is increasing every year
  2. This year there will be no trips abroad. We don’t like closure – expect most people to go outdoors. Ticks may have the opportunity to break the »life record« ”- says prof. Ernest Kuchar
  3. The expert also warns that the greater the number of ticks, the greater the risk of many diseases “for one person they can transmit several different diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease”
  4. Tick-borne encephalitis is a disease much less known than Lyme disease, although it is equally dangerous. The first symptoms could be a sign of the flu
  5. Do you want to live longer? Make a simple test and find out how! 
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

In the last few years, an average of 200 to 300 cases of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are reported annually in Poland – said Prof. Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz from the National Institute of Public Health-National Institute of Hygiene, presenting the report «Tick-borne encephalitis in Poland and in the world. Epidemiological situation – the latest data from NIPH-PZH », based on data from 2015-2019. In the analyzed period, the number of deaths in the entire country due to TBE was five, of which three in 2019.

As she emphasized, the greatest number of TBE infections in Poland (70% of all cases) is attributed to two voivodeships – Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Podlaskie. This does not mean, however, that the incidence is zero in other parts of the country, the expert said. Simply the most research is carried out in the north-east of Poland. Diagnosing TBE is difficult, and specialist tests for this disease are payable. All this means that the number of TBE cases in Poland may be underestimated – assessed the conference participants.

Who gets TBE?

Prof. Paradowska-Stankiewicz mentioned that tick-borne encephalitis is more common in men than in women. The most common cases are adults, especially people aged 25 to 59. Inhabitants of towns and villages are at a similar risk of contracting TBE.

What are the symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis

The first phase of TBE is characterized by flu-like symptoms, but people with generally weakened immunity may also have neurological symptoms related to encephalitis or meningitis. In extreme cases, paralysis of the respiratory muscles or the respiratory center may occur. In 95 percent. In some cases, the symptoms of TBE include high fever and headaches. Vomiting, meningeal symptoms or muscle pains are also frequent – said the representative of the National Institute of Hygiene and National Institute of Hygiene.

  1. We debunk five popular myths about ticks

Prof. Ernest Kuchar from the Department of Paediatrics at the Medical University of Warsaw emphasized that the more ticks there are, the greater the risk that they will be infected with several pathogenic microorganisms at the same time. In practice, this means that they can transmit several different diseases to one person, such as TBE and Lyme disease. He appealed to doctors to diagnose patients with long-lasting Lyme disease (so-called neuroborreliosis) for TBE at the same time, because it is the double infection that may explain some of the bothersome symptoms.

In a pandemic, Poles will go into the open air. The «life record» of ticks?

Prof. Kuchar warned against infecting, inter alia, in connection with the realities of the pandemic, noting that each exit to green areas means the risk of contact with these arachnids. “This year there will be no trips abroad. We don’t like closure – expect most people to go outdoors. Ticks may have the opportunity to break the »life record« ”- he said.

He added that although the ticks themselves are not mobile, their hosts – rodents, amphibians and birds – do. This explains the ubiquity of ticks in green recreational areas and city centers.

Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis – how are they different?

Another tick-borne disease, Lyme disease, is caused by bacteria and is treated with antibiotics. In the case of TBE – a viral disease – there is no cure – reminded prof. Joanna Zajkowska from the Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfections at the University Teaching Hospital in Białystok. Most depends on the body’s defense reaction, immunity. Antibodies can be generated by vaccination (but are not reimbursed).

According to the NIZP-PZH data, the most vaccinations – over 25 thousand. – took place in recent years in the province Mazowieckie. The TBE vaccine consists of three doses (and after many years – single, so-called booster doses). However, from the point of view of activating the defense forces in the body – the first dose is the most important – sensitized prof. Cook.

  1. We mistake them for ticks and their bites are very painful. They attack in swarms

The increased incidence of diseases transmitted by ticks results, among others, from with a warming climate. At elevated temperatures, ticks remain active almost all year round: from February / March to November / December. Their range of occurrence is shifting to the north, and in mountainous areas – upwards. “Currently, in Poland there appear – and survive for more than a few days – ticks that we associate with areas further south” – said Dr. Anna Wierzbicka, zoologist and veterinarian from the University of Life Sciences in Poznań.

Have a question about ticks or tick-borne diseases? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Ticks and Lyme disease – frequently asked questions and answers.

Ticks have been on the prowl since the beginning of March

They are most active in temperatures above zero, no snow and high humidity.

Climate changes are clear: in 2019, the increase in the average global temperature compared to pre-industrial times amounted to 1 degrees C. In Poland it was 2 degrees, and in cities – even more – reminded Aleksandra Stanisławska from the Crazy Nauka portal, co-author presented on conference of the report “How climate change influenced the development of TBE and dangerous viral infections”.

It was reported at the conference that in the period 2006-2016 the number of infections with tick borne diseases increased almost threefold.

Awareness about tick-borne encephalitis, its symptoms and diagnostics is to be increased by a social campaign organized by the Institute of Patient Rights and Health Education, the Foundation To Live and Pfizer. Medicover is the supporting partner, and the honorary patron is the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

Read also:

  1. Which parts of the body are prone to tick bites?
  2. Which remedies best protect against ticks? What to spray children and animals with?
  3. A common mistake when pulling out a tick. The risk of infection with Lyme disease increases

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