Not only a slim figure. Seven reasons why you should get up from the couch today
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You don’t have to sign up for a murderous training session. You don’t have to run marathons. You don’t have to exercise so far that you are out of breath. All you have to do is get up from the couch and move a little each day for your body to be grateful to you. And there are many benefits from even the most undemanding form of exercise. Do you lack motivation? Be sure to read it!

Training without sweat and soreness is not training? We debunk the biggest myth

In general, we all know that physical activity actually brings only benefits. Doctors recommend exercise almost as a panacea for all ailments. The problem is that for people who have not dealt with sport so far, movement is not associated with something easy and pleasant, but rather with a great sacrifice that requires a lot of strength, time and self-denial. Except… it is not like that at all. Good training does not have to mean hectoliters of poured sweat, shortness of breath in the chest and nightmarish soreness. On the contrary, when you are exhausted after exercise, it may be a sign that you have overtrained, which is not good at all.

The phrase “no pain, no game” does not apply if your goal is health. Sport not only doesn’t have to hurt, but it shouldn’t. It should first of all please you, cheer you up and be something that does not require great sacrifices from you. From a health point of view, it is better for you to choose light-weight activities each day, such as stretching, yoga, walking or cycling, than to spend your days sitting down and taking a killing exercise every once in a while. Exercise is most powerful when it is moderate and regular. What’s more, practically everyone can cultivate it in this form, including novices and people with no physical condition

Popular soreness and sweat are not determinants of good training. DOMS, or delayed muscle soreness, occurs most often in beginners who return to activity after a break and when changing their training plan, for example by adding new exercises. Sometimes, normal daily activity such as climbing stairs can contribute to a characteristic muscle sensation. However, the body can adapt to a given type of effort and the symptoms do not have to be so bothersome. If you don’t feel sore, it doesn’t mean that your training is not successful. The quality of training does not depend on muscle soreness and the amount of sweat poured out. Exercise regularly, wisely and gradually increase your abilities – recommends Natalia Litwiniuk, an instructor at Zdrofit fitness clubs and the Yes2Move training platform, and a trainer at the Zdrofit Academy.

The most important thing to do is take this first step: get up from the couch and make a decision: health and exercise are my bet. The rest will follow.

Even the simplest physical activity is a good way to start your adventure with movement and build healthy habits. If you have no health contraindications, you can choose your favorite from a wide range of possibilities – from strength training, through walks, to gentle stretching exercises or aqua aerobics. The forms of movement can also be freely intertwined with each other, turning zumba training into a walk in the park. The main thing is for activity to become a part of your blood and become an element of your daily schedule.

It’s never too late to get off the couch. It doesn’t matter if you are 20, 50 or 70 years old. If you don’t know how to get started, get a trainer or physical therapist to guide you on the right track. You can also take advantage of the offer of classes for beginners in selected fitness clubs.

I especially recommend all beginners to contact a trainer, fitness instructor or physiotherapist, because thanks to this we avoid the risk of making mistakes, which will not only discourage us from exercising, but above all may harm us. A specialist will advise you on where to start. In our clubs, we recommend the so-called adaptive training that prepares you for greater effort. Easy activities, such as Pilates or Healthy Spine, will also be safe at the beginning, in which we will focus on the technique, strengthen the muscles weakened during a sedentary lifestyle, and this will perfectly prepare us for other activities, including amateur sports – advises Natalia Litwiniuk.

You will also learn how to get off the couch and go towards health from the e-books available on the website

Your brain will work better

Better concentration, greater concentration, logical thinking, creativity – all these are the benefits that you can achieve through physical activity. When you start to move, your brain gets oxygenated, which in itself increases its efficiency.

Moreover, when you walk or run, you change your surroundings, and this in turn acts as a “distraction” stimulus from what you are doing at the moment. After your return, you will be able to look at a given problem or task from a new, fresh perspective.

Training works on the brain similar to meditation. During exercise, even if it is moderate, the mind clears itself of unnecessary ballast. Check for yourself the next time you encounter a roadblock at work, e.g. you won’t know how to fix a problem. Then take a quick walk and try again. You will see that you will do better!

Better mood, better well-being

Due to physical activity, the body releases endorphins, i.e. the hormones of happiness. This means that by doing any exercises or going for a walk, you improve your mood. After training, the problems of everyday life are less overwhelming, you are less stressed and you think more positively.

Thanks to movement, you gain lightness – both mentally and physically. And that is something very necessary these days. And it costs you practically nothing, because even a few sit-ups or a joyful dance while brushing your teeth are enough to improve your mood. Just enough!

A healthy spine, a stronger body

Any form of activity improves the mobility of your joints and spine. In addition, there is also muscle stretching. So if you have had trouble bending down to tie your shoe so far, after a few training sessions you will find that it becomes easier, and that it will soon stop causing you any difficulties.

It doesn’t matter how much you exercise or what discipline you choose. It’s about regularity. Each training session will build your abilities. Just like in yoga, when you find almost all of the asanas unfeasible the first time, and the third time you see little progress and feel more confident. It all comes with time – and is a lot of fun.

A healthy heart

The circulatory system suffers particularly hard from changes in our lifestyle. Improper diet, addictions, and a sedentary lifestyle weaken the cardiovascular system, leading to serious and very common diseases – hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and heart attack.

Regular moderate exercise is the best we can do for our heart. Not too strenuous, but repeated daily or several times a week activity protects the cardiovascular system. This is one of the most important preventive measures for a healthy heart.

Better digestion

Movement improves intestinal peristalsis, speeds up metabolism and improves digestion. As a result, sport makes your digestive system work more efficiently. This in turn means that you just feel lighter – without unpleasant ailments such as gas or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

When you combine physical activity with a healthy diet, your digestion stops weighing you down. You can notice it after a heavy meal. If you lie down to rest after eating, you will feel your body struggle to cope with the meal. But when you go for a leisurely walk instead, the feeling of overeating will disappear very quickly.

An athletic figure is a healthy figure

Regular exercise improves metabolism, which means that you burn calories faster with meals. What’s more, when the energy supply runs out, the body uses the energy stored in adipose tissue. This means you are starting to lose weight. But this is not the end. Regular exercise improves your posture and shapes your entire body. So it not only becomes slimmer, but also more sculpted.

In addition, due to movement, the skin becomes firmer, and cellulite is reduced during activities such as cycling or swimming.

Health benefits go hand in hand with a slim figure: in this way, you avoid overweight and obesity, which are serious civilization diseases that lead to other dangerous ailments, including type 2 diabetes or hypertension.

Prevention of depression

Depression is one of the civilization diseases that affects more and more people. Man in this state loses the motivation to act, becomes indifferent to the outside world, and it also happens that he loses the will to live. Depression is not just sadness but a medical condition that requires treatment.

Physical activity is one of the elements recommended for people struggling with depression. Of course, it will not replace professional therapeutic or pharmacological help, but exercise is a form of support throughout the entire process.

You already know that getting off the couch is a small effort that really pays off. Now your move! Go for a walk, relax a bit at home, or go to the fitness club for consultation and beginner classes. Investing in your health is the best possible choice. Don’t wait for a special occasion, just start working today.

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